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1864-2014 Circassian Genocide Olympics

When this Armenia was present we took a part of it ?

As far as i know these lands are ours since 1071. If you are talking about a millenia before......:sick:
He doesn't know history. He already proven that couple of times. Haha. I won't even take for him since he is just repeating his lies when I already gave answer to them. He makes lies we randomly killed Armenians, only the ones who committed crimes were put to justice. The pictures of Armenian hanging were of the convicted. We haven't took anything from Armenia since it didn't existed but if you learn history through reading nationalistic deluted Armenian blogs that is what happens. Everything put aside this is not even the topic of the thread. If he wants to talk about Armenian so called genocide he should open own thread. He is insulting Muslims with bringing irrational things with no historical backing about Muslims up in thread about Muslim Circassians genocide.
So your logic is , "Christian" nations should return what they conquered and "Muslim" nations should keep their spoils?

Things don`t work like that.

Those Central Asian states with exception of Kyrgyz and Tajik are fairly more developed then the rest of Islamic world is such world exist beyond emotions (like Christian).

No actually, I only used the term muslim because whenever these patriots from occupied territories fight for independence they are labelled as muslim extremists. It's actually Putin's Russian empire that chooses to single out these peoples as just muslims and conveniently forget the fact that you are occupying their countries. All throughout the occupation you Russians took it upon yourselves to erase their culture and religion from them.

Now that these people want their nations back you label them as extremists. A very typical response which has been used through out the centuries. It's nothing to do with spoils, you took over their land through naked imperialism, just like the British did to India, at least Britain had the decency to return it to the natives, while Russia on the other hand carried out a policy of Russification.

And in the end you use the old we civilised them, AHAHA where did you take your defence lessons from? the catholic fanatics who butchered their way through central and south America claiming they were civilising the heathens?
Christianity came to the Caucasus for several centuries before Islam. Why we do not claim that all Muslim nations left the Caucasus?
Christianity came to the Caucasus for several centuries before Islam. Why we do not claim that all Muslim nations left the Caucasus?
Circassians and others are the oldest people in Caucasus. Why should they leave? Why don't you leave? With that logic Slavs should move to the west of east Europe, since Turkic people came there first and later the Slavic invaded East Europe.
Why don't you leave from Asia Minor?
Again, Turkic people arrived in east Europe before Slavs invaded East Europe.. With that logic you Slavs should leave ancient Turkic land. Kind of hypocritical to ask Caucasians to leave when you don't want to leave other peoples country alone. Circassians and others are the most native. Why should they leave? Because they are not Christian?
Again, Turkic people arrived in east Europe before Slavs invaded East Europe.. With that logic you Slavs should leave ancient Turkic land. Kind of hypocritical to ask Caucasians to leave when you don't want to leave other peoples country alone. Circassians and others are the most native. Why should they leave? Because they are not Christian?
What kind of nonsense? Slavs lived in eastern Europe for thousands of years. Turks have not been here at all. Turks were living in Kazakhstan, the Altai and Mongolia.
A territory of the Byzantine Empire, you have counqured in the 2nd millennium.
Return the Constantinople and Asia Minor to Greeks and Armenians, free Kurds, and then tell me about the occupation of the Caucasus.
What kind of nonsense? Slavs lived in eastern Europe for thousands of years. Turks have not been here at all. Turks were living in Kazakhstan, the Altai and Mongolia.
A territory of the Byzantine Empire, you have counqured in the 2nd millennium.
Return the Asia Minor to Greeks and Armenians, free Kurds, and then tell me about the occupation of the Caucasus.
Scroll up. Who started to say people should move out? I'm not the one who said Caucasians should move out of their ancestral land. You started it and I responded. Kind of hypocritical. And by the way, Turkic people were first in east Europe. Turkic presence begins with the Huns.
Scroll up. Who started to say people should move out? I'm not the one who said Caucasians should move out of their ancestral land. You started it and I responded. Kind of hypocritical. And by the way, Turkic people were first in east Europe. Turkic presence begins with the Huns.
Slavic - the original population of Eastern Europe, along with the Baltic and Finno-Ugric tribes. Huns were a nomadic tribe. Huns trekked from Mongolia to the West, conquer a multitude Mediterranean nations and then disappeared among the more civilized local population.
If you want Russian to left the Caucasus - then why do not you show us an example?
It really wouldn't matter much whether it was in Auschwitz or Sochi. Sochi is the capital of genocide. The center of olympics will be Krasnaya Polyana, which literally means Red Yards or Red Steps which took it's name by the bled blood of Circassian people. KSA's intelligence chief had mentioned many times that Chechnians will use massive violence in order to protest it. Well...i don't care what they do...why? Because they know well that they'll be skiing on the mass graves of my people.

disgusting panturkicist mentality, and there is a WIDE gap between sochi and auschwitz, mind you: auschwitz was only a crime because russians prevailed over germans, not because some jews were slaughtered like pigs, and nothing that transpired at sochi could ever be termed a crime, a few million dead turkics notwithstanding, because, well, russians prevailed over you turkics.

the lesson of sochi and auschwitz is simply that: don't oppose a great power in its rightful lebensraum. jews got lucky last time when they died on russian imperial realm at german hands, and if jews stir up antirussian and progay propangada for sochi olympics, these jews won't be so lucky this time and they would die criminals at russian hands on russian territory. and as for you turkics, your panturkicism make you timeless criminals whose only desert is more sochi.

jews, turkics, rootless races everywhere: watch the sochi olympics, relive memories of your co-racials' horrible deaths, and know this is the fate of your races and punishment of your rootlessness. enjoy the live HD from sochi!
Historically the trend is clear. Christians committing genocide on Muslims.

Biggest BS ever.If you really want to play that card then it's the other way around.Northern Africa,Anatolia,the Levant,the Caucasus were all originally christian.Now they're muslim with the remaining few christians always in danger,on the defence and usually running from there.Spare me your drama,i'm not the one defending Russia,especially when it comes to genocide,and the Circassian genocide is at clear as it gets but you're talking crap.

Ottoman statistics say more Muslims died in ww1 than Christians. I can't pull up the statistics now since I'm on my phone but believe me on this one. More Muslims died than Christians.

Than i must tell you that Ottoman statistics are crap.Stop daydreaming.

World War I casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Again, Turkic people arrived in east Europe before Slavs invaded East Europe.. With that logic you Slavs should leave ancient Turkic land. Kind of hypocritical to ask Caucasians to leave when you don't want to leave other peoples country alone. Circassians and others are the most native. Why should they leave? Because they are not Christian?

classical historiography never recorded how turkics came to central asia, although it did record plenty of ancient civilizations crushed by the brutality and criminality of turkics. hans kicked these animals out of central asia, but did take note of many more instances of turk atrocities on their retreat from central asia to caucasus and asia minor.

i guess if turkics had to kill their way to central asia and eastern europe, it must mean that they were never original tenants of these lands, so all eulogies to the mighty russians who remedied turk barbarism and corrected historical wrongs and create order and security and stability out of the bloody chaos turkics caused throughout east europe and caucasus.

sochi games are thus a monument of olympian size to the slavic feat of pacification of criminal turkics and domestication of ferocious beasts
Damn Russians. They are murderers of millions of Muslims and have taken over their lands...

I hope they stop persecuting Muslims now and let them live in peace and prosperity..apparently, its not the case. There are 2 million Muslims in Moscow and only two mosques..and Russians don't let Muslims built more mosques...so Muslims have to pray outside in streets at freezing cold..that includes women and children.
Biggest BS ever.If you really want to play that card then it's the other way around.Northern Africa,Anatolia,the Levant,the Caucasus were all originally christian.Now they're muslim with the remaining few christians always in danger,on the defence and usually running from there.Spare me your drama,i'm not the one defending Russia,especially when it comes to genocide,and the Circassian genocide is at clear as it gets but you're talking crap.

No bs. Its the truth.
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