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18 israeli soldiers killed in Gaza operation Sunday (confirmed by israel)

Right next door. Bigger stakes perhaps? Expecting the League with its massive defense spending and fancy new weapons to at least show some spine and try to stand up to Israel besides the usual , is that too much to ask? Ask the Egyptians to open the border if there's no other way.

You would think the combined air forces of Egypt and Saudi can at least enforce a non fly zone over Gaza to protect Palestinians if nothing else.
what i forgot to mention is that this is 13 soldiers of the "golani brigade".
supposedly their most experienced battle-hardened elite unit. lol
You would think the combined air forces of Egypt and Saudi can at least enforce a non fly zone over Gaza to protect Palestinians if nothing else.

Just like Bangladesh could have prevented the massacre of Muslims in Burma, right?!

Nobody stops any Muslim country from going to war with Israel but I have not seen any non-Arab country do that yet here 67 years into the conflict…...
13 troops and that as well with a MASSIVE advantage in every way.

Career soliders dead or their reservists?
Just like Bangladesh could have prevented the massacre of Muslims in Burma?!

BD has no credible military to speak off and cannot get one as it is so poor. As BD slowly gets a little less poor then it will be in a position to help Rohingyas

No-one is asking you to attack Jews, just make sure that Gazan airspace cannot be used to bomb the Gazan people.

What is the point of all the fancy planes if they are not used? May as well save the money and invest in something else.
You would think the combined air forces of Egypt and Saudi can at least enforce a non fly zone over Gaza to protect Palestinians if nothing else.

No they can't unless taking down the air defenses in Israel as Gaza is small and completely covered by SAM missies and facing the IAF& US aircraft carriers, still you call it a small thing.
Israel cabinet should retake Gaza
their will be more dead Palestinians we should give Hamas hell from above.
You, that cheers Hamas Shooting yourself in the head
More Palestinian dead as Hamas don't stop fighting
No they can't unless taking down the air defenses in Israel as Gaza is small and completely covered by SAM missies and facing the IAF& US aircraft carriers, still you call it a small thing.

They wan't understand this though so further discussion is pointless. Not sure why they went off-topic either. As I said nobody stops Pakistan or any other country for that matter from attacking Israel. Pakistan is the most powerful Muslim military force out there.
No , I know the outcome very well. Possibly amassing your troops on the border or sending a strong message combined would be of some help to Palestinians being killed left right and centre. Also , the border with Egypt did use to be open , has Riyadh itself lost influence over Cairo?

Or perhaps, Riyadh itself has little love for Palestine. After all, killing Persians is more important than saving Muslims. Hence the need to keep Israel as a frenemy.
Israel cabinet should retake Gaza
their will be more dead Palestinians we should give Hamas hell from above.
You, that cheers Hamas Shooting yourself in the head
More Palestinian dead as Hamas don't stop fighting

So end the resistance and accept siege and occupation

Give up the land to white European colonists who happen to be jews

No wonder so many of you died in the Holocaust
No they can't unless taking down the air defenses in Israel as Gaza is small and completely covered by SAM missies and facing the IAF& US aircraft carriers, still you call it a small thing.

Egypt/Saudi should send dozens of F-16/F-16/ Typhoons towards the border and see whether the Jews have then got the time to kill Palestinians then.

The problem is they are doing ZERO now.
Ask yourself why such reactions never occur when Muslims are killed elsewhere or by Muslims be it in Myammar or just in your own country, Pakistan?

Thats because the blood of My People is cheap 'cause they aren't Arabs & other Arabs can't be bothered with supporting them or reacting to them when they're butchured in Kashmir !

Both Arabs & Iranians have yet to get out of this Tribalistic mentality of theirs that is a scar on the face of Islam !
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