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18 children dead in Uzbekistan after consuming India-made syrup, ministry says

Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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18 children dead in Uzbekistan after consuming India-made syrup, ministry says​

Story by Reuters

Updated 9:52 PM EST, Wed December 28, 2022

Cough and cold syrups have been blamed for the recent deaths of children in Uzbekistan and The Gambia.

Cough and cold syrups have been blamed for the recent deaths of children in Uzbekistan and The Gambia.
Victor Moussa/Adobe Stock

At least 18 children have died in Uzbekistan after consuming a medicinal syrup manufactured by Indian drugmaker Marion Biotech, according to the Uzbek Health Ministry.

The ministry said 18 out of 21 children who took the Doc-1 Max syrup while suffering from an acute respiratory disease died after consuming it. It is marketed on the company’s website as a treatment for cold and flu symptoms.

A batch of the syrup contained ethylene glycol, which the ministry said was a toxic substance. The syrup was imported into Uzbekistan by Quramax Medical, the ministry said in its statement released Tuesday.

It also said the syrup was given to children at home without a doctor’s prescription, either by their parents or on the advice of pharmacists, with doses that exceeded the standard dose for children.

It was not immediately clear whether all or any of the children had consumed the suspect batch or had consumed more than the standard dose, or both.

Marion Biotech, Quramax Medical and India’s Health Ministry did not immediately respond to a Reuters request seeking comment. An Indian government source told Reuters the Health Ministry was looking into the matter.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus speaks on October 5.

Child deaths in Gambia linked to cough syrups made in India, says WHO

India had on Tuesday launched an inspection of some drug factories across the country to ensure high quality standards.

The Uzbek incident follows a similar one in The Gambia, where the deaths of at least 70 children were blamed on cough and cold syrups made by New Delhi-based Maiden Pharmaceuticals. Both India’s government and the company have denied the medicines were at fault.

India is known as the “pharmacy of the world” and its pharmaceuticals exports have more than doubled over the past decade to $24.5 billion in the past fiscal year.

The Uzbek Health Ministry said it had dismissed seven employees for negligence for not analyzing the deaths in a timely manner and not taking the necessary measures. It said it had taken disciplinary measures against some “specialists,” without specifying what role the specialists had.

It is also withdrawing the Doc-1 Max tablets and syrups from all pharmacies.

At least 18 children have died in Uzbekistan after consuming a medicinal syrup manufactured by Indian drugmaker Marion Biotech, according to the Uzbek Health Ministry.

The ministry said 18 out of 21 children who took the Doc-1 Max syrup while suffering from an acute respiratory disease died after consuming it. It is marketed on the company’s website as a treatment for cold and flu symptoms.

A batch of the syrup contained ethylene glycol, which the ministry said was a toxic substance. The syrup was imported into Uzbekistan by Quramax Medical, the ministry said in its statement released Tuesday.

No country is safe from spurious medicines imported from India, Pakistan suffered earlier.

and they are offering medicine to china for COVID . if covid will not kill them indian medicine will do . its not same company whom killed kids in African country Gambia last month .

18 children dead in Uzbekistan after consuming India-made syrup, ministry says​

WHAT???? Do they NOT TEST medicines in India? They have a fairly advance healthcare and pharmaceutical capability. Their meds go to EU and Canada and are used there by patients....... this is crazy. Innocent children died.
Every country should otright ban Indian cough syrups for the time being till they improve their QC.

(Here comes typical Indian tantrums and hissy fits.....)

No country is safe from spurious medicines imported from India, Pakistan suffered earlier.

Weird part, all their victims are Muslims - from Pakistan to Indonesia to The Gambia to Uzbekistan.
very sad and disturbing....i dont want to judge but the article does say - medicines were given without doctor's prescription and over dose could be the cause...every drug has dose limit clearly mentioned on packing..after all its a drug and should be taken as presciped
very sad and disturbing....i dont want to judge but the article does say - medicines were given without doctor's prescription and over dose could be the cause...every drug has dose limit clearly mentioned on packing..after all its a drug and should be taken as presciped
bhai it was cough syrup not HIV medince . everyone take it before go to doc in third world but no body dead .
very sad and disturbing....i dont want to judge but the article does say - medicines were given without doctor's prescription and over dose could be the cause...every drug has dose limit clearly mentioned on packing..after all its a drug and should be taken as presciped

The article states explicitly that the medication contained ethylene glycol, a toxic substance. Now overdosing does happen but doesn't immediately kill; however, in this case, it's happened in multiple countries worldwide. You can't say everyone overdosed.

bhai it was cough syrup not HIV medince . everyone take it before go to doc in third world but no body dead .

They're always in the mode to deflect.
bhai it was cough syrup not HIV medince . everyone take it before go to doc in third world but no body dead .
quite possible that the drug might have caused the unfortunate death...but it should always be given to children as presciped by expert...as u righlty said cough syrup is commonly given in most countries including in our country, but i never heared the name of this particular drug..matter should be investigated.
They're always in the mode to deflect.
In last 2-3 months, 55 mothers in Gambia thought to overdose their kids on Indian made cough syrup leading to their deaths. 100 mothers in Indonesia thought the same and now 18 mothers in Uzbekistan. The deflection at its finest.
Marion Biotech does not sell Doc-1 Max in India and its only export has been to Uzbekistan, an Uttar Pradesh government official said, as inspection began at the company office in Noida on the outskirts of the capital on Thursday morning. Samples of the cough syrup have been taken from the manufacturing premises in Noida and sent to the Regional Drugs Testing Laboratory (RDTL) in Chandigarh for testing, Mandaviya said.

How can allow it if even not being sold in India???

Indian pharmaceutical are becoming disappointment everyday, for them even healthcare sector is a part of their dirty business . Luckily, in Pakistan we do strict analysis on indian vendors before approving them for local markets. They cannot be trusted
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