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17 Militants Killed In PAF Strikes

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Well, i that case your post is being classified as a baseless accusation and will be deleted.

P.S FYKI, i have served in the area, and still go there atleast on fortnightly basis, so i can assure you that your 'source' is just a figment of your mind.

Believe me because guess what ' I have my own sources ' . this one is too not bright even right ? :D

I actually laughed when @Argus Panoptes wanted a complete NADRA database information published for every militant we claim was killed in the airstrike . Somehow the media knows when innocents die in the drone strikes in North Waziristan where access is just too restricted by the militants but cant in other areas which are somehow in control of Pakistani forces and are bombed .

We , sir , appear to have more sympathy for terrorists than the general populace killed by the militants in their Jihad against Pakistani nation .
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Yeah , warn the militants beforehand that the jets are coming to send them to hell so they can retreat or leave the area , wonderful logic !
It was wonderful logic of your think tank @Xeric who was saying that Pak forces issue warning before dropping bombs on hideouts lol, i simply corrected him.

Ask militants to not kill the journalists then , because media is allowed to go into the tribal areas by the army , actually encouraged . The access is restricted by Talibans and other factions , who do not want ' news ' coming out .
Taliban do not kill journalists.....they actually encourage them to listen to their stance......lot of their interviews have taken place.....just yesterday saleem safi was saying that he was goingto attend funeral of his friend in khyber agency but he was denied entry by Pak army......my village is few kilometers away from waziristan while you live in America, big difference.

Why do they form Lashkars ( militias ) then if they do not support the army ? Prove what you said about human shields . Surely , if that was the case , they would have stopped following Govt's order by now .
There are atleast i million armed men in FATA while only few thousands pro-government lashkar men and only 10-15 thousands TTP men........most of tribals are not sympathetic to pak army, to foreign boots, to American tattoos

Well, i that case your post is being classified as a baseless accusation and will be deleted.

P.S FYKI, i have served in the area, and still go there atleast on fortnightly basis, so i can assure you that your 'source' is just a figment of your mind.

Then you have no credibility as you have served in armed forces..........the credible voices are those of tribals
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Believe me because guess what ' I have my own sources ' . this one is too not bright even right ? :D

I actually laughed when @Argus Panoptes wanted a complete NADRA database information published for every militant we claim was killed in the airstrike . Somehow the media knows when innocents die in the drone strikes in North Waziristan where access is just too restricted by the militants but cant in other areas which are somehow in control of Pakistani forces and are bombed .

We , sir , appear to have more sympathy for terrorists than the general populace killed by the militants in their Jihad against Pakistani nation .

Dont make me laugh......media didnt even report any thing about tirah operation.......

While your ISPR went completely silent on tirah operation after few initial days........just go to Peshawar and hear the strange rumors about tirah operation....

Mangal bagh is alive and kicking.......

you know nothing jon snow
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It was wonderful logic of your think tank @Xeric who was saying that Pak forces issue warning before dropping bombs on hideouts lol, i simply corrected him.

Taliban do not kill journalists.....they actually encourage them to listen to their stance......lot of their interviews have taken place.....just yesterday saleem safi was saying that he was goingto attend funeral of his friend in khyber agency but he was denied entry by Pak army......my village is few kilometers away from waziristan while you live in America, big difference.

There are atleast i million armed men in FATA while only few thousands pro-government lashkar men and only 10-15 thousands TTP men........most of tribals are not sympathetic to pak army, to foreign boots, to American tattoos

Then perhaps you have comprehension/reading problems . He said that the residents are warned of an impending military operation months before it takes place , we lose the element of surprise and increase our causalities in the meantime . But give the residents a chance to leave the area for their safety . An airstrike is carried out on solid HUMINT and for obvious reasons not announced beforehand .

Killing comes later , they do not allow them to enter in tribal areas in the first place . A lot of journalist have died in F.A.T.A. whilst trying to report from there , isn't it ? They appreciate publicity of course but from a selected few always . Now maybe there was a risk to his life , had he died , you would have been claiming that the army didn't warn him before . I know this game . Check my flags and my location before making things up , I do not have a habit of changing my flags .

Try harder . The ground reality tells otherwise .
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Dont make me laugh......media didnt even report any thing about tirah operation.......

Mangal bagh is alive and kicking.

Tirah was accessible to the media somehow when heavy fighting was taking place in the valley ? :D

The latest news is that the army has taken strategic heights . Mangal Bagh is close to being sent to the same place where thousands others have went , most recently Deputy Commander of TTP .

Killing comes later , they do not allow them to enter in tribal areas in the first place . A lot of journalist have died in F.A.T.A. whilst trying to report from there , isn't it ? They appreciate publicity of course but from a selected few always . Now maybe there was a risk to his life , had he died , you would have claiming that the army didn't warn him before . I know this game . Check my flags and my location before making things up , I do not have a habit of changing my flags .

any name of those journalist who got killed by talibans?......even pro-governament jounalist shoab dawar is freely opearting from north waziristan and has taken interviews from hakimullah mehsud.......some journalist are shot, not by taliban, but by those who killed saleem shehzad.
It was wonderful logic of your think tank @Xeric who was saying that Pak forces issue warning before dropping bombs on hideouts lol, i simply corrected him.
You claim to live 'just a few kilometers from there' and you are doubting this hard fact?!

Anywaz, thanks for showing a marvelous display of common sense, now i can bet anything that what to talk of kilometers, the nearest you have been to the place is on a commercial jet when you fled the country to BM&C against it!

Then you have no credibility as you have served in armed forces..........the credible voices are those of tribals

i speak from experience, still better than the credibility earned by 'living a few KMs from there' ;)
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Tirah was accessible to the media somehow when heavy fighting was taking place in the valley ? :D

The latest news is that the army has taken strategic heights . Mangal Bagh is close to being sent to the same place where thousands others have went , most recently Deputy Commander of TTP .

And media could have simply reported from peshawer , they didnt.

mangal bagh and TTP have inflicted heavy casualties on army, your ISPR is not telling you that.....infact due to losses , operation was not completed , they may even retreat like in the past........
any name of those journalist who got killed by talibans?.

I will make it brief .

Are journalists not killed in tribal areas ?

Do they not receive threats from Taliban most recently in Miss Malala case ?
You claim to live 'just a few kilometers from there' and you are doubting this hard fact?!

Anywaz, thanks for showing a marvelous display of common sense, now i can bet anything that what to talk of kilometers, the nearest you have been to the place is on a commercial jet when you fled the country to BM&C against it!

i speak from experience, still better than the credibility earned by 'living a few KMs from there' ;)

I have talked with wazirs and mehsuds.......did you ever communicated with locals or you kept your distance like usual?......you dont gain experience from sitting in army camps.....
And media could have simply reported from peshawer , they didnt.

mangal bagh and TTP have inflicted heavy casualties on army, your ISPR is not telling you that.....infact due to losses , operation was not completed , they may even retreat like in the past........

Reported what from Peshawar ? The causalities in the valley ?

Proof ? :D None , dismissed then . Because your Taliban aren't even telling anything with such free access to the journalists as per you . If my ISPR can somehow manipulate everything from collateral damages to personnel killed according to you , all hail !
@Xeric , do deny the following?

1- At army check posts in FATA, there are no stop or halt signs, people are themselves supposed to know where to stop their vehicles, at a distance well clear of the post. Those who unwittingly makes the slightest mistake, bullets are sprayed on them..lot of unpleasants accidents have occured, in many instances families got killed when they didnt stop at the specific distance. Moreover the driver has to raise his hand in air as in surrender while walking towards check post, a security measure, but awkward and insulting for a tribal in his own area.

2- You can not overtake a military vehicle in FATA and adjacent settled territories in south, fire would be opened on you if you try to overtake it. In the one of the incident in my area, a wedding coach tried to overtake a large and slow military truck, bullets were sprayed on coach killing 12 individuals including groom who was sitting in the front seat.

3- Heavy use of artillary and mortars by army whenever their checkposts are attacked. Heavy collateral damage occurs from use of heavy weaponry by army, lot of civilian deaths and damage to properties.

4- Army doesnt know how to interact with locals neither they are trained for it, searches and checking by army is stern and gruff...check posts at every second with army having this attitude, tribals feel as if they dont belong to pakistan. It should be done through FC and levies who belong to area and know how to interact with locals.

5- Heavy use of air strikes in FATA, cause heavy collateral damage. In addition to human losses , Air strikes by jet fighters destroy houses, shops, markets, crops etc. The fact that high level air force is used on them, makes tribals feel that they are treated as adversaries and their area as enemy territory.

6- Wherever operation has taken place in FATA, the area present the view of war zone. Houses, shops, madrassas and other buildings are demolished...these are poor people , they wont be able to re-construct it. No aid to assist them.

8- More than million IDPs in KPK...due to operation rahe e nijat in south and situation in north waziristan...they were asked by military to leave the area without provision of food and shelter. They are in very bad condition in camps. Those who returned to south waziristan , found their houses completely destroyed. They are living in conditions like refugees in their own waziristan...they are proud people, their dignity is badly injured.

9- When army caravan move on road, first road is cleared then there is automatic curfew , no announcement to locals. When you see approaching caravan from far distance, you have to halt at your location. Army shoots any moving human being at sight...lot of ugly incidents have occured in which many people including childern were shot because they were moving when army caravan was approaching.

10- "Action in Aid of Civil Power Ordinance, 2011" is imposed on FATA for the purpose of giving a free hand to troops to conduct search-and-arrest operations without prior notice. The law even empowers them to execute any person without due legal process on the basis of mere suspicion that he or she may have, or might establish, links with militants...
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i think these 40K IDPs from Tirah just happened to come from 'just a few KMs from there', no? http://www.irinnews.org/report/97760/fighting-in-pakistan-s-tirah-valley-displaces-40-000-people

Hey Pak-one, did you also walk it out as you claim to live 'near' the area or you still are holed up in one of the 'houses' which is waiting to be blown to kingdom come by the Fauj, better buckle up, eh?

Note: Apart from the fact that these IDPs had to suffer the rigors of war as they fled, but mind that the news is from 1 Apr, atleast a week before the operation gained momentum.
Believe me because guess what ' I have my own sources ' . this one is too not bright even right ? :D

I actually laughed when @Argus Panoptes wanted a complete NADRA database information published for every militant we claim was killed in the airstrike . Somehow the media knows when innocents die in the drone strikes in North Waziristan where access is just too restricted by the militants but cant in other areas which are somehow in control of Pakistani forces and are bombed .

We , sir , appear to have more sympathy for terrorists than the general populace killed by the militants in their Jihad against Pakistani nation .

Sarcasm aside, I just wanted the names of those claimed to have been killed as militants, that is all. Do we even know who we are killing? How? And if we are killing without knowing who they are, then who are we trying to deceive but ourselves?

These are hard questions to answer, but they will answered sooner or later. No Army can kill its own people without repercussions for long, unless it is on solid grounds and with the backing of its nation.

I have no sympathy for the terrorists but I do care about what our Army is doing and what our plans are as a nation to deal with this menace.
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@Xeric , do deny the following?

2- You can not overtake a military vehicle in FATA and adjacent settled territories in south, fire would be opened on you if you try to overtake it. In the one of the incident in my area, a wedding coach tried to overtake a large and slow military truck, bullets were sprayed on coach killing 12 individuals including groom who was sitting in the front seat.

9- When army caravan move on road, first road is cleared then there is automatic curfew , no announcement to locals. When you see approaching caravan from far distance, you have to halt at your location. Army shoots any moving human being at sight...lot of ugly incidents have occured in which many people including childern were shot because they were moving when army caravan was approaching.


Such accusations should not be made without proof. What are your sources for the incidents in bold above?
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