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17 Indian Army soldiers killed in Uri attack

Im sure she is... but she isn't from the majority of native kashmiris... she is probably the wife of a stationed Indian solder... nevertheless not part of the majority.

Yes... by killing more innocent kashmiri civilians

Hey, don't become personal!. Shove your pervertness where sun doesn't shine. And never quote me again.
Now time has come to do surgical strikes across the border based terrorist camps.it is our own territory .it can't be considered as a attack on pakistan. Govt should show some spine .we cant take these type of attacks lying down.
Strike... and we will strike back... with nukes hopefully
Well if a Bangladeshi and an Indian visit Pakistan then am sure an Indian will be treated better, will have more in common to talk about. I don't know why some Bangladeshi act as if they are part of Pakistan and try to look like mujahideens

I don't understand why indians are acting like West Pakistanis in 1971!
Rest in Peace to the brave soldiers.

Not that they didn't know already, but the international community will once again realise the true terrorist, Islamist, Jihadist nature of the separatist movement in the Kashmir Valley and its supporters and nurturers from across the border.

This is only going to hurt their so called cause for 'Azadi'.
India's action is now justifiable..
India should do a full fledged budget allocation to kill these rattle snakes whether in India or in neighbor..
Reciprocation from army will come sooner or later.These things don't go unaccounted..
To get Kashmir you are making your nation miserable..Just wait till flamed up..

Oh its hurting when they attack you guys.. well its indian internal matter i guess right..
you have electrict fences, sinpers drones 700 thousands army to protect kashmir there is no way Pakistani can help from LoC.. someone from inside playing games.

The Army camp in Uri that was attacked by four millitants (Picture: Twitter / @ANI_news)
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9 martyred according to some channels and terrorists are on their way to he'll.. ...

More likely. Seems they got through to personnel lines.

Shit happens. If the opposite guy is prepared to die, you can expect casualties on own side. Best chance is to minimise your casualties. In this case, if what I can make out, they got through to the barracks.
These so called braves are actually raping the kashmiri women and killing innocent civilians using pellet guns and havr blinded thousand of people.

Let them smell their own fart now.
Notwithstanding the reality of bad eggs or the abominable pellet gun policy, I called them braves for a reason. Now lets not start what these 'so called' braves had done to you in the past. Ok?
The Associated Press ‏@AP 1h1 hour ago
BREAKING: A top army officer says 17 soldiers, 4 rebels dead in attack on Indian army base in Kashmir.

The world Now acknowledges Kashmir's disputed nature and her people indigenous movement finally!!
The Indians can divulge in the habitual finger pointing at Pakistan but the reality is that those 90 odd innocent civilians killed also were someones son, brother or husband, do you think their next of kin will just sit and hope for some justice. !!!
This is what was reported just last week, you have killed indiscriminately and have turned the next generation towards towards their just cause.

India will have to buckle up and impose and unacceptable costs on the terrorist base camps. If Modi gives into international pressure and displays the Manmohanist cowardice by not dishing out appropriate punishment then he deserves all the mirth and ridicule of 56"/feku etc. He can also forget the next general elections.

It's time either he Man up and let his action do the talking or he's going down the drain just like Vajpai with his vikas vikas vikas tuntuna.
Yes it has been spreading since last 70 years..
If India with will really invest in your freedom movements you know the consequences..
Just consider Pakistan without baluchistan gilgit baltistan & fata.Indian states would look bigger than this..

lol if india. its tit for tat... you pinch us we will punch in your face it might be slow but it will come and it just started..
we havent started in assam nexlites and khalsa... you wanna come to chabahar and afg do try that :)
you have been playing and barking on indian channels i wanna see how you gonna react on tv now with your super X army men and some barking anchors...
ajit dovgal admited how he have been sending terrorists .. so we bringing your head to field..
All were incompetent since 1947. First Nehru lost it by taking to UN and it is still pain in the @ss.

We never had the courage like what Pakistan did in 1965 though they lost it but still they tried. India never had the courage to cross the border and settle the issue once in for all.

We lost it in 1965 on table in Tashkent.

We again lost it in 1971 on table when we were holding 95,000 POW.

We again lost it in 1980s when the insurgency started. We never had the courage to bitch slap the Pakistan, shut it Fcukup once in for all.

We lost it in 1999 Kargil, we never had the courage to say it was attack on sovereignty of India, hence we will exterminate the source for once in for all.

We lost it in 2002 in Parliament attack and never had the courage to say it was attack on sovereignty of India we happily let attackers go off hold without inflicting even a single scar.

We lost it in 2008 in Mumbai attack and never had the courage to say it was attack on sovereignty of India, and we never inflicted any price on attackers by drenching it in blood.

Yes we are a coward nation because we were always governed by coward leaders. As a nation we lack the courage to take the fight to the enemy.

I agree completely. The superiority on battle field was repeatedly lost in the drawing board.
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