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17 Indian Army soldiers killed in Uri attack

Well maybe if you stop cutting down kashmiris you wouldn't have to resort to cut ties with other nations... either way... it OK if u do...

If you think by doing terror inside India and blackmailing India, India will give up Kashmir, you are mistaken. This will only strengthen our resolve against terrorism.
Blaming Pakistan like always and chest thumping like saying bomb Pakistan won't help you grow up.
It was an attack on a military objective

Acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying forces and Attacks on Legitimate military targets are not "Terror" attacks.

Long live the spirit of the freedom movement in Indian Occupied Kashmir
Yes India army is killing Kashmiri's is utter desperation and now its response from freedom fighters.

Come on give it a try and show some guts.
We have been hearing such threats since attack on Indian Parliament.

Exactly we sadly are just good at threats. You know it too and that is why terror flows like Ganga from across the border. If only we had some balls.
RIP to our brave soldiers.
Its a big loss for all of us.
Coward terrorists attacked in the early morning. Now the culprits will pay a heavy price.
Things are going to be very serious now.
Local militia has been raiding police/army check-posts/camps/vehicles for the past few weeks now. The media's downplaying this reality since nobody wants to admit how easy its become to loot Indian police/army barracks/vehicles.
And is there a source for this?
96 people are killed by cross border militants.
590 people are blinded by pallet guns fired by cross border militants.

They are not hostage..They are the victim of proxy war instigated by other side of the border
Would they be able to claim 71 virgins in such peak times?
You better worry about 17 widows instead of worrying about 71 virgins.
Another attack which Pakistan will be immediately like the previous ones. The pattern is similar to Syria terrorists like isis that is supported by several usa client petrodollar countries carries out attacks and just like taking action against Syria from artillery barrage, israeli airstrikes to invasion after isis bombs somewhere providing the excuse the target now appears to be Pakistan. Pakistan should without waiting open all channels of communication immediately to help investigate and solve the issue as well as be always alert defenses as transition to a tense period from a peace time just depends on a single terrorist attack which can be organized by anyone to create tension for gains.
If you think its all pakistan's doing... and kashmiri people have no grievances what do ever then you are dreaming... my wife is kashmiri... i know... yo

that's an arab pic... Baloch didn't wear checkered headdresses

Not according to my kashmiri relatives.

My bhabi is a Kashmiri. So don't give lessons to me on Kashmir.
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