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17 Indian Army soldiers killed in Uri attack

Now it is clear AFSPA will never be revoked in Kashmir. The civilians will suffer more due to these type of attacks, nothing else it is not going help the Kashmiri cause in any way. :-(
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17 confirmed..... RIp

Terrorists and their sympathisers can rejoice.... This was one of the worst attacks ever happened in Kashmir.. ..
Kashmir: 17 soldiers, 4 militants killed in Uri Fidayeen attack
“17 soldiers were killed in Uri attack,” PTI news agency quoted Northern Army Command.
GK Web Desk
Srinagar | Posted : Sep 18 2016 11:10AM | Updated: Sep 18 2016 11:12AM
4 2 0

An army helicopter flies over the site of gunbattle in Uri on Sunday. Firdous Hassan/GK
Seventeen soldiers and four militants were killed after militants stormed an army camp in Uri area of north Kashmir’s Baramulla district on Sunday, officials said.
“17 soldiers were killed in Uri attack,” PTI quoted Northern Army Command.

It said that Army Chief Gen Dalbir Singh Suhag will visit Kashmir in the wake of the attack in Uri.
Four fidayeen (suicide) militants had entered the rear base amp of an infantry battalion in Uri town around 5.30 a.m.
"Militants attacked the rear base camp of an infantry battalion and not the headquarters of 12 Brigade in Uri today (Sunday) morning which is posted on the Line of Control (LoC)," the sources said.
In New Delhi, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh is reported to have cancelled his visit to Russia and the US. He has called for a high-level meeting on Sunday to discuss the situation is Kashmir.
India will have to buckle up and impose and unacceptable costs on the terrorist base camps. If Modi gives into international pressure and displays the Manmohanist cowardice by not dishing out appropriate punishment then he deserves all the mirth and ridicule of 56"/feku etc. He can also forget the next general elections.
This was coming. India thought it could simply crush the voice for freedom by brutality and accusing Pakistan of staging it.
While Modi is busy trying to play dumb on Balochistan, Kashmir is slipping away. I dont rejoice deaths of soldiers since they are following orders from the higher ups but God speed to those who are tying to lay their lives for freedom. As the americans put it the cost of freedom is always high.
Indian Muslims have an identity. They are patriotic and religious. You are just incapable of understanding that.
You guys on the other hand are just religious nutjobs justifying killings, calling it conspiracy or false flag when their is a blow back.
Difference between you guys and ISIS is that you follow ISIS external policies but internally you want to follow Indian culture. Jehad for others but no sharia for self.
You countrymen keep abusing Mullas. Go and stop them
Like i said you love Kashmir but hate kashmiris because you hate their religion... it reeks from you posts... that's why you will loose Kashmir... even if it takes a thousand years...
thread opened to celebrate for killing 17 indian n praise 4 terrorist
i do never support attack in pak or world but feel pain if someone celebrate after killing indian army
We only celebrate attacks in Kashmir not rest of India . That's what you guys get when you pellet people and ruin there future .

An Old Modi Tweet while in opposition, Lets see what "Act" this so called 56" chest do in premiership now.
Yes, I guess they just walked into the local kinara store and bought explosives and weapons.

Local militia has been raiding police/army check-posts/camps/vehicles for the past few weeks now. The media's downplaying this reality since nobody wants to admit how easy its become to loot Indian police/army barracks/vehicles.
What the hell man!....Cut off all ties with Pakistan. Recall Indian high commissioner from Pakistan.
Thank you and please thrown Pakistani actors working in India out of your country. In fact keep them and as for this attack what the hell ?? Really you kill 80 innocent Kashmiris you blind their children and your soldiers rape their women and than you expect flowers in return ????
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