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17 Indian Army soldiers killed in Uri attack

17 Jawans and four militants killed in the attack.

Waiting for comments that just 4 militants killed 17 soldiers. Think of what a whole nation can do.
Haan and our legs are not as strong as Pakistani army who marched from Dacca to wagha in 71.
All 4 terrorists are dead.
Nothing changed on ground. India knows that Kashmir is ours and no body can take it away from us.
No one is taking Kashmir from you. It was an indigenous movement and you are loosing on ground.
Today 17 families of your country will mourn your soldiers this is how they can judge the pain of loved once loss.
Change your policies and quit our land otherwise more Burhans are ready across the border to revenge the death of million Kashmiri muslims.
The attackers from what I have analyzed may be fathers or brothers of those killed by the Indian army in Kashmir over the past few weeks. They may have been taking social justice into their hands.

It is a very high probability that this was so according to my research.
17 Indian soldiers killed.
19 injured.
All four militants are dead.
ND TV report

But in fact, action is still on. Indian army is using heavy machinery to tackle militants.

Blame is already on Pakistan (as usual). But why will Pakistan hit IA at time when PM Nawaz Sharif is going to address UN? It will just weaken Pakistan case about Kashmir.
This attack will benefit Indian narrative about Kashmir cross border militancy.

Another False flag? o_O
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