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17 Indian Army soldiers killed in Uri attack

EXACTLY!!!!! Thats what i meant...........unless the police/ army or any law enforcement agency themselves start selling it and nobody can catch u because they ARE the law!.....
Indian Army still not learn this art from Pakistan
PA has history of arming such militants against Soviets

Define "sophisticated weapons" :what:
Incinary grenade and night vision devices
And BPJ patkas

Which obviously build by ordinances
Like I said Indian Muslims are patriot's usually
Command SF battalions in J&K

They chose India over Pakistan way back
It might be true, might be not.
But the fact that the alleggd terroist some sort of inside help, otherowse no one would be able to pull such stunt ooyt of thin air

Incinary grenade and night vision devices
And BPJ patkas
Any link to support such claim
Indian Army suffering from the wrong and lie based polices of Modi and BJP government...how can u kill and terrorize Kashmiris for 70 days....continous curfew in Jammu and Kashmir had been unbearable.

17 Dead and over 20 permanently injured...loss and sadness to the Indian families...the war has only started to bleed India.
Don't deviate topic I asked where they get
These sophisticated weapons ak-47 with ubl launcher
And incinary grenades which are military grade which impossible to get here locally

Indian Army/Police barracks/vehicles are being raided and looted for the past few weeks now. Arms & Ammunition for the resistence is being provided by the State of Kashmir.

In PathanKot incident they found batteries, shoes which were made in Pakistan.
This time they found "stamps"

Jaish e mohammed masood azhar behind it ,same guy behind pathankot.They have acted its our time to react,
1.President rule in j&k let army operate without any interference.
2.cut diplomatic,trade,ppl 2 ppl ties to bare minimum.
3.withdraw from MFN status,IWT.
4.covert action.
Indian Army still not learn this art from Pakistan
PA has history of arming such militants against Soviets

Incinary grenade and night vision devices
And BPJ patkas

Which obviously build by ordinances
lol that was a different thing, selling them illegally against yr own force's code of conduct is different to specially those who will use them against u.
I have said it before, india has reached the end of the road with all means to subdue Kashmiri uprising. In such situation indian will use false flag ops to act victim. Last few days india displayed what sort of military hardware indians will use against Kashmiri people. This incident is just fist of such example for india to justify another genocide. Good riddance to these 17 who are killed by their own genocidal indian govt.
If you think this is "sophisticated" weapons then have look at equipment of LTTE.
They even developed their own mini subs, new boat designs and weapons.

And why will some sane person bring Pakistan currency with him in Indian Kashmir?
Does it work there???
Making own boats, pads is very easy.
If they were operating any night vision, thermal sights then share pic of it.

There is nothing "sophisticated" in above pictures.....
Similar Operation are done by TTP in GHQ Rawalpindi ,Mehran

It don't Mean Pakistan army filled With traitors
SPJ Owned by these Militias Elbow pad to gun are all Military grade


Ok Don't Say indian forces are Not selling them these also
View attachment 335610

The entire valley of IOK carries the flag of Pakistan. Why wouldn't Les Gavroches not mark themselves with the flag of Pakistan?
At least, they didn't find any ID card this time.
Forget about Marking
@nair @Spectre @jbgt90 @Joe Shearer

Policy shifts. Expect more concentration on P0K. Rationale being 'own territory'.

Let's wait and watch. Things have become too serious. Modi can not afford to back off. We expect things to head south very fast and very quickly.

Clearly there will be more activity cross-border in P0K. There is nothing else to do. Assuming, that is, that the sickening suggestions of some excessively-jingo Indians is discarded as lunatic ravings, and assuming also that talking loudly about Balochistan is one thing, actively getting involved other than in publicity support of their non-violent, non-terrorist activities is another thing.

The worst thing that might happen, and must never be allowed to happen, is deploying people for management of civil unrest who have a chip on their shoulders due to this latest incident. The unit concerned was tasked for border duties, and are nowhere concerned with civil disturbances, but some jackass might take it on himself to retaliate on their behalf.

Time has arrived for final and decisive action to end all the enemies once in for all. India should not stop till it Breaks Pakistan into 4 pieces.

We really can do without this crap.
This govt attitude towards security is pathetic , but then what can you expect with a govt headed by a man who is more interested with photo ops then anything . just yesterday it was his birthday , he had cameras even when he went to meet his mum.
They have no clue who to handle anything , and those who do they cant listen to as they have raised the hyperbole so high that doing the sane thing is political suicide now. at this time i see that *** winston was right , these certainly are men of straws.
Fu(K all politicians for I care. All are different of same coin, no more lies no more silent fuming. I will raise my voice everywhere whether it is FB or other medium of information sharing. Have lost faith in politicians the day terror attacks happened in Mumbai last time. Politicians will go to any deapth to deflect the blame. Now it's time to blame them directly, no more diversionary tactics. Some members of military top brass also act in same way, like acting in front of domestic audience.
@Joe Shearer

The costs will be inflicted on the launch pads across LC, that is what is emerging. There shall be specific and deliberate targeting.

The statement of the Army officially of a retaliation is significant. Costs will be exacted.

I suspect we might see a Parakaram 2 at most ... just for a show and nothing more while specific retaliations are undertaken.

However, the need of the hour is to settle things quickly and peacefully.
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