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17 Indian Army soldiers killed in Uri attack

This image shows the scale of the attack.



With the Indian Home Ministry talking about a "cross-border terror attack", there is no doubt the raid will make the already fraught relations between India and Pakistan even frostier.

But the truth is this latest upsurge in violence has a distinctly home-grown flavour.

The huge wave of protests against Indian rule that were prompted by the killing of a popular young militant on 8 July have been overwhelmingly by people from Indian-controlled areas of Kashmir.

The attack is likely to mean normal life in the province (READ - "OCCUPIED TERRITORY") will continue to be paralysed by the curfew imposed by the security forces for some time to come.

The Indian government says it wants to discuss how to end the violence with local leaders, but so far its overtures have been rejected by separatists who insist that the issue of Kashmiri independence must be on the table.
But how the guy was able to find refuge and then carry out attacks ?
Don't deviate topic I asked where they get
These sophisticated weapons ak-47 with ubl launcher
And incinary grenades which are military grade which impossible to get here locally
This India you cannot even desi pistol here dude you will be jailed for decade or so
lol petrol sold by a civilian is different and risky, unless the police/ army or any law enforcement agency themselves start selling it and nobody can catch u because they ARE the law!.....
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But how the guy was able to find refuge and then carry out attacks ?
Don't deviate topic I asked where they get
These sophisticated weapons ak-47 with ubl launcher
And incinary grenades which are military grade which impossible to get here locally
Don't deviate topic I asked where they get
These sophisticated weapons ak-47 with ubl launcher
And incinary grenades which are military grade which impossible to get here locally
You should ask that for indiam muslims
lol petrol sold by a civilian is different and risky, unless the police/ army or any law enforcement agency themselves start selling it and nobody can catch u because u ARE the law!.....
Petrol different from AK-47 with UBL grenades and incinary ammo which military grenate only manufacturered in ordinances factories
Petrol different from AK-47 with UBL grenades and incinary ammo which military grenate only manufacturered in ordinances factories
EXACTLY!!!!! Thats what i meant...........unless the police/ army or any law enforcement agency themselves start selling it and nobody can catch u because they ARE the law!.....
Don't deviate topic I asked where they get
These sophisticated weapons ak-47 with ubl launcher
And incinary grenades which are military grade which impossible to get here locally

How TTP fighters get Indian weapons and Indian medicine even though FATA has no direct border or any land link with India??
The attackers from what I have analyzed may be fathers or brothers of those killed by the Indian army in Kashmir over the past few weeks. They may have been taking social justice into their hands.

It is a very high probability that this was so according to my research.

Burhan Wani was a regular teenager who liked sports and did very well in his studies....until the day he and his friends were beaten so badly by occupation forces, humiliated and thrown into a dungeon while bleeding profusely.

then a freedom fighter was born

sums up the case for many Kashmiris fed up with the occupation and tyranny and humiliation
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