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15 facts about 'failed state' Pakistan

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This is the reason why - the Sufi showed the beautiful light of Islam - we knew that the previous thing was lies - we discovered the light - even many indians are converting to Islam today. This light can melt even the hardest hearts, my people were warriors and they were defeated by the word of the Almighty.

Posting the same BBC 2006 music awards link means nothing!

Those music awards is not why you were converted. The same happened in Persia, Afghanistan, Arabia, Maghreb, Central Asia etc. before you.

I also gave you the example of Nuristan the other day. Check what happened there recently.

Nuristan Province - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However much you want to console yourself about why you were converted, the facts won't change.
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Slumdog,couldnt you give me a proper reply to my questions?

So if you slumdogs are proud of your nationality,then why are masses of ur slumdogs all over our forum looking for acceptance?

Desperation much ? No words for a proper logical counter ? Go to bed kid. :lol:
She is Italian by birth and then became Indian by choice ..but your leaders did the opposite ..who are Pakistani by birth but have become British by choice..and are still ruling you.

She wanted to rule you, but many indians even on this forum, claim she still holds Italian nationality. That is why she allowed her countryman

Ottavio Quattrocchi is an Italian businessman who was being sought until early 2009 in India for criminal charges[1] for acting as a conduit for bribes in the Bofors scandal.

Just like your Tytler - your Goddess will not let anyone touch him.

On 6 February 2007, Ottavio Quattrocchi was detained in Argentina on the basis of the Interpol warrant. The Indian investigating agency CBI came under attack for putting up a half-hearted effort towards his extradition[4] and India lost the case for his extradition in June 2007, the judge remarking that "India did not even present proper legal documents".[5] Embarrassingly, India was asked to pay Ottavio's legal expenses.

---------- Post added at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 AM ----------

Then what did your ex president apologized about..you still going to argue there was no genocide in 1971?

He expressed regret - there has and never will be a formal apology
It is allegedly - but neither the indian or Bangladeshi government accused any of the PoW's and neither was the Hague given any evidence.

Why should India will go to the Hague? It was India that stopped the massacre and saved you from the Bangladeshi people now how can India go to the Hague.

So you still lose poor little indian.
We saved you man!! :lol: Do not be so ungrateful.

And that is your only identity.

I am glad we got rid of you. The price was well worth it.

You are not alone, there are millions of other converts like you who have no other identity than a negative one, of not being what they were.

got rid of us? you monkeys were beggining us to join your country in 1947,but we rejected you.

its you people who dont have an identity. look at you desperate history-less,identity-less monkeys trying hard to claim the history of pakistan(indus valley civilization,vedic civilization,king porus,takila university) as your own.

even the name of your sh*t hole 'country' comes from pakistan. the name "india" come from the indus river in pakistan. your identity comes from pakistan. you have nothing to be proud of,thats the reason indians dont have any pride,and you try your best to associate yourself with pakistanis.

look at indians in western countires.they feel so much shame to call themself "indian",they try their best to get away from being "indian". indian men and women are desperate to marry with white people.but even they dont want to mix with you.

This is our culture and virsa, and which person in this world would want to be a dirty starving slum dog.

Better to be a slumdog than blow up ones own countrymen.U loose poor little pakistani.
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Bro - it is the famous indian inferiority complex, that is why they come here on mass, poor poor little indian's = The hunger in india - bought tears to my eyes, i cursed the indian mentality that allowed human beings to live in such squalor.

Its funny seeing the Madressa effect. Did the teachers do what they usually do to little boys there to cause such a condition. ;)
Posting the same BBC 2006 music awards link means nothing!

Those music awards is not why you were converted. The same happened in Persia, Afghanistan, Arabia, Maghreb, Central Asia etc. before you.

I also gave you the example of Nuristan the other day. Check what happened there recently.

Nuristan Province - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

However much you want to console yourself about why you were converted, the facts won't change.

Sufi saints are visible in the whole Islamic World.

This is a poem by Maulana Rumi

Oh, if a tree could wander
and move with foot and wings!
It would not suffer the axe blows
and not the pain of saws!
For would the sun not wander
away in every night ?
How could at ev?ry morning
the world be lighted up?
And if the ocean?s water
would not rise to the sky,
How would the plants be quickened
by streams and gentle rain?
The drop that left its homeland,
the sea, and then returned ?
It found an oyster waiting
and grew into a pearl.
Did Yusaf not leave his father,
in grief and tears and despair?
Did he not, by such a journey,
gain kingdom and fortune wide?
Did not the Prophet travel
to far Medina, friend?
And there he found a new kingdom
and ruled a hundred lands.
You lack a foot to travel?
Then journey into yourself!
And like a mine of rubies
receive the sunbeams? print!
Out of yourself ? such a journey
will lead you to your self,
It leads to transformation
of dust into pure gold!

The biggest selling Poet is a Muslim Sufi Saint :)
This is our culture and virsa, and which person in this world would want to be a dirty starving slum dog.
You are already one. Look at your face. Because you can never be happy in your life. India is everywhere for you. :lol:
Why should India will go to the Hague? It was India that stopped the massacre and saved you from the Bangladeshi people now how can India go to the Hague.

We saved you man!! :lol: Do not be so ungrateful.

Who asked you to, poor little indian's always getting the short end of the stick.
got rid of us? you monkeys were beggining us to join your country in 1947,but we rejected you.

its you people who dont have an identity. look at you desperate history-less,identity-less monkeys trying hard to claim the history of pakistan(indus valley civilization,vedic civilization,king porus,takila university) as your own.

even the name of your sh*t hole 'country' comes from pakistan. the name "india" come from the indus river in pakistan.

You pathetic fool, just crawl back to where you came from and get civilized before talking here.
90,000 Badass aggressive Pakistanis did Yoga as POWs before the passive Indians :cheesy:

And the same indians have been bowing down in front of their Muslim masters for a thousand years.

---------- Post added at 12:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 AM ----------

Its funny seeing the Madressa effect. Did the teachers do what they usually do to little boys there to cause such a condition. ;)

The same that the dirty stinky indian holy men do to indians. LoL
Sufi saints are visible in the whole Islamic World.

This is a poem by Maulana Rumi

The biggest selling Poet is a Muslim Sufi Saint :)

Now even went to Persia through Muslim!! :lol: He has nothing to do with you. :rofl:

Don't want to talk if Rumi about Rumi. He is a great poet.
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