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15 facts about 'failed state' Pakistan

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Karthic if someone is insulting your country and you know that it is not true, then the logical step is not to correspond to that person. By not replying you make the other member look very foolish. End of the day point scoring against one another will not achieve anything, it just escalates the problem and downgrades the Forum with useless banter. This is an online Forum so being emotional and abusing one another is wasting precious bandwidth. I am not attacking you, but just stating that some members need to calm down.

Well said mate :tup:

But thinking with head and not with heart when some one speaks ill about your country is a quality we subcontinentals certainly lack :D
Another gem! This gay once called me to 'suck horses', now 'chutiya' and 'numb nuts'.

Well like I said two wrongs don't make a right, If Abu has insulted you then you should take it up with the Moderators in this Forum, as it is there job to monitor the Forum. But you did not do your self some justice by responding in the same fashion.

On Ms Rafi that is her opinion, she was not hurling abuses at India but it is her belief that Pakistan should not compare itself with India. Now you can't force her to accept that because it does not conform to your beliefs. But if she did insult India then it was wrong of her, however I am not a person to judge, in fact you should ask her that question in a civilise way so maybe she will reply back in the same fashion. If she does not then you can simply ignore her, and she will look foolish.
@bilalhaider I opened a thread like this years ago to show the members here the achievements Pakistan has made in its 63 year old history but the thread then became flooded with trolls from a neighbouring country (whose people make the majority in this forum) and the thread eventually became closed.

Some pessimistic Pakistani members didnt help either.

Pakistan has a neighbouring country, with 1.2 billion people, who hates Pakistan's very existence so be prepared for negative propaganda made by them.
But thinking with head and not with heart when some one speaks ill about your country is a quality we subcontinentals certainly lack

I agree and understand that when someone insults your country, it is very hard to control yourself and not reply back. I use to be like that, however it is inefficient and as educated people we need to conduct are selves much better so that, we can show the wrong people the right way. What is most disturbing is that majority of the members from both countries are educated, and if they behave like this then what can we expect from the mindset of the poor who are prone to think irrationally. We as educated people need to set an example so that future generations of both countries can look to us as role models.
I don't really have the time to clean up all the utter nonsense that most of you have posted here.

Manners and respect is something that is not exactly known to many of you, is it?

No wonder our countries are thought of the way they are.
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