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1400 children sexually abused by British 'Asians'

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Why generalize 4.4billion people of the whole continent? Chinese or Indonesians have nothing to do with these criminals.
People are people first but of course you only see colour and creed :tsk:
Agreed, the London-based media (particularly the tabloids) loves to highlight these groups and often, as you say, demonise them.

I am still in Uni sir, about to start my third year.

+ I would just like to add, there is something wrong with the young(er) British Pakistani community. Their parents were moderate and law abiding on the whole but it is the youngsters who are giving their community a bad name- committing these disgusting crimes, going off to fight for ISIS and or blowing themselves up in London (or planning to commit such crimes). I don't know what happened to this generation and won't pretend to be informed on the matter but something very wrong seems to have occurred...

Yes it is the youngsters. It's a range of different things, they vary with they are located in the country, their ethnic background and how long they have been here. The general crux is that most of these communities came during the boom years. When things went bust, the elders preserved, but didn't know how to handle the fallout, with regards to their children. Add to this the arrival of extremist preachers from Arab states, that were given asylum here (something I will never forgive the governments of the time for), you had a potent mix. Now it's down to us to sort out this mess. So far our efforts against the ISIS stuff have paid off and no Pakistani origin kids have gone out to fight for them, that we know about. High profile cases have all been Somali, Bangladeshi, Yemeni and other Arab origin kids.

Good luck with your degree, aim for a first mate. A 2:1 is a dime a dozen now a days. What are you studying?
oh...it has everything to do with you guys, every bit of it...minority rights in muslims nations are well known as well.

I am serious when I say my intention is not to troll, but one has to bring in the religion into the equation. Somebody please explain me, how is their behavior in UK different to what they to minorities in Pakistan (or in general, the plight of minorities in Muslim majority regions)? How is it different to so many incidents coming to light in India recently -- related to 'Love Jihad' or forced conversions?

It appears to me that what they are doing in UK is just an extension of they or their parents/relatives continue to do to minorities in Pakistan!

If it is not motivated by religious customs (e.g. as seen with captured Yazidis) and by illiteracy, socio-economic downturn (again indirectly brought upon again by the religion), how exactly do you explain it! I would love to be educated in this regard!
I am serious when I say my intention is not to troll, but one has to bring in the religion into the equation. Somebody please explain me, how is their behavior in UK different to what they to minorities in Pakistan (or in general, the plight of minorities in Muslim majority regions)? How is it different to so many incidents coming to light in India recently -- related to 'Love Jihad' or forced conversions?

It appears to me that what they are doing in UK is just an extension of they or their parents/relatives continue to do to minorities in Pakistan!

If it is not motivated by religious customs (e.g. as seen with captured Yazidis) and by illiteracy, socio-economic downturn (again indirectly brought upon again by the religion), how exactly do you explain it! I would love to be educated in this regard!

shhh...don't hit them with a reality check. They hate that.
shhh...don't hit them with a reality check. They hate that.

I understand it has got to hurt, but they are not doing themselves any favor by continuing to deny it. The first step to solve it would be to own the problem up. Till then we are only going to see such instances being repeated world-over -- unfortunately!
It appears to me that what they are doing in UK is just an extension of they or their parents/relatives continue to do to minorities in Pakistan!
Do Muslims in Pakistan groom Hindus and Christians with alcohol and drugs then rape them and pass them onto other people? I don't think so. What happens there is something completely different, where sometimes Hindus are forced or pressurised to convert to Islam. These girls in the UK who are being raped aren't being forced to convert to Islam, they're just being raped and abused and passed around. And they also target Pakistani Muslim girls as shown on the previous page.

Two completely different things.

So far our efforts against the ISIS stuff have paid off and no Pakistani origin kids have gone out to fight for them, that we know about. High profile cases have all been Somali, Bangladeshi, Yemeni and other Arab origin kids.
There's been one guy called 'Reyaad Khan' from Cardiff but that's pretty much it.
shhh...don't hit them with a reality check. They hate that.

Haha. You don't participate in the discussion and kind of morph with the surroundings when someone calls you out. If you're going to say something, you should be prepared to back it up instead of running off and hiding behind someone later.

How is it different to so many incidents coming to light in India recently -- related to 'Love Jihad' or forced conversions?

I've seen resident Indians saying it themselves. It's to do with politicizing incidents.

If it is not motivated by religious customs (e.g. as seen with captured Yazidis) and by illiteracy, socio-economic downturn (again indirectly brought upon again by the religion), how exactly do you explain it! I would love to be educated in this regard!

That's a silly thing to say. How did religion bring economic downturn and illiteracy? Maulvis were nowhere to be seen in cases involving corruption in the education sector. The leaders who can be described as conservative in predominantly Muslim state were pro-Capitalist and focused on industry and development, while Leftist leaders were detrimental to economic growth. When the wars came, it wasn't because of religion, but because of territorial disputes and ideological differences.

I am serious when I say my intention is not to troll, but one has to bring in the religion into the equation. Somebody please explain me, how is their behavior in UK different to what they to minorities in Pakistan (or in general, the plight of minorities in Muslim majority regions)?

Completely different. Organized religious extremist groups with the agenda of completely eradicating minorities are trying to wipe out or forcefully convert minorities.
This is young unemployed men who've adopted the ghetto culture and have sex with girls. If they're organized it's only so they can pass over their victims. They have no interest in religion or ideology.
There's been one guy called 'Reyaad Khan' from Cardiff but that's pretty much it.

He is Bengali bro.

I am serious when I say my intention is not to troll, but one has to bring in the religion into the equation. Somebody please explain me, how is their behavior in UK different to what they to minorities in Pakistan (or in general, the plight of minorities in Muslim majority regions)? How is it different to so many incidents coming to light in India recently -- related to 'Love Jihad' or forced conversions?

It appears to me that what they are doing in UK is just an extension of they or their parents/relatives continue to do to minorities in Pakistan!

If it is not motivated by religious customs (e.g. as seen with captured Yazidis) and by illiteracy, socio-economic downturn (again indirectly brought upon again by the religion), how exactly do you explain it! I would love to be educated in this regard!

It's been explained in my post previously. Please read it.

You're not from the UK and yet you're adamant religion has something do with this,even though people have put up quite detailed replies as to why it is not, I'm amazed.
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Haha. You don't participate in the discussion and kind of morph with the surroundings when someone calls you out. If you're going to say something, you should be prepared to back it up instead of running off and hiding behind someone later.

I've seen resident Indians saying it themselves. It's to do with politicizing incidents.

That's a silly thing to say. How did religion bring economic downturn and illiteracy? Maulvis were nowhere to be seen in cases involving corruption in the education sector. The leaders who can be described as conservative in predominantly Muslim state were pro-Capitalist and focused on industry and development, while Leftist leaders were detrimental to economic growth. When the wars came, it wasn't because of religion, but because of territorial disputes and ideological differences.

Completely different. Organized religious extremist groups with the agenda of completely eradicating minorities are trying to wipe out or forcefully convert minorities.
This is young unemployed men who've adopted the ghetto culture and have sex with girls. If they're organized it's only so they can pass over their victims. They have no interest in religion or ideology.

Thanks first of all, for indulging in a sane debate.

Secondly, not all conversions are politically motivated. but there have been so many forced/deceitful conversions that obviously questions are raised about a larger game plan!

Finally, you can't deny the role of religion in social and gender based segregation (thus ghetto-isation and sexual depravity among men) and loss of job opportunities (mainly due to misplaced focus on religious education rather than professional education)!

I would say the same thing about all religions, but somehow Muslims take it to a whole new level and the number of people who do it is also quite significant! That's why the ill-effects of religion are more pronounced among Muslims than any other religion I have come across (no offence meant and it is my personal opinion anyway)!

He is Bengali bro.

It's been explained in my post previously. Please read it.

You're not from the UK and yet you're adamant religion has something do with this,even though people have put up quite detailed replies as to why it is not, I'm amazed.

I have been in UK long enough in the past and even when I am not in UK anymore, I keep myself updated enough to comment about it! And also what I am actually trying to say is that this phenomenon should not be seen as only UK-based problem but rather about how Muslims treat minorities elsewhere too!

So let's just debate the subject without getting into where I come from. Thanks in advance!!
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I have been in UK long enough in the past and even when I am not in UK anymore, I keep myself updated enough to comment about it! And also what I am actually trying to say is that this phenomenon should not be seen as only UK-based problem but rather about how Muslims treat minorities elsewhere too!

So let's just debate the subject without getting into where I come from. Thanks in advance!!

Fair enough. I'll take your experience on board.

The trend that you see is UK based, as the same is not be seen by significant minorities in the US, Canada, Denmark, Germany and Norway.

How Muslims treat minorities is not related for two main reasons, number one, in this case they don't hold the reigns of power here, and secondly they are a minority themselves. Majority Muslim states and their treatment of minorities is a different thing all together.
Bangladeshis to an extent, on occasion Afghans have been involved- mostly these cases involve British- Pakistanis. To date have not seen any case of British Indians involved in such shameful and abhorrent behaviour.

You have not seen it does it mean they don't do?
Finally, you can't deny the role of religion in social and gender based segregation (thus ghetto-isation and sexual depravity among men) and loss of job opportunities (mainly due to misplaced focus on religious education rather than professional education)!

I don't think it's to do with religion.
The UK has had it's share of race riots and as a minority, many Muslims began to fear for themselves. This is the first step in ghettoiziation. They become worried, and decide to live in ethnic enclaves. I've noticed in many communities abroad, there is a much stronger sense of culture and nationality than in the country itself.
The second step is in which their fear for the majority turns into hatred and mistrust. Blacks in the United States also share this trait. Just look at what happened in Ferguson. Many blacks have lost respect for the establishment and see it as racist and prejudiced. The ones from lower economic brackets feel that they'll never find a place in society and so they turn to crime and drugs.
Now the Islamization we're seeing is because of the fact that now we have preachers from countries in the ME who try to spread their twisted ideology. They do two things.
They guilt the youth by telling them about how they live in a Christian country, and ask why they don't do anything. They tell them they are a traitor to Islam or Muslims. Then they offer them a second chance. A chance for retribution for the sins they've committed.

I would say the same thing about all religions, but somehow Muslims take it to a whole new level and the number of people who do it is also quite significant! That's why the ill-effects of religion are more pronounced among Muslims than any other religion I have come across

We are going through a bad stage, that is correct. But it is just a bad stage. I don't know if you've studied anything about the US, but during the 1930s, they had a massive influx of Catholic immigrants from Europe. Many were poor and they followed a different strand of faith compared to the Protestants who lived there. There was great fear about those immigrants and the beliefs they brought. The KKK was formed against them. But now the Catholic have integrated happily.

I am pretty sure there are many Indian hindus/sikhs in other asians. They are not exactly angels like hindus on pdf portray them to be.
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Fair enough. I'll take your experience on board.

The trend that you see is UK based, as the same is not be seen by significant minorities in the US, Canada, Denmark, Germany and Norway.

How Muslims treat minorities is not related for two main reasons, number one, in this case they don't hold the reigns of power here, and secondly they are a minority themselves. Majority Muslim states and their treatment of minorities is a different thing all together.

Thanks and you raise an interesting point about Muslims being minority in UK.

But my observation is that since the accused come from ghetto's (as some members suggested) where they are actually in majority and the victims chosen also come from fringes of society (from poor and often single parents and from families suffering from substance-abuse), the victims themselves might appear as easy targets and hence my allusion to minorities.

Although the comparison to forced conversions/rape/kidnap/marriages of poor Hindu girls (for example in rural Sindh) is not very accurate, the common factor being the victims and their parents are helpless non-muslims in both the cases.
Why does this seem to only happen in britain you dont hear of this happening with pakistani communities in u.s or canada.
Pakistanis in UK are from Mirpur, which is apparently a very underdeveloped, lawless area.
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