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1400 children sexually abused by British 'Asians'

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Thanks and you raise an interesting point about Muslims being minority in UK.

But my observation is that since the accused come from ghetto's (as some members suggested) where they are actually in majority and the victims chosen also come from fringes of society (from poor and often single parents and from families suffering from substance-abuse), the victims themselves might appear as easy targets and hence my allusion to minorities.

Although the comparison to forced conversions/rape/kidnap/marriages of poor Hindu girls (for example in rural Sindh) is not very accurate, the common factor being the victims and their parents are helpless non-muslims in both the cases.

Hi, the area i.e. Rotherham, they are not a majority. The girls didn't come from any of the ghetto areas, rather than majority White Working Class neighbourhoods. Many did come form troubled backgrounds and were deemed "easy", like I said before and you just affirmed.

The thing is, none of these girls were converted, forced to change their faith, forced married and so forth. They were used for gratuitous pleasure. much like pimps do anywhere.

As for the victims being helpless non-Muslims, not all of them. A significant number were not and were Asian, and yes were also Muslim and of Pakistani heritage.

Please read this.


Pakistanis in UK are from Mirpur, which is apparently a very underdeveloped, lawless area.

No it's not. It's actually very developed and very peaceful. One of the few areas that has never had a terrorist attack and has the highest literacy rate in Pakistan. It has something to do with the occupations of the folks who came from there i.e. simple farmers and of course what happened in the UK after that.
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Show me any reports that they do.


I guess not a single hindu/sikh in other asian category right? Not to forget these two comunites still kill baby girls in UK which British gov hide.
No it's not. It's actually very developed and very peaceful. One of the few areas that has never had a terrorist attack and has the highest literacy rate in Pakistan. It has something to do with the occupations of the folks who came from there i.e. simple farmers and of course what happened in the UK after that.
That is only after remittances from UK were sent back there. Before that, it was full of farmers and such under educated people/
This issue has nothing to do with religion, like many others have said, its a lot of factors combined that result in such problems.
I am more worried about the fact that the authorities did nothing for so long. It was definitely not because of "racism fears", that's a huge load of bull. Now they aren't even going to take disciplinary action, which is even more disturbing.

The article tells us that "senior officers did not believe the data.", while the rest of it is full of sensationalist and exaggerated stuff.
An article on the BBC says :
Professor Alexis Jay's report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, said: "Several councillors interviewed believed that by opening up these issues they could be 'giving oxygen' to racist perspectives that might in turn attract extremist political groups and threaten community cohesion."
Prof Jay's report said that while ethnicity did not impact on the way front-line staff dealt with cases, it did affect the wider picture, with some staff in children's social care saying they were "advised by their managers to be cautious about referring to the ethnicity of the perpetrators" in reports.

What I don't get is: why not just arrest them, charge them and then worry about the impact this would have on society? Hiding stuff from the media is one thing (which I would agree with) but not doing anything at all is retarded.

While "several people" interviewed by Prof Jay "expressed the general view that ethnic considerations had influenced the policy response of the council and the police", all senior officials questioned denied race influenced their decision making.

Who are these "senior" officials and if it wasn't race that influenced them, what was it? It's disturbing to think that they were paid off, but there seems to be no other plausible explanation.
This issue has nothing to do with religion, like many others have said, its a lot of factors combined that result in such problems.
I am more worried about the fact that the authorities did nothing for so long. It was definitely not because of "racism fears", that's a huge load of bull. Now they aren't even going to take disciplinary action, which is even more disturbing.

The article tells us that "senior officers did not believe the data.", while the rest of it is full of sensationalist and exaggerated stuff.
An article on the BBC says :

What I don't get is: why not just arrest them, charge them and then worry about the impact this would have on society? Hiding stuff from the media is one thing (which I would agree with) but not doing anything at all is retarded.

Who are these "senior" officials and if it wasn't race that influenced them, what was it? It's disturbing to think that they were paid off, but there seems to be no other plausible explanation.

British gov hide hindu/sikhs killing little daughters because they wanted boy.
They are deprived of nothing brother. They are plain wanabee thugs. This country has given them everything and many other Pakistanis have done well. These idiots should be thrown into a desert, and rid us of their presence.

This sums up everything in the most simplest way, however I might not agree that Indians are innocent as I have seen many cases (because of my profession).

My observations are in-line with you however in broader aspect. Bradford, a hub of Pakistanis - here, no one day passes without youngsters being involved and caught in criminal activities. Their mentality is more of black Americans gangsters as does their accent. Rest are into Arab sheesha or 'alhamdulillah/mashAllah' culture. They love to have excursions in UAE, Morocco etc, wear kantoora or Arabic style honeycomb scarf (girls) and Arabs laugh at them saying: 'seriously - you want to be like us?' These youngsters are the most unfortunate ones who have not taken advantage of this country rich in education. Kids coming from school effing with each other. Do they deserve to be here when our cultured, educated and intelligent youth back in Pakistan are denied visas for higher education? I pose this question to myself everyday....
People questioning why they emphasize on them being Pakistani origin and Muslim should realize that such seperation is very much needed. Or else non Muslim, non Pakistanis will get targeted, for e.g. the attacks on Sikhs after 9/11 bcoz their turban and beard.

It is important to know the particular group so that they can administer some preventive measures.
People questioning why they emphasize on them being Pakistani origin and Muslim ......

Come up with something educated and not like a lunatic hindu troll. Calling them Pakistanis is ok if they deserve, but adding Muslim is nothing more of proving you a biased troll.
People questioning why they emphasize on them being Pakistani origin and Muslim should realize that such seperation is very much needed. Or else non Muslim, non Pakistanis will get targeted, for e.g. the attacks on Sikhs after 9/11 bcoz their turban and beard.

It is important to know the particular group so that they can administer some preventive measures.

How many hindu/sikhs are they hiding in other "asian category".
Pakistanis in UK are from Mirpur, which is apparently a very underdeveloped, lawless area.

Mirpur is not underdeveloped at all. Nor is it lawless afaik.

Gypsies were Punjabi slaves of Timur sold by him in Slave market . They are your brothers too.

Wrong they were only in Punjab because they were migrating westward from other Indian states, they were in no way Punjabi. In fact most say they emerged out of Rajasthan before heading west and their closest genetic match in South Asia itself are the banjari people who are located in (no points for guessing), Rajasthan.

That is why gypsies themselves say they are Indian and not Pakistani as their origins are in India proper.
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