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Wait so this guy us saying tejas is better? Bruh its a flying Frankenstein, has so many different origin parts, and the design is fairly outdated,in a real war jf17 will have an upper hand, Pajeets will be trying to repair those tejas, wait tejas wont be even participating in a all out war. Jf17 has kills to its name, Missions to its name, while tejas just has some photo ops.
Wondering if there is a pool to see who crashes one first unless it has already been done.
Bringing this back to the Tejas and the fly past...

The reason why we Indians are so proud and indeed.excited by Tejas programme is manifold something that you Pakistanis will not wish to acknowledge.

simply we had zero experience and zero infrastructure to even.attempt to build a modern fighter... in 1990.
we were reliant on imports and could not afford western fights in bulk so made to with Russian systems though cheaper and reliable ally they have maintenance issues and in some critical areas were behind western technology esp radars and missles and cockpit fusion.
we were saddled with vintage mig fleet over 500 mig21 23 27 and 29 ...
in comparison to these,migs our tejas feels like a space ship....
gone high maintenance engines
gone hydraulic cables gears,etc
switches cumbersome flight controls
Tejas has taken us to the elite level.very very few countries can.develope a modern fighters or indeed helicopter at home...

Tejas has spawned the dhruv helicopter the light attack helicopter the mark.2 and eventually Amca.

We don't need any body now we do it at home
And replacing mig 21 bison to Tejas must be amazing to be a young indian pilot now

you have all the right to celebrate the achievements of your country unfortunately you picked the wrong forum. What were you expecting from Pakdef?
Bringing this back to the Tejas and the fly past...

The reason why we Indians are so proud and indeed.excited by Tejas programme is manifold something that you Pakistanis will not wish to acknowledge.

simply we had zero experience and zero infrastructure to even.attempt to build a modern fighter... in 1990.
we were reliant on imports and could not afford western fights in bulk so made to with Russian systems though cheaper and reliable ally they have maintenance issues and in some critical areas were behind western technology esp radars and missles and cockpit fusion.
we were saddled with vintage mig fleet over 500 mig21 23 27 and 29 ...
in comparison to these,migs our tejas feels like a space ship....
gone high maintenance engines
gone hydraulic cables gears,etc
switches cumbersome flight controls
Tejas has taken us to the elite level.very very few countries can.develope a modern fighters or indeed helicopter at home...

Tejas has spawned the dhruv helicopter the light attack helicopter the mark.2 and eventually Amca.

We don't need any body now we do it at home
And replacing mig 21 bison to Tejas must be amazing to be a young indian pilot now
There is nothing wrong with building a fighter aircraft. But the term indigenous for the Tejas LCA is a little stretched, just the powerplant alone speaks for it. Not to mention how significantly delayed the project has been since its inception, despite all the help from USA, UK, Russia, France, Sweden etc etc.

And for IAF fighter pilots, to conduct a flypast like that is a little unprofessional given how off they were. You want to display, you do it right.
My classfellow from uni, he is a rookie on the CF-18 and they flew a very flawless looking fly-by at Cold Lake, Alberta for the RCAF anniversary celebrations this year.

And @The Maverick , please type out your comments like a qualified individual (if not educated). You want people to take you seriously, start writing out clearly.
PAF JF-17s have already exercised with and against the Rafales......where does that leaves Tejas.


design is outdated ......... that is so ironic
your 120 thunders,are outdated as mentioned already
only block 3 will.come up tejas mark1 level..
why because your block 3 will.include
composites in airframe
new quaruplex fbw
hmd and hobs missles

you and chinease learnt look ing at tejas,as we have these from.mark 1 on the off
so it's your 120 thunders,that are outdated

As for foreign parts your dam right air
usa engine f404 ie same engine as gripen.
Israeli hmd ..yes and it works
israeli Derby missles,yea python missles,yes and Russian r73 all tested on tejas .
yes your correct aren't you pakistan is trying to incorporate western missles,on jf17 .
is this not Frankenstein then
What western missiles are on the jf17?

Composite and fbw are one thing that makes a jet. Thats all you talk about. You fail to talk about the huge forces of drag acting on the wings causing a sluggish turn rate, the lack of anti ship weaponry, the lack of stand off weaponry, BVR weaponry and so on.

Jf17 has all this and then some. Pl15e, pl10e, pl5e2, sd10a, cm802a/akg, cm400akg, H2, H4, Raad 2, I REK, REK etc etc.

There is a reason why it took so long to develop this jet. Because your nations air force doesnt want it. Just like the arjun they were forced to buy it.
Jf17 blk2 is better than the mig 21, m2k and mig29 however the SU30mki will beat it in a WVR fight. Bvr however the jf17 would beat it though. Especially blk 3
he is comparing man+machine, not machine vs. machine.

on the lighter side, in the aftermath of balakot, indian Sue ran from Pakistan JF thinking that his thunderbolt-10 was a bit much for her
he is comparing man+machine, not machine vs. machine.

on the lighter side, in the aftermath of balakot, indian Sue ran from Pakistan JF thinking that his thunderbolt-10 was a bit much for her
Man+machine... That will not play out for them at all and God willing it will remain like that
design is outdated ......... that is so ironic
your 120 thunders,are outdated as mentioned already
only block 3 will.come up tejas mark1 level..
why because your block 3 will.include
composites in airframe
new quaruplex fbw
hmd and hobs missles

you and chinease learnt look ing at tejas,as we have these from.mark 1 on the off
so it's your 120 thunders,that are outdated

As for foreign parts your dam right air
usa engine f404 ie same engine as gripen.
Israeli hmd ..yes and it works
israeli Derby missles,yea python missles,yes and Russian r73 all tested on tejas .
yes your correct aren't you pakistan is trying to incorporate western missles,on jf17 .
is this not Frankenstein then

chinese learned from tejas? :rofl: :rofl:

why would anyone take this imbecile seriously?
problem with tejas is not whether it can fly or not. Problem is that IAF simply keeps rejecting its induction into service even preferred to upgrade Mig 21 rather than buying Tejas. Tejas is a national embarrassment for India and they will make a token induction of 100 or so tejas just like they did with Arjunk. By the time they will induct tejas fully Pakistan will be in process of inducting a 5th gen platform. Indian needed Tejas right around the time Pakistan needed thunders but it failed. Now tejas is a plane out of time.
There is nothing wrong with building a fighter aircraft. But the term indigenous for the Tejas LCA is a little stretched, just the powerplant alone speaks for it. Not to mention how significantly delayed the project has been since its inception, despite all the help from USA, UK, Russia, France, Sweden etc etc.

And for IAF fighter pilots, to conduct a flypast like that is a little unprofessional given how off they were. You want to display, you do it right.
My classfellow from uni, he is a rookie on the CF-18 and they flew a very flawless looking fly-by at Cold Lake, Alberta for the RCAF anniversary celebrations this year.

And @The Maverick , please type out your comments like a qualified individual (if not educated). You want people to take you seriously, start writing out clearly.
They have 2sq there with 18 per sq who then managed to put 14 in the air. Should one think that means it took them 1.5 years of having that number on station to demonstrate a 40% serviceability rate?
PAF JF-17s have already exercised with and against the Rafales......where does that leaves Tejas.

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Not in the same league. I can't understand why you guys keep confusing yourself's so much..
The Tejas is a replacement for the MIG 21
The JF-17 is a league above the Rafale. Infact the only claimed Rafale Killer with PL - something absed on a recently concluded aerial exercise? was all over Pak news, media and tweets.

Tejas can and only claims to be a replacement for the MIG -21.
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