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14 Iranian border guards killed by terrorists in Iran-Pak cross border attack

ولا تحسبن الذين قتلوا في سبيل الله أمواتا بل أحياء عند ربهم يرزقون
RIP to our martyrs.
apparently Salafi (wahhabi,takfiri) terrorist group jeish -ol-adl "جیش العدل" has accepted the responsibility, the sad thing is that they managed to freely fall back to Pakistan and escape, does Pakistan even has an army?
till Pakistan has warm relations with Saudis, terrorism in Pakistan will never end.




this is the kind of Islam that Saudis are spreading around the globe, what better brain washing system than raising homeless children? the results are some praying cannibals.
Jeish ol adl?!! I believe the correct term is ''Jesh ol shaitan''
First of all, Rest in peace to the border guards. May their families recieve all support from the government in processing their grief.

Second, Government is going to weigh several military options. I hope it is 24 hours bombardment of the Pakistani border. We arent joking when we are talking about Iranian lives.
I hope it is 24 hours bombardment of the Pakistani border. We arent joking when we are talking about Iranian lives.

we are friends with pakistan , thats not an option as its invading another country

i know how u feel , the best possible choice is forming an special team consisting of iranian & pakistani special forces
we are friends with pakistan , thats not an option as its invading another country

i know how u feel , the best possible choice is forming an special team consisting of iranian & pakistani special forces

This is the problem. Pakistan is on the side with terrorists. it is like allying yourself with a thief to investigate a robbery. It wont work !
Best is to go independently after the terrorists as Pakistan is a failed state and has no control over the armed groups inside its territory.
This is the problem. Pakistan is on the side with terrorists. it is like allying yourself with a thief to investigate a robbery. It wont work !
Best is to go independently after the terrorists as Pakistan is a failed state and has no control over the armed groups inside its territory.

your going too far brother !! thats not true ....

pakistan is a friendly independent state , with very nice people

although the gov. of pakistan doesnt seem to try its best regarding these issues , we should have self-restraint

@Falon : yavash baba dadash!! too een forum faghat pakistani ha va hendi ha ba ma doostan !!! oona ru ham naparoon !! :(
i doesnt matter who they claim to be bro , terrorists are terrorists ! they have no religion , no GOD

they know no mercy they just kill with hatred
you just reminded me the latest batman movie, terrorists killing for the sake of killing.
no, this is not a correct way to see them, this is American's method, they choose this way and advertise this way in their media and movies, because they don't want you to know the behind ideologies.
what if Americans notice the so called creators of 9/11 are their close ally in middle east?
most of these people believe in god and they do have a religion, but problem is in their religion. it's their religion (wahhabi) which is advertising the violence and hatred.
you just reminded me the latest batman movie, terrorists killing for the sake of killing.
no, this is not a correct way to see them, this is American's method, they choose this way and advertise this way in their media and movies, because they don't want you to know the behind ideologies.
what if Americans notice the so called creators of 9/11 are their close ally in middle east?
most of these people believe in god and they do have a religion, but problem is in their religion. it's their religion (wahhabi) which is advertising the violence and hatred.

wahabisim is not a religion , if it is , its the religion of satan not the GOD

but still , i see your point and i agree
No surprises here!! If you are having a border with pakistan, you will suffer at the hands of terrorists. India has seen it, Afghanistan has seen it and now Iran!! Heck..even their" higher than mountains, deeper than ocean and sweeter than honey" friend also started to bear the brunt of having pak as their neighbor. It's now high time to stop the spread of this cancer!

u see , we dont agree !! the pakistani nation has obviously nothing to do with this , their gov. too ! its just that unfortunately the gov. of pakistan doesnt pay enough attention to the security of its nation ...... and obviously the surrounding countries too .....

if only ali jinah was alive , pakistan was free from extremism and dependence on some extremist countries like KSA & USA........
god wiiling bro we (pakistan and iran) hand in hand could unleash hell on these terrorists

We understand your pain brother. Soon we will have peace talks with them. It's a matter of time. We ensure that such things will not last long.
We understand your pain brother. Soon we will have peace talks with them. It's a matter of time. We ensure that such things will not last long.

tnx dear brother , but thats the problem dear , u shouldnt start peace talks with the ones who kill your own people and even your brothers in iran

u should bombard them , i know the situation is very complex for u , but for the sake of god , wipe them out!
tnx dear brother , but thats the problem dear , u shouldnt start peace talks with the ones who kill your own people and even your brothers in iran

u should bombard them , i know the situation is very complex for u , but for the sake of god , wipe them out!

We cannot bomb them.If we will launch any attack then they will do more bloodshed. All Party conference has decided to have peace talk with them. It is decided by the representative of the people and Mr Imran Khan has advised them to open a office so we don't have choice other then having peace with them. Moreover we don't want our soldiers to get killed. Peace with them is the only solution to end this blood shed.
u see , we dont agree !! the pakistani nation has obviously nothing to do with this , their gov. too ! its just that unfortunately the gov. of pakistan doesnt pay enough attention to the security of its nation ...... and obviously the surrounding countries too .....

if only ali jinah was alive , pakistan was free from extremism and dependence on some extremist countries like KSA & USA........
It dosent make an iota of difference whether you agree or not....ofcourse pakistani nation obviously has nothing to do with it. It always will be the "non-state actors". And who is funding these people? From whose soil these terrorists are operating from? Responsibility lies with whom to control the land which they claim?
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