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14 Iranian border guards killed by terrorists in Iran-Pak cross border attack

Pakistan can't even control it's own home-grown terrorism , besides these terrorist groups are supported by Arab countries like KSA,UAE, and Qatar. They do have the blessing of some Pakistani officials. We should retaliate but take your time to make sure it's maximum damage.

First off - May the Fallen Guards Rest in Peace !

I hope you realize that today we lost our soldiers fighting protecting Shia Pilgrims & we've lost them on a recurring basis !

I hope you also realize that the Baluch Separatists, the Jandullah & some other Sectarian Outfits in Baluchistan have a nexus of sorts between them three of them - Whenever we go after them they either run away into the mountains of Baluchistan (the Province is more than 40% of Pakistan), into Iran's Baluchistan-Sistan or into Afghanistan's area of Baluchistan with Afghanistan being there destination of choice !

What in God's name could we achieve by arming, supporting or even looking the other way when one of that three who become effectively one when it comes to Baluchistan's Independence want nearly 40% of Pakistan & other Baluch settled areas of Pakistan to break free from the country ?

Do you guys even pause to think & ask yourselves what are you alleging over here ? Blessings of some Pakistani Officials ? Which Pakistani Official has either the independence of supporting entire Baluch Separatist Outfits or Jandullah without him being struck down from within the Intelligence Community or has the nerve to actually support a Sectarian Outfit when, unlike a lot of other countries & much contrary to popular perception, there is no Institutionalized Discrimination against the Shias as is evidenced by them being everywhere throughout the State Apparatus & there isn't any Social Discrimination against Shias either as evidenced by there being no Shia Only or Sunni Only Areas in Pakistan, no instance of Shia Discrimination or Persecution at a Social Level...heck last year we - the Sunnis - walked alongside the Muharram Processions with First Aid Kits & as Human Shields - Some even died when the terrorists struck ! Even some Christian Pakistanis pitched in as well. So how is it possible for a Pakistani Official to be involved in any of this without there being a schism within the Intelligence Community of Pakistan ?

Surely if I were a Shia & I knew that the guys in the community are supporting outfits who are taking pot shots at my community, I'm bound to retaliate ! Surely if I were a Shia & I knew that the Police is colluding with Sectarian Outfits than I'm bound to strike back from within the Police Services ?

Surely if there isn't a shoot-out than at least a conspicuous example of Sectarian Leanings should be there ? Maybe the Sunnis banding together to assassinate their Shia Police Officer ? Or maybe the Shia Soldiers refusing to obey the orders to stand down & instead attack some Sectarian Outfit ?

Something....Anything ? Because Shias are something like 20% of Pakistan's Population - That isn't a minority that gets squished, that gets abused, killed & maimed by their own without retaliating !

If no where else than maybe in the Shia Dominated Province of Gilgit Baltistan would the locals show some of this Sectarian Backlash but nothing.....not a thing...zilch !

Why ? Because contrary to popular opinion Officials don't support Sectarian Outfits, the Government doesn't discriminate against Shias & their is no Social Ostracization against them because they are very well integrated with the Sunnis & they are very well & perhaps disproportionately well represented in the Government Circles !

So please enough of this nonsense - We are the victims here ! If 20% of our people are targeted how can the other 80% stay aloof to all of that ?

As far as retaliating is concerned - If you can't appreciate that the success & failure of both Iran & Pakistan, in Baluchistan (both of them) is the same, then at least appreciate the fact that a country with an economy that has nose-dived, has to deal with two difficult neighbors (one is in a mess whilst the other is getting belligerent), has severe internal security challenges isn't stupid enough to open up yet another front - this time against Iran !

And I hope that you also realize that whereas our sold-out-government hasn't the will to take a stand against the Americans; the Iranians are not in the same league & any misadventure against Pakistan could have severe repercussions for Iran as well !

It is best that we say Fateha for the falling Iranian Guards & cooperate with each other the way we did during Shah's time to bring peace & stability to both our Baluchistans instead of taking about retaliations & what not !
It is off-topic
BTW, Syrian government needs to remove those salafi terrorists as well.
Syria has separate threads in the forum, do not bring its discussions into this thread.

Hypocrisy at its best.
Hypocrisy at its best.
You can think whatever you want. It seems that you have more sympathy for terrorists because they are sunnis. and you have no respect for victims because they are shias. That's what is really going on in your brain. Anyways, in this case. I do not have any further discussion with you.
@Armstrong bro we all know that pakistanis and iranians love eachother , i donno why some pakistani members misunderstood our intention

we only called for more effort by pakistani gov. and cooperation of both countries on the evil issue
Iran urges Pakistan to further control borders.

An Iranian official urges Pakistan to boost control over its borders with the Islamic Republic after a shooting by terrorists killed at least 14 border guards in the southeast of the country.

“We urge the Pakistani government to take more measures than before to seriously tighten control over its borders,” Iran’s Deputy Interior Minister Ali Abdollahi said Saturday.

He pointed to a security agreement signed between Iran and Pakistan and called for more serious measures by the Pakistani side to control its borders to curb terrorist activities.

Abdollahi said that Friday night’s terrorist attack seems to have been planned beyond the country’s borders, adding that the Interior and Foreign Ministries are jointly looking into the incident. He also said that the Supreme National Security Council would convene a meeting on Sunday to investigate the incident.

According to the official, 14 border guards were killed and six were injured in the attack in the border city of Saravan in Sistan-and-Baluchestan Province.

He said that three border guards were also taken hostage, adding that serious measures were under way to secure their release.

No group has yet taken responsibility for the attack, Abdollahi said.

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has called for an investigation into the shooting incident, tasking the Foreign Ministry with taking necessary measures to implement the border security agreement with Pakistan.

Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement in February, under which both countries would cooperate in preventing and combating organized crime and will fight against terrorism and activities posing a threat to national security of either country.

We know that pakistani people have nothing to do with this terrorists, but there are some persons in pakistan who have sympathy with terrorists and are under influence and support of arabs. Unfortunately, some of them have presence and influence in your government and specially your intelligence service as well.
We know that pakistani people have nothing to do with this terrorists, but there are some persons in pakistan who have sympathy with terrorists and are under influence and support of arabs. Unfortunately, some of them have presence and influence in your government and specially your intelligence service as well.

There will always be some people who have sympathy with terrorists - These some people are in Iran, in India, in Pakistan, in Afghanistan - They're all over !

If they weren't how else would these terrorist attack & then melt back into the society & then it takes a lot of counter-intelligence to root them out !

After all even when it came to Jandullah it wasn't as if there wasn't anyone of them from Baluchsitan-Sistan in fact the majority were from there & they with their like-minded terrorists from here killed innocent people on their self-styled divine mission !

We are suffering these same fools !

As far as some presence in Government or Intelligence Community is concerned - I disagree ! If there were any then there must be something to show for it...right ? Individuals can be there & have been there but to support a Terrorist Outfit requires a splinter cell team working towards some goal - I don't think theres anything to substantiate that anymore than someone being there in the Iranian Security Outfits who'd tell the Jandullah about the Patrols, the Timings, the Weapons, the Routes etc for them them to ambush Iranian Security Personnel !

Imagine this - If I were a Shia & I knew that there are people within the Organization I'm working in who are doing things that are targeting my Community than surely there must be something that I would've done about it especially if its not just me but 20% of me thats in the Organization, in fact by many estimates its even more than that. Surely there must be something that shows to the world that something is amiss here....that the Intelligence Community or the Government Organization is facing some Internal Issues !

But nothing ? Not even in the Shia Dominated Area of Gilgit Baltistan ? How come ? You can't abuse, discriminate & even kill 20% of your country without them reacting even in the areas that they have a distinct upper hand in !

Maybe then we're just looking too much into this - Government & Intelligence Community infiltrated by Anti-Shia Elements & What not !
We know that pakistani people have nothing to do with this terrorists, but there are some persons in pakistan who have sympathy with terrorists and are under influence and support of arabs. Unfortunately, some of them have presence and influence in your government and specially your intelligence service as well.

Thts nomsense why would they do tht? would an Iranian intel officer support a terrorist organisation in baluchistan..? considering the fact that militants on both sides of the border have the same God damn ideology ? Iranian govt claims tht US supports jandullah,arab states (gulf countries)... while in Pakistan we know tht these turds are supported by india and the gulf... ! so does it make any sense?

Also you might think tht india supporting proxies inside Pakistan doesnt/wouldnt affect you... Well think again!

On Topic... Innalilehey wa innailehey rajeoon..

Ali Khan.
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There will always be some people who have sympathy with terrorists - These some people are in Iran, in India, in Pakistan, in Afghanistan - They're all over !

If they weren't how else would these terrorist attack & then melt back into the society & then it takes a lot of counter-intelligence to root them out !

After all even when it came to Jandullah it wasn't as if there wasn't anyone of them from Baluchsitan-Sistan in fact the majority were from there & they with their like-minded terrorists from here killed innocent people on their self-styled divine mission !

We are suffering these same fools !

As far as some presence in Government or Intelligence Community is concerned - I disagree ! If there were any then there must be something to show for it...right ? Individuals can be there & have been there but to support a Terrorist Outfit requires a splinter cell team working towards some goal - I don't think theres anything to substantiate that anymore than someone being there in the Iranian Security Outfits who'd tell the Jandullah about the Patrols, the Timings, the Weapons, the Routes etc for them them to ambush Iranian Security Personnel !

Imagine this - If I were a Shia & I knew that there are people within the Organization I'm working in who are doing things that are targeting my Community than surely there must be something that I would've done about it especially if its not just me but 20% of me thats in the Organization, in fact by many estimates its even more than that. Surely there must be something that shows to the world that something is amiss here....that the Intelligence Community or the Government Organization is facing some Internal Issues !

But nothing ? Not even in the Shia Dominated Area of Gilgit Baltistan ? How come ? You can't abuse, discriminate & even kill 20% of your country without them reacting even in the areas that they have a distinct upper hand in !

Maybe then we're just looking too much into this - Government & Intelligence Community infiltrated by Anti-Shia Elements & What not !

Honestly, I am worried about electing of Navaz Sharif and his love for KSA. It can provide a good environment for terrorists and their activities.
I know what you mean brother, and I am sure about goodness of Pakistani people, but your quote does not reject influence of some specific foreign countries and their money and their inhuman wills in some part of your governmental system, not all of it.
okey the last thing we want is iran-pakistan members clash !!

OMG!! look at this whats wrong with us? its like two brothers punching eachother in face!! :(
Thts nomsende why would they do tht? would an Iranian intel officer support a terrorist organisation in baluchistan..? considering the fact that militants on both sides of the border have the same God damn go... ? Iranian govt claims tht US supports jandullah,arab states (gulf countries)... while in Pakistan we know tht these turds are supported by india and the gulf... ! so does it make any sense?

Also you might think tht india supporting proxies inside Pakistan doesnt/wouldnt affect you... Well think again!

On Topic... Innalilehey wa innailehey rajeoon..

Ali Khan.
I think there is no difference in our views, we both agree about who are meddling in balouchistan.
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