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13 soldiers martyred in Swat suicide blast: ISPR

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

Due to the governments complicity how many more precious lives shall be lost, why did the federal government grant the Afghan refugees to stay for another two months, when ISPR clearly said they are a grave threat and have to go back to their country of origin. Its another sorry state of affairs, why is this government appeasing clown kabul regime when they are not interested in peace.
BTW this was clearly 'payback' for the attack on the Afghan military academy. US/Afghan/Indian backed TTP doing what they need to do.
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RIP my brave soldiers, we shall never forget your sacrifice to the nation.

So the cockroaches want to play. Maybe we should hang and quarter Sufi Muhammad publicly, so that his son-law can feel the pain. Fence the damn border, they need to bloody hurry up, and mine the entire area so that no cockroach is allowed in.
Rest in Peace brave sons of the soil. Your blood will be avenged hopefully.

Thank you for your service, you did us all proud. It is now your time to say Good Night. Thank you.

May Allah grant you all the highest place in Jannah. Ameen.
Pak Fauj Zindabad! Pakistan Paindabad!
People saying BS about Sufi Muhammad need to get their head out of whatever place they shoved it.

Sufi is a non entity now. Whether he would have remained in the prison or outside, this attack would have happened. So stop bringing that old guy in this thread again and again.


Enemy is in Afghanistan. In fact enemy is Afghanistan the state. Keep that in your mind. Stop bending to them. Stop extending their refugees stay. Give them a deadline and then start sending them back after that deadline. No more extensions. Continue with your operations inside Pakistan. Answer every attack in Kabul and make it bloody. Also start planning for more targets to kill TTP leadership inside Afghanistan like we did with Jan Wali Sheena. Look for loop holes in our intelligence and work to improve them. Continue with forts and fence.

This is the only right way to fight this war. There is no other way. If we fight this way, we would surely win. Even today we have the upper hand.


Msg from CO 19L
Rumours of complacency and lowered guard are rubbish. Unit is deployed astride main rd with a very high vehicle density. The suicide bombing happened on the main road and soldiers in the vicinity took the toll. Our morale is soaring and we promise vengeance. Every drop of blood will be avenged as soon as I bury my shaheeds inshallah. Our lives are not more precious than Pakistan. Prayers and support requested from the brothers in arms.

We don't need your lives. We need lives of our enemies. We want revenge. Do that or STFU.
Its very hard to stop a Suicide bomber, there have been crystal clear proves that Taliban are stooges of India and NDS but still people are supporting their cause thinking they are fighting for Islam ? we need to hunt down those Kulbhoshan Yadev's in our societies who are working as facilitators for these Terrorists , firing at Afghanistan will not solve any problem unless we send in troops to take out their leaders .. we need to take every threat issued by Intelligence 100x more seriously, and we need to bring in some procedure to change the duty times of Guards without outside people knowing about it .. we need to place Armored cars , and Snipers on towers for such highly sensitive Sites .. people in KPK and FATA has to identity those black sheep's and inform authorities before these terrorists start to gain ground again. Army has Rebuild their lives as they promised now its time for the people of these Agencies to not let those facilitators or terrorist grow again ..

My Deepest Condolence for the soldiers who lost their lives , for the sake of these 11 Son's of soil we lost today, we have to take out their leaders in Afghanistan , Army should launch a Operation inside Afghanistan like Turkey and Kill TTP and JuA leadership to demoralize them .
it will continue.pakistan army can do anything inside pakistan but reluctant to cross border where nds and raw are paying ttp millions and i am not shocked.i think pakistan army will never cross durand line and soldiers will continue to die.brotherly relations between afghanistan and pakistan is getting stronger by martyrdom of pakistani soldiers but if afghans die, pakistan will be responsible.what a joke.i think pakistan is scared of afghanistan or may be it's incompetence.i was looking at the recent military government officials meeting.conclusion was that"keep brotherly relations with afghanistan".continue policy of failures.brotherly relations wants more blood.
Well yes it is?
Show me one terrorism incident where suicide bomber was not a Pushtoon? The whole TTp is Pushtoon and there is always local support from Pushtoons.
Calling the spade a spade is not wrong.
Can someone please delete his comments? @waz
RIP soldiers
What a great loss, whoever the unit in charge be Court Martial immediately and give proper punishment for negligence on security.
It’s a totally security failure.
Pakhtaray at it again?
Obviously local support for Killing Pakistan army soldiers.

Tomorrow the same Swatis will be crying rivers why their local economy is in gutter and why tourists have stopped coming to Swat.
Stop supporting terrorism . You started it.
Sufi Muhammad and Mullah Radio both were Swati and TNSM started in Swat with local support.
Mate .... small teams of men are almost impossible to defend against. Doesnt mean people of swat are part of this menace. But payback must be deliver in Kashmir and Afghanistan and to the Americans in Afghanistan.

Well yes it is?
Show me one terrorism incident where suicide bomber was not a Pushtoon? The whole TTp is Pushtoon and there is always local support from Pushtoons.
Calling the spade a spade is not wrong.

Calling a spade a spade is fine but kitchen shovelling shit. Have facts not emotion
I hope our response will be better than wasting artillery on mountains. Send the forking JF-17 and flatten the suspected area - Public is not paying for these to see the air shows.
Rest in Peace .. and wish Gods wrath on TTP and their kind
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