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12 killed in explosions in north Lebanon

Its not about donation. You guys need to understand that we don't live in a barbaric world rather civilized one.

We are cousins NOT friends

Your 1 of the last to tell me that, you just supported Israel bombing Lebanon ( wipe it off the map ).

Saud family being friends with Israel is no news, some of Saud even have connections to the 9/11 attackers, this family is full of sh!t.
Your 1 of the last to tell me that, you just supported Israel bombing Lebanon ( wipe it off the map ).

Israel has the right to retaliate period.
Three rocket were lunched from southern Lebanon to Israel.

Saud family being friends with Israel is no news, some of Saud even have connections to the 9/11 attackers, this family is full of sh!t.

Cousins by blood. We are the sons of Ismael and the Israeli are the sons of Isaac.

To the other part of your post a solid proof must be presented.
Stay where you are. GCC has done a lot not only to Palestine but to many arab countries like yours but sadly don't appreciate anything. You are on your own now. who built Lebanon twice in 2006/2008? Who built Gaza last time I checked my country gave 100 million to PA authority and built 750 housing units.

Check this link @Hazzy997 as well


I saw the housing units in rafah they are actually nice and resemble the homes in the Khaleej.
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Iran have led Syria and Lebanon into one big sh*tstorm.

Where is the imperial Iran when you need them.

Their country isn't getting attacked, they are living in peace.

This is what happens when other countries chase the dream of Iranian hegemony and glory, you pay the price for being weak and pathetic.

Israel f**ks you, your own people f**k each other.

Grow some balls, throw Iran out of your country and build an army so Israel never dares to attack your soil again.
Israel has the right to retaliate period.
Three rocket were lunched from southern Lebanon to Israel.

Cousines by blood. We are the sons of Ismael and they Israeli are the sons of Isaac.

To the other part of your post a solid proof must be presented.

Should wipe Gaza of the map aswell, but ofc let us not upset Palestinians.

Whats the Isaac & Ishmael story supposed to mean, so are we, completely irrelevant considering most of Israel today is inhabited by people from all over the world rather the middle eastern people, anyway let us not turn it into the jewish discussion.
Should wipe Gaza of the map aswell, but ofc let us not upset Palestinians.

Whats the Isaac & Ishmael story supposed to mean, so are we, completely irrelevant considering most of Israel today is inhabited by people from all over the world rather the middle eastern people, anyway let us not turn it into the jewish discussion.

Palestine and Israel should work together to achieve peace and security.

Forget about the other part of my OP.
Yeah, Israëli treatment of Arabs is generous. :lol:

It's practically angelic compared to how they treat each other.

And it's funny to see an Iranian complain about how Israel treats Arabs. You've hijacked Lebanon, destroyed Syria and are trying the same in Bahrain and Northern Yemen.

Iran has killed more Arabs than Israel ever could.

10 times as many Arabs have died in 2+ years in Syria, than the combined total of Israelis/Pals in 46 years of conflict.

The safest place for Arabs now in the middle east is Israel and some GCC countries. The Arabs in Iran are treated like poo poo :lol:
It's practically angelic compared to how they treat each other.

And it's funny to see an Iranian complain about how Israel treats Arabs. You've hijacked Lebanon, destroyed Syria and are trying the same in Bahrain and Northern Yemen.

Iran has killed more Arabs than Israel ever could.

10 times as many Arabs have died in 2+ years in Syria, than the combined total of Israelis/Pals in 46 years of conflict.

The safest place for Arabs now in the middle east is Israel and some GCC countries. The Arabs in Iran are treated like poo poo :lol:

Shoot the MOFUs till you get spasm. :sniper:
It's obvious some groups in Lebanon want to cause a civil war, first they attack a Shia area and now they attack a Sunni area. People shouldn't fall into this trap.

Oh spare me. If they were Shia you would be playing the victim card by know but because HizboAlshytan is behind the attack its a trap people should avoid.
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