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12 killed in explosions in north Lebanon

The money means little in this subject, I am not talking about donations, GCC has oil to donate a lot but this is irrelevant here.


If it were on money then Venezuela or Iraq should have contributed to help needy people wherever they are. Maybe it is easy for you to downplay such efforts.

I agree, but, you and your government have double standards. As we've seen with Egypt. And your attitude towards these conflicts are is if you rule both these nations and have overwhelming influence in each.

Actually, you are turning the picture upside dow!
Terrorist attacks against the Shia, a week later it's against the Sunnis, then there's rockets by salafists groups into Israel in hope to make them believe that Hezbollah is attacking...

All a plan to slip Lebanon into a civil war in order to take pressure off Syria. The increase in attacks in Iraq is also for the same aim. Hezbollahs ideology is clear, thy would never do such thing.

Remember on thing, terrorists/AQ/Nusrah/ ISIS all believe that the aim justifies the means, so it's ok to kill innocent people for the greater good (civil war) according to their believe. Foriegn countries no doubt have a hand in this.

It doesn't need rocket science to realize the purpose of such attacks.
Hezbollah: Tripoli Blasts Reflect Int’l-Regional Scheme to Plant Sedition
Following the terrorist explosions that rocked the northern Lebanese city on Friday, Hezbollah said that "criminal terrorism refuses only to keep the Lebanese busy counting their martyrs and wounded, through targeting innocent citizens in all Lebanese regions."

In a statement issued Friday, Hezbollah stressed that "these two terrorist bombings reflect the very criminal scheme aimed at sowing seeds of sedition among the Lebanese and dragging them to the internal fighting under sectarian and confessional titles, to serve the evil regional and international project that wants to break up our region and dump it in seas of blood and fire."

Moreover, Hezbollah expressed "severe pain" for "our patient people in Tripoli."
"The crime is continuation of the project to insert Lebanon into the chaos and destruction, as well as an implementation of the devil goals of the Zionist enemy and those who stand behind him," the statement added.

Hezbollah voiced "the utmost solidarity and unity with our brothers and our people in the beloved city of Tripoli in these tragic moments, where innocent and pure blood is shed in the streets for no reason."

Hezbollah also called upon the wise men to use the language of mind and consciousness, and "not to get caught behind the rumors and accusations that want to sabotage the country and its people," expressing deepest condolences to the martyr’s families and praying to Allah Almighty to grant the wounded a speedy recovery.

Two terrorist explosions targeted the peaceful worshipers this afternoon after Friday prayers at Tripoli mosques, north Lebanon.

Health ministry said the terrorist attack left 27 people martyred and more than 350 others wounded.

If it were on money then Venezuela or Iraq should have contributed to help needy people wherever they are. Maybe it is easy for you to downplay such efforts.


Well it used to before the wars, mostly Arabs from the Arab world because of its pan arabist leadership, though you surely know for now it has to help its own people first considering life standards are even lower then non oil producing counries at the moment.
Well it used to before the wars, mostly Arabs from the Arab world because of its pan arabist leadership, though you surely know for now it has to help its own people first considering life standards are even lower then non oil producing counries at the moment.

Hopefully, Iraq will flourish once more.
Assad linked terrorists arrested

Sheikh Ahmad Gharib, 40, was arrested by the police overnight in his residence in Minyeh, north of Tripoli. Arms, explosives and maps of the northern city were seized at his home, judicial sources said.

The sources said that Gharib was an affiliate to the Syrian regime-backed Baath Party and had recently paid several visits to Syria. Gharib was studying Islam in Syria but then quit and became a staunch supporter of the Assad regime.

Another suspect in the bombing, Sheikh Abdel Razzak Hammoud, was arrested around noon, the sources said.

The sources said that both sheikhs are members of the Tripoli-based Islamic Tawheed Movement, a pro-Syrian regime group headed by Hashem Minkara.

Tripoli bombing suspects arrested, death toll rises to 47 | News , Lebanon News | THE DAILY STAR
Islam. The religion of peace. The religion of human compassion. The religion of human progress. It is self-evident .....
Islam. The religion of peace. The religion of human compassion. The religion of human progress. It is self-evident .....

And the wars - the so-called enlightened west has caused, just in the 20th century - 100 million deaths, so STFU you Islamaphobe.
... so STFU you Islamaphobe.

My point exactly, presuming, of course, that you are a perfect representative of a follower of Islam. Are you? Ye of such human understanding?
My point exactly, presuming, of course, that you are a perfect representative of a follower of Islam. Are you? Ye of such human understanding?

I have good friends of all ethnicity and backgrounds, unlike you I don't hate, a particular class of people, and denigrate 1.6 billion people based upon the actions of a few.

I suppose we should judge all Americans on the actions of the recent soldier convicted of murdering civilians. No that would be stupid. I have great friends from your country, was even engaged to an American girl.

But you won't understand any of that, you're hatred for all things Islamic is too strong.
But you won't understand any of that, you're hatred for all things Islamic is too strong.

You are wrong that I "hate all things Islamic". But you are right in that I believe that Islam is susceptible to, even enabling of, corruption. That is, it has been corrupted by the followers of jihad. I long for the believers in Islam to define their religion in a way that denies the jihadis their legitimacy. So far, I don't see this happening because, it seems to an outsider, that the jihadis have just as much "Islamic legitimacy" as you do. What I "hate" about Islam is the comfort it seems to give to followers to kill others in its name.
You are wrong that I "hate all things Islamic". But you are right in that I believe that Islam is susceptible to, even enabling of, corruption. That is, it has been corrupted by the followers of jihad. I long for the believers in Islam to define their religion in a way that denies the jihadis their legitimacy. So far, I don't see this happening because, it seems to an outsider, that the jihadis have just as much "Islamic legitimacy" as you do. What I "hate" about Islam is the comfort it seems to give to followers to kill others in its name.

My friend jihadis don't represent Islam any more than the KKK represent Christians, or the RSS represent Hindu's, look at German people, can you believe a couple of generations ago, the genocide and murder the third reich was responsible for, believe if all 1.6 billion Muslims wanted to cause havok, no one not even the US of A would be able to control it.

This jihadism is a recent thing that only goes back to the 70's and 80's, believe there will still be human conflict long after this particular conflict is over, human beings are built that way unfortunately.

ps all human thoughts and feelings are liable for "corruption" because they are human.
This jihadism is a recent thing that only goes back to the 70's and 80's ...

ps all human thoughts and feelings are liable for "corruption" because they are human.

Actually, iI am sure you are correct on both points above. Jihadism is "recent" and will burn itself out because it is based on false ethics, logic and humanity. I am just sorry that the burn out will take, perhaps, another generation.

And, yes, human beings are flawed and will devolve into corruption, except for the counteraction of the ethics inculcated by the noble aspects of the world's religions, all of them, including, especially, Islam.
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