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12 Days Left - LCA races to meet its target date

Actually I was comparing Chinese J-7 to your Mig-21s. Both decades old planes, but look at the crash rate of the IAF. It has something to do with the people, not the plane.

Put up the comparative data of airframes' date of induction, comparative sortie rates and instances of crash both IAF and PLAAF.

Do let us see what data set have you compared. Excel will do, even a PDF or word format will do. I will tag the interested people (who know about IAF aspects a bit more than me) too to understand the data here

@randomradio @Abingdonboy

Indians don't want to brag?

What do you think is your post, in LCA, an example of?

You should care about your falling j10 which is a aerodynamic disaster.

You see, when you post non-sense like the above, you open yourself to being ridiculed. Do you have any data to back that up? If not, stop being a troll like @Han Patriot

Im surprised you dont read the make believe stories your army comes up for that farzical strikes. From monkey god to leopard urine its a mix masala Bollywood style

Ordinarily an idiotic post like above does not merit a response as purely trolling, but, if the above logic is concerned with Project LCA, do explain. Otherwise you are merely trolling.

Grepen is 35% heavier than it.

And what is the difference between the engines on the two?

Surgical strike in LCA thread !! Any other rock u want to ump.to ?
Etc etc ...?

Why don't you learn to ignore the troll brigade? You troll yourself only.

Chinese Statue.

trolling again, are you? have you been to the statue? if not, then learn to use your limbic system in a much better way, and refrain from the urge to show your ignorance. God knows, you will kill people if you troll their complaints,

Most Common presentation of depression is bodyache. So, you will troll them after an examination of locomotor and neurological system?

good point.
goes to show how important is project management along with clear and defined scope with a deadline.

LCA remains a TD till date, in all official posts. Tejas is an off shoot.

Tejas had a time line, which has been exceeded time and again, Project LCA is more of a going concern.

So time deadline and need for project crashing is irrelevant in a TD R&D project.
Put up the comparative data of airframes' date of induction, comparative sortie rates and instances of crash both IAF and PLAAF.

Do let us see what data set have you compared. Excel will do, even a PDF or word format will do. I will tag the interested people (who know about IAF aspects a bit more than me) too to understand the data here

@randomradio @Abingdonboy

What do you think is your post, in LCA, an example of?

You see, when you post non-sense like the above, you open yourself to being ridiculed. Do you have any data to back that up? If not, stop being a troll like @Han Patriot

Ordinarily an idiotic post like above does not merit a response as purely trolling, but, if the above logic is concerned with Project LCA, do explain. Otherwise you are merely trolling.

And what is the difference between the engines on the two?

Why don't you learn to ignore the troll brigade? You troll yourself only.

trolling again, are you? have you been to the statue? if not, then learn to use your limbic system in a much better way, and refrain from the urge to show your ignorance. God knows, you will kill people if you troll their complaints,

Most Common presentation of depression is bodyache. So, you will troll them after an examination of locomotor and neurological system?

LCA remains a TD till date, in all official posts. Tejas is an off shoot.

Tejas had a time line, which has been exceeded time and again, Project LCA is more of a going concern.

So time deadline and need for project crashing is irrelevant in a TD R&D project.

Haven't seen abingdonboy in forever...
Put up the comparative data of airframes' date of induction, comparative sortie rates and instances of crash both IAF and PLAAF.

Do let us see what data set have you compared. Excel will do, even a PDF or word format will do. I will tag the interested people (who know about IAF aspects a bit more than me) too to understand the data here

Ask any Chinese and he will say the crash rate of PLAF aircrafts is equal to the number of people who died at Tiananmen Square massacre, i.e. zero.
What do you think is your post, in LCA, an example of?

Statement of facts unlike the denial of Chinese who are unwilling to accept the exceptional high falling rate.
You see, when you post non-sense like the above, you open yourself to being ridiculed. Do you have any data to back that up? If not, stop being a troll like @Han Patriot
Ofcourse, I have the data provided you do not deny the refefrefe. I have a comarcompa article of JF 17 and Tejas stating that tejas is superior. If iIpost it, you will say that that chChine paper is western stooge.
Statement of facts unlike the denial of Chinese who are unwilling to accept the exceptional high falling rate.

Ofcourse, I have the data provided you do not deny the refefrefe. I have a comarcompa article of JF 17 and Tejas stating that tejas is superior. If iIpost it, you will say that that chChine paper is western stooge.
Ok, anything else @Surya 1 :angel::p:;):enjoy:
Statement of facts unlike the denial of Chinese who are unwilling to accept the exceptional high falling rate.

Ofcourse, I have the data provided you do not deny the refefrefe. I have a comarcompa article of JF 17 and Tejas stating that tejas is superior. If iIpost it, you will say that that chChine paper is western stooge.

Point remains - stick to the point you are making, I am merely suggesting a better tactic to you. You will find that to be a more effective strategy in the long run. Ignore any attempts to troll. By getting J-10 or J-7 juice, you are merely losing the end objective.

Decide, whether you are making a point or merely trolling. Both are not synonymous by a large margin.

Tejas is superior or not, is and remains irrelevant. Remain on the point you are making and maybe, just maybe, you may realize that it is better to ignore the trolls, whose knowledge is limited to some random post of an equally information deficient poster.


Ask any Chinese and he will say the crash rate of PLAF aircrafts is equal to the number of people who died at Tiananmen Square massacre, i.e. zero.

Precisely. So why waste your time arguing with a person who denies a crash can occur in airforces which have extensive flying and probably the number of sorties per aircraft are much greater per year than what they fly?

The thread is the deadline. I see hardly any inputs on what is the status of the deadline for FOC. More of couple of neighbours decided to troll, and our posters went off grid!:disagree:
Shut named ugly looking teja. Every pig and his family who was ever involved in this project must be shot dead for wasting tax payers money as well as failing the action for decades.
Shut named ugly looking teja. Every pig and his family who was ever involved in this project must be shot dead for wasting tax payers money as well as failing the action for decades.
Get lost false flagger
I have to admit the Indian folks are damn good with words!!!!! If they can justify Tejas, almost nothing can fail in India...
They can justify a phalic looking object as 'the source of power'. What do you expect? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ask any Chinese and he will say the crash rate of PLAF aircrafts is equal to the number of people who died at Tiananmen Square massacre, i.e. zero.
Massacre...do you evenknow how mnay Indian baby starves to death annually, dalits killed, women raped in India? :enjoy:

You should care about your falling j10 which is a aerodynamic disaster.
Yah, I remember someone telling me delta wings are the best...in the end, you bought rafale. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
They can justify a phalic looking object as 'the source of power'. What do you expect? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Massacre...do you evenknow how mnay Indian baby starves to death annually, dalits killed, women raped in India? :enjoy:

Yah, I remember someone telling me delta wings are the best...in the end, you bought rafale. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Which wing is Rafale?
Indians don't want to brag? Gosh this is something new. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. Rigoroues testing? Or using 'testing' as an excuse to cover the incompetence? Who tests a plane for 10 years? :lol::lol::lol:. Might as well test it for another 20 years since you are sooooo high tech. I remember your Air Force Chief called Tejas a gen 3++ plane. :enjoy:

Calm down. Indian Air force won't even touch something like J 10 or J 20 forget about inducting.
Calm down. Indian Air force won't even touch something like J 10 or J 20 forget about inducting.

J-10's performance is not something to brag about. Especially the rate at which they are falling off from sky. There has been no news about any J-20 crashing yet.
J-10's performance is not something to brag about. Especially the rate at which they are falling off from sky. There has been no news about any J-20 crashing yet.

They have crashed but China covered it up.
J-10's performance is not something to brag about. Especially the rate at which they are falling off from sky. There has been no news about any J-20 crashing yet.

Can Tejas do this? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. You do know IAF is known as the flying coffins air force right? World famous.
They have crashed but China covered it up.
You can claim it's a cover up but still doesn't change the fact that Tejas is a shitty pplane.
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