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12 best tanks in world

T-72M2 Slovak Moderna T-72 most special variant


Notes: The Czechoslovakians, and later the Czechs and Slovaks, have been building and employing the T-72 and its variants for almost two decades now. Their local variants, both before and after the fall of the Iron Curtain, often had different electronics, fired locally-designed ammunition, had different armor suites, and different sensor suites, amongst many little and big differences.

A large portion of the Czech and Slovak tank forces consist of locally-manufactured and modified versions of the T-72M1 and T-72S. However, the Slovaks have come up with a radically different version of the T-72, based on a T-72S hull with a heavily-modified T-72M1 turret mounted on it. Two versions of these very-different T-72s are built, designated the T-72M1 Moderna and T-72M2 Moderna. Though there are some rumors of Slovak use and they are marketing the design heavily on the international market, there are no confirmed users as of yet.

The first model, the T-72M1 Moderna, was meant to be sort of a tank that also conduct effective short-range air defense as well as have a lighter weapon for use against light vehicles and personnel. Two this end, the T-72M1 Moderna turret retains it’s primary armament – but on each side of the turret, a 20mm Oerllikon KAA autocannon is mounted. The autocannons have independent elevation and depression from the main gun (but can’t be turned in different directions); depression is about the same as the main gun (about -5 degrees), but the elevation limit is just short of straight up. Different sights are used for the autocannons and the main gun/coaxial machinegun; the commander has controls for both the autocannons and the main guns, as does the gunner, and using both the commander and gunner, the main gun or coaxial machinegun and autocannons can be firing simultaneously. The sights for both weapons are separate, but approximately the same in capability, and both are stabilized equivalently. The T-72M1 Moderna has a laser detection system that can automatically one or more of the five smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret. The gunner and commander have thermal imagers and other upgraded night vision devices, and the main gun and autocannons have separate laser rangefinders. The ballistic computer has also been updated to be able to assist both the main gun and autocannons. The T-72M-1 Moderna can mount ERA on the turret front, glacis, and hull sides; the autocannon mountings do not allow for the installation of ERA on the turret sides.

The T-72M2 Moderna works from the same concept, but the 20mm autocannons are replaced with a twin autocannon mounting on right side of the turret. The autocannons on the T-72M2 Moderna are 30mm 2A42 autocannons instead of the 20mm KAA autocannons, and this allows the autocannons to be used against light armor as well as air targets and light vehicles. Sighting equipment is slightly different, and the ballistic computer is reprogrammed for the new autocannons and for general accuracy. The mounting of both autocannons on one side of the turret also simplifies the feed system and concentrates their fire.

The T-72S-based hull of the T-72 Moderna uses side skirts hade from a plastic/aluminum sandwich instead of the Gill armor of the standard T-72S. Like the T-72S, the floor armor is strengthened and the autoloader holds 22 main gun rounds. The Moderna’s main gun is a 2A46M, with ATGM capability, though ammunition carriage is reduced in order to carry ammunition for the autocannons.

Twilight 2000 Story: The T-72M1 Moderna does not exist in the Twilight 2000 timeline; the T-72M2 Moderna does, however, but it is called the T-72M1 Moderna.

Slovak 125 mm Modernized Tank Gun 2A 46MS for T-72 M2 MODERNA,

Unlike other projects of upgrading T72 Slovak MBT upgrade also focused on complete modernization of the main tank gun.
2A46MS smooth bore tank gun is a modernized version of 2A46 gun used in T-72 MBT series. 2A46MS is designed for the Slovak T-72 M2 modernized tank to increase its efficiency and accuracy of fire. The modernized gun is one of the most important elements of the whole modernized tank as it provides for increased first hit probability that is essential on a modern battlefield of today. Increased accuracy secured through 2A46MS modernized gun is closely connected with T-72 M2 combat efficiency and survivability.

2A46MS gun maintains the same mechanical interface with the turret of T-72 MBT as the original 2A46 gun. Increased accuracy of the modernized gun was achieved by:

redesigning the breech block of the gun to make it more symmetric,
decreasing resistance of the recoil break while projectile is moving in the barrel,
removing the recoil break axis below the main gun axis in the azimuth plain,
using two recuperators acting against each other and placing them above the main gun axis.

First hit probability of 2A46MS modernized gun compared to the original 2A46 gun was increased by 23%. In conjunction with a FCS of T-72 M2 MBT this value was even more enhanced. T-72 M2 MBT with 2A46MS modernized gun was qualified for the Slovak Army.


Best MBT but never works

The MBT-70 (German: KPz 70) was a 1960s German-U.S. joint project to develop a new main battle tank, which was to be equipped with a number of advanced features. It utilized a newly developed hydropneumatic "kneeling" suspension and housed the entire crew in the large turret.

Place of origin : United States/ West Germany

Number built :14 (prototypes and pilots)

Weight: 50.4 tonnes (49.6 long tons; 55.6 short tons)
Length: 9.1 metres (29 ft 10 in)
Width: 3.51 metres (11 ft 6 in)
Height: 1.99 to 2.59 m (6 ft 6 in to 8 ft 6 in)
Crew: 3

Armor: spaced armor
Anti-tank missiles Shillelagh MGM-51C, 41.5 inches long, weighs 28kg, a range of about 3000m
Main armament: 152 mm XM-150E5 120 mm gun (FRG only)
Secondary armament : 20 mm cannon 7.62 mm machine gun
Engine: 1,500 horsepower (1,100 kW).
Transmission: Renk HSWL354
Suspension: hydropneumatic
Fuel capacity: 1300 litres
Operational range: 644 km
Speed: 43 mph (69 km/h)

The MBT-70 (German: KPz 70) was a 1960s German-U.S. joint project to develop a new main battle tank, which was to be equipped with a number of advanced features. It utilized a newly developed hydropneumatic "kneeling" suspension and housed the entire crew in the large turret. The MBT-70 was armed with a 152 mm XM-150 gun/launcher, which could use conventional ammunition and the Shillelagh missile for long range combat.

Many of the features of the MBT-70 were ahead of their time. It used an advanced hydropneumaticsuspension system that allowed for fast cross-country speeds even though it was to weigh 50 tons. Thesuspension could be raised or lowered on command by the driver, down to put the bottom of the tank justover 100 mm (4 inches) from the ground, or up to 28 inches (700 mm) for cross-country running.

The armor consisted of two spaced layers, the inner a softer steel that also served as a spall liner, andthe outer of harder cold-rolled steel. The spacing was included to help defeat HEAT rounds, notably those onwire guided missiles, then the bane of the tank. The design included bulkheads, fireproof doors and blow-outsections in the ammunition storage area to minimize crew injury when a hit was received.The MBT-70 was designed with a low silhouette, something which had not been addressed on the M60whose high silhouette was considered a serious drawback.

The MBT-70 was designed with a low silhouette, something which had not been addressed on the M60 whose high silhouette was considered a serious drawback. In fact the MBT-70 ended up so low, just over 6 feet (1.8 m) from the floor to the top of the turret, that there was no room for the driver in the main hull. Instead he was placed with the rest of the crew in the seemingly oversized turret, in a contra rotating cupola that was geared to keep him facing forward. If needed, the cupola could be turned around to face to the rear, allowing the tank to be driven "backwards" at full speed. A low silhouette was a very distinct feature of the roughly contemporary turretless Swedish Stridsvagn 103, or S-Tank.

MBT/KPx-70 expected to replace the M-48A2G German military personnel with combat weight of about 50 tons, hydraulic motion system combines pneumatic, and automation systems for artillery ammunition loaded XM150E5 152mm, capable of Shillelagh anti-tank missile fired through the barrel of gun. The number of rounds of 50 members, including 26 members of the system are automatically loaded. Fire control system with a laser rangefinders and infrared observation system. 3 crew members, all sitting in the turret, including the driver. German version of the MG 3 machine gun and a coaxial 7.62mm automatic HS.820 20mm gun mounted on the turret roof to the left room. The first test of the U.S. body was conducted in June 1966, followed by Germany in September 1966 test. The trial was conducted bilaterally in October 1966 showed the superiority of motion system combines hydraulic pneumatic German, although this does not mean that it will be officially selected for product line.

US versions were to mount the new Continental AVCR air-cooled V-12 diesel of 1470 hp (1096 kW). German versions originally used a similar Daimler-Benz model, but later moved to an MTU design of 1500 hp (1,100 kW). The MTU unit could be easily swapped out of the tank, along with the drive train, in 15 minutes. Both versions could reach 43 mph (69 km/h) on their engines, at the time an unheard-of speed for such a large tank.

The US version was armed with the new XM-150 auto-loading stabilized 152 mm gun/launcher system equipped with a laser rangefinder, then a new-fangled device. The gun was a medium-velocity design that fired artillery-sized shells in the anti-personnel and short-range anti-tank role using HEAT rounds. For long-range firing the gun switched to the Shillelagh missile instead. The result was a light gun with the same firepower as a much larger "standard" design. The Germans were always suspect of this design and instead planned to equip their versions with their newly-developed Rheinmetall 120 mm gun, also equipped with an auto-loader. Secondary armament for both consisted of a remote-controlled 20 mm cannon that popped up from a hatch behind the driver's cupola for anti-aircraft use, a 7.62 mm machine gun mounted alongside the main gun, and smoke dischargers on either side of the rear turret. The use of an auto-loader for both versions allowed the crew to be reduced to three, commander, gunner and driver.

On the upside, the tank proved to be better than the M60 in all other ways. It was considerably faster, both in all-out speed and, more importantly, with about three times the acceleration. In cross-country performance the high power engine and excellent suspension allowed it to travel almost three times as fast as the M60 without causing problems for the crew. All of this led to a reduction in the time the tank was exposed to fire, in testing it was 1/3rd less likely to be seen while maneuvering than the M60, and it could run a 10 km (6 mile) obstacle course in 30 % less time.

In 1969 the project was well over budget and the Germans withdrew from the effort, developing a new main battle tank on their own instead (the Leopard 2). In the US the development continued for a short time, until in 1971 the Congress cancelled the program. The MBT-70 is the "grandfather" of the Leopard 2 and the M1 Abrams, the current main battle tanks of both countries.

Maybe technical reasons: The MBT-70's American version, but was canceled because of many advances in fire control system (FCS) high accuracy as well as the fact that the shells are usually priced in 5% of ATGM missiles. Another idea is to fit 1 25mm Bushmaster cannon coaxial with the main gun to destroy lightly armored to reduce consumption of ammunition for the main gun (canceled due to decisions made ​​by Bradley IFV line).


MBT lowest in the world

Stridsvagn otherwise known as the S-Tank, is considered "the destroyer" during the Cold War, but this type of tank barely any real battle, have been withdrawn from the early 1990s.

S-Tank includes versions Strv-103B,-103C and Strv Strv-103D. Strv co-103B water-wading capability with well-maintained equipment mats wrapped frame as the car fixed when water swimming obstacle race. Time keeps mounting devices emerging body takes from 15 to 20 minutes.

The automatic gearbox with 3 forward, 1 reverse gear, pneumatic suspension system automatically adjusts, can lower the vehicle and change the angle range artillery. Stridsvagn new 103 version is denoted Stridsvagn 103C 1984. This new version is installed a 6V-53T diesel engine capacity of 212.5 kW (290cv) instead of K60, automatic drivetrain, laser rangefinders and modern information systems.

Stridsvagn 103D

In the mid-1990s, as the Swedish Armed Forces were looking for a new main battle tank, one Strv 103C was upgraded into the Strv 103D. The major changes were the installation of fire-control computer, thermal viewers for both the gunner and the commander, allowing the crew to fight at night-time and in bad weather conditions, and the installation of passive light enhancers for driving. Some minor changes to the suspension system and engine were also made.

This prototype was used during the trials for the new main battle tank system for the Swedish Armed Forces alongside all the other tanks tested. For a few years this prototype was even tested under remote control. The only Strv 103D ever built is today on display at the Axvall armor museum, together with some 103C models. They are all still in running order.

Features main tactics

Weight: 42.5 Front
Crew 3 people
7,040 m long, 3,630 m wide. Height 1.9 to 2.1 m
Weapons include: 1 105 mm L74 float, 3 7.62 mm machine guns Ksp 58
Ammunition: 50 artillery shells, 2,750 machine-gun bullets.
Engine: Strv-103A is equipped with diesel engines or Rolls-Roys K60 engine Boeing 502-10MA for Strv-103C. Strv-103C is powered by a Detroit Diesel 6V-53T or Boeng 553.
Maximum speed of 50 km / h
Swimming speed 7 km / h
390 km operating range
Chances troubleshoot obstacles 0.9m high and 2.3 m wide moat.
T-72M2 Slovak Moderna T-72 most special variant


Notes: The Czechoslovakians, and later the Czechs and Slovaks, have been building and employing the T-72 and its variants for almost two decades now. Their local variants, both before and after the fall of the Iron Curtain, often had different electronics, fired locally-designed ammunition, had different armor suites, and different sensor suites, amongst many little and big differences.

A large portion of the Czech and Slovak tank forces consist of locally-manufactured and modified versions of the T-72M1 and T-72S. However, the Slovaks have come up with a radically different version of the T-72, based on a T-72S hull with a heavily-modified T-72M1 turret mounted on it. Two versions of these very-different T-72s are built, designated the T-72M1 Moderna and T-72M2 Moderna. Though there are some rumors of Slovak use and they are marketing the design heavily on the international market, there are no confirmed users as of yet.

The first model, the T-72M1 Moderna, was meant to be sort of a tank that also conduct effective short-range air defense as well as have a lighter weapon for use against light vehicles and personnel. Two this end, the T-72M1 Moderna turret retains it’s primary armament – but on each side of the turret, a 20mm Oerllikon KAA autocannon is mounted. The autocannons have independent elevation and depression from the main gun (but can’t be turned in different directions); depression is about the same as the main gun (about -5 degrees), but the elevation limit is just short of straight up. Different sights are used for the autocannons and the main gun/coaxial machinegun; the commander has controls for both the autocannons and the main guns, as does the gunner, and using both the commander and gunner, the main gun or coaxial machinegun and autocannons can be firing simultaneously. The sights for both weapons are separate, but approximately the same in capability, and both are stabilized equivalently. The T-72M1 Moderna has a laser detection system that can automatically one or more of the five smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret. The gunner and commander have thermal imagers and other upgraded night vision devices, and the main gun and autocannons have separate laser rangefinders. The ballistic computer has also been updated to be able to assist both the main gun and autocannons. The T-72M-1 Moderna can mount ERA on the turret front, glacis, and hull sides; the autocannon mountings do not allow for the installation of ERA on the turret sides.

The T-72M2 Moderna works from the same concept, but the 20mm autocannons are replaced with a twin autocannon mounting on right side of the turret. The autocannons on the T-72M2 Moderna are 30mm 2A42 autocannons instead of the 20mm KAA autocannons, and this allows the autocannons to be used against light armor as well as air targets and light vehicles. Sighting equipment is slightly different, and the ballistic computer is reprogrammed for the new autocannons and for general accuracy. The mounting of both autocannons on one side of the turret also simplifies the feed system and concentrates their fire.

The T-72S-based hull of the T-72 Moderna uses side skirts hade from a plastic/aluminum sandwich instead of the Gill armor of the standard T-72S. Like the T-72S, the floor armor is strengthened and the autoloader holds 22 main gun rounds. The Moderna’s main gun is a 2A46M, with ATGM capability, though ammunition carriage is reduced in order to carry ammunition for the autocannons.

Twilight 2000 Story: The T-72M1 Moderna does not exist in the Twilight 2000 timeline; the T-72M2 Moderna does, however, but it is called the T-72M1 Moderna.

Slovak 125 mm Modernized Tank Gun 2A 46MS for T-72 M2 MODERNA,

Unlike other projects of upgrading T72 Slovak MBT upgrade also focused on complete modernization of the main tank gun.
2A46MS smooth bore tank gun is a modernized version of 2A46 gun used in T-72 MBT series. 2A46MS is designed for the Slovak T-72 M2 modernized tank to increase its efficiency and accuracy of fire. The modernized gun is one of the most important elements of the whole modernized tank as it provides for increased first hit probability that is essential on a modern battlefield of today. Increased accuracy secured through 2A46MS modernized gun is closely connected with T-72 M2 combat efficiency and survivability.

2A46MS gun maintains the same mechanical interface with the turret of T-72 MBT as the original 2A46 gun. Increased accuracy of the modernized gun was achieved by:

redesigning the breech block of the gun to make it more symmetric,
decreasing resistance of the recoil break while projectile is moving in the barrel,
removing the recoil break axis below the main gun axis in the azimuth plain,
using two recuperators acting against each other and placing them above the main gun axis.

First hit probability of 2A46MS modernized gun compared to the original 2A46 gun was increased by 23%. In conjunction with a FCS of T-72 M2 MBT this value was even more enhanced. T-72 M2 MBT with 2A46MS modernized gun was qualified for the Slovak Army.

How many T-90s Russian industries can provide if India demands from them? I think that at max. they can export 200 T-90s to India???

As heat is cooking India to war with China...
How many T-90s Russian industries can provide if India demands from them? I think that at max. they can export 200 T-90s to India???

As heat is cooking India to war with China...

We build them locally under license.Already have 800-900,total number to be acquired 1650.
My list:

1) Merkava Mk 4M.
2) Merkava Mk 4.
3) Merkava Mk 3D Baz.
4) Merkava Mk 3.
5) Sabra Mk.II
6) Merkava Mk 2D.
7) Merkava Mk 2.
8) Magach 6B Gal Batash.
9) Magach 7C.
10) Magach 7A.
11) Shot Kal Dalet.
12) Magach 6M.
The epic tank of all time is the Leopard, period.

The Saudi extensively modified M1A2S Abram is awesome too :bounce:
My list:

1) Merkava Mk 4M.
2) Merkava Mk 4.
3) Merkava Mk 3D Baz.
4) Merkava Mk 3.
5) Sabra Mk.II
6) Merkava Mk 2D.
7) Merkava Mk 2.
8) Magach 6B Gal Batash.
9) Magach 7C.
10) Magach 7A.
11) Shot Kal Dalet.
12) Magach 6M.

You are patriot:yahoo:
Merkava IV , Challenger 2 , M1 A2 , Leo 2, Le clerck ,T 90 ,Arjun

M1A2 is a radiation hazard for its own crew.Too much depleted uranium armor. Leclerc,challenger 2 are good no doubts but they have no ATGM capability which T-90,merkava and Arjun have .
M1A2 is a radiation hazard for its own crew.Too much depleted uranium armor. Leclerc,challenger 2 are good no doubts but they have no ATGM capability which T-90,merkava and Arjun have .

well bro so what if M1A2 has some issues its still the best & most leathel & possiballi the most advance tank in its latest format

now about challenger 2 & Le clerck do you realli beleve they dont have a ATGM firing Capability

About the Merkava 4 there is nothing that can take it on one 2 one tank battle & its been constantli ugraded and its designers are second to none

i dont like T90 very much but Arjun 2 will make sure all those who call it a junk will be every much surprised by year ending hope fulli if things go as planned

Cheers Mate
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