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11 Muslims sentenced to death in India’s Gujarat riots case

In October 2006, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom published a report titled 'Policy Focus on Bangladesh', which said that since its last election, 'Bangladesh has experienced growing violence by religious extremists, intensifying concerns expressed by the countries religious minorities'. The report further stated that Hindus are particularly vulnerable in a period of rising violence and extremism, whether motivated by religious, political or criminal factors, or some combination. The report noted that Hindus had multiple disadvantages against them in Bangladesh, such as perceptions of dual loyalty with respect to India and religious beliefs that are not tolerated by the politically dominant Islamic Fundamentalists of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Violence against Hindus has taken place "in order to encourage them to flee in order to seize their property".The previous reports of the Hindu American Foundation were acknowledged and confirmed by this non-partisan report.[82]

On November 2, 2006, USCIRF criticized Bangladesh for its continuing persecution of minority Hindus. It also urged the Bush administration to get Dhaka to ensure protection of religious freedom and minority rights before Bangladesh's next national elections in January 2007.[82]

On the February 6, 2010, Sonargaon temple in Narayanganj district of Bangladesh was destroyed by Islamic fanatics. Five people were seriously injured during the attack.

Stick to your own internal matter akmal and let us deal with ours :tup:
lol the thread!!! :lol: Bangladesh defence forum!!!! :lol: India phobia!

I don't want this beings to become superpowers.
What make you think that your desire has any value? You are nothing.

crap! even the childrens weren't spared.
Thats why they are being punished. But as of now BD didn't punish the people behind 1971 massacre.
As i always said ..plz change the name of this forum..to India Defence forum...

Oh !! as such a forum already exists...change the name to Anti-India defence forum(AIDF)...:woot:
I don't want this beings to become superpowers.
crap! even the childrens weren't spared.

superpower secular democracy is clearly a myth. this is more like hindu version of hitlers germany. the only thing left for them to do now is make extermination camps.
i hope the saffron extremists who murdered raped and plundered innocent Gujrati Muslims will also be brought to book, but that may be asking for too much from the authorities
All Bangladeshis would soon be doing this after Modi comes in Power in 2014. :lol:


Perfect leader for a perfect nation! we will see!
isnt that what untouchables do to brahmins

No :lol:

try harder

What does this have to do with Bangladesh defence . Muslims too were involved in Gujarat riots and they too killed hindus .

They also like other rioters need to be brought to justice .

Quit interfering in India's internal matters otherwise don't cry when we return the favour
Congratulations to India for serving justice. Though we can't help but notice all those convicted are Muslims. I believe there would be Hindus too and I'm hoping justice be done and they be brought to trial as well. And I'm also hoping the one-sided nature of this is not cos of some sort of bias but rather cos investigations are ongoing and there are others to be punished as well. If Hindus were involved, they have to be brought to justice too.

Over here where I'm from, Chinese/Malay/Indian, whichever ethnicity u r from, u r a dead duck if u kill someone. I sincerely hope the same is practiced in India.

Once again well done. :cheers:
Its Unfortunate, When A court of a secular state is giving sentenced against only muslims.. When the state ministry and police were involved in the murder of hundreds of citizens specifically muslims ,That furious genocide was more then enough to punish local muslims.. But Unfortunatly their is no speaker no voice in india to speak for a common muslim indian citizen exclude muslims even other indian minorities are facing threats from Radical hindu exterimism but not a single person ,not a single Hindu citizen has been sentenced to death ... ... Its a single sided decision, and minority has been targeted by indian court.:frown: :bad:
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