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105mm/37cal Mounted Gun System Procurement

In terms of range only, and even then, it reaches out to nearly the same range as the bigger guns.

You mean for amphibious operations. It should also be a good addition/substitution to our airborne inventory.
As I said, I am not export on India Army.

But I do see 105mm kind of outdated. 122mm is better.
As I said, I am not export on India Army.

But I do see 105mm kind of outdated. 122mm is better.
But why, Sir?

The 105 mm goes 'Bang!' with a satisfying noise, throws a shell between 20 to 40 kms, and kills soldiers who have not taken cover.

No weapon has become outdated as long as it killed soldiers.
More about streamlining. 155mm and 105mm will be followed. The 130mm M46 still in good condition are being upgraded to 155/45 cal. The 122mm D30 gun is gradually being retired.

Even internationally, US , UK , France etc all have moved to this. 155 the main category and 105 for places where 155 cannot go.

Given the 105mm on Kalyani 4x4 weighs less than 3000kg, that opens up a lot of avenues.

And because we will be using 37cal, so upto 20km Range can be achieved.
There are no D30's in active service.


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There are no D30's in active service.
Reserves or transferred to BSF on LoC?

Because when LoC was hot last time I read news about D30 and even T55/Vijayantha tanks being used to fire..

Compare the specs, 3 ton 122mm cannon vs 2 tons 105 cannon, I see 122mm superior.

The problem with 122mm will be that say for a mounted Gun system like say 105mm one, it will lose its advantages of being light weight and easy to transport.

It surely means more power but I think IA just thinks that comprise on that is manageable.
I don't think 105mm are intended to be used for that role by us.
Then what can 105 mm artillery do to counter armored brigade?

Project Sense and Destroy ARMor, or SADARM ammunition is the most effective means.

Reserves or transferred to BSF on LoC?

Because when LoC was hot last time I read news about D30 and even T55/Vijayantha tanks being used to fire..

The problem with 122mm will be that say for a mounted Gun system like say 105mm one, it will lose its advantages of being light weight and easy to transport.

It surely means more power but I think IA just thinks that comprise on that is manageable.
So 155mm and 105mm are the only two calibers India Army would keep?

105mm is kind of too light, too small to counter armored brigade.
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Then what can 105 mm artillery do to counter armored brigade?

Project Sense and Destroy ARMor, or SADARM ammunition is the most effective means.

So 155mm and 105mm are the only two calibers India Army would keep?

105mm is kind of too light, too small to counter armored brigade.
Not every brigade is an armoured brigade. We also have to see who and what is facing us. Take a look at the Pakistan Army's order of battle; count the number of infantry, or mechanised infantry battalions (regiments), brigades and divisions. Why should we keep unnecessarily heavy guns?

Why do you think we would use it to stop armoured brigades ? Our doctrine is different from the PLA . 105mm is primarily deployed to supress advancing infantry and to provide quick fire support to mountain troops , it is very light and can be lifted by the exisiting Mi17 and Dhruv helicopters of the indian aviation forces . These guns can be disassembled in pieces and transported in secrecy to locations without letting the enemy know about it . 105mm is not obsolete as you claim US army , italian army , british army , korean army all still use 105mm in various roles. These guns have a good history of raining punishing fire on pakistan army during ceasefire violations

You beat me to it.
Then what can 105 mm artillery do to counter armored brigade?

Project Sense and Destroy ARMor, or SADARM ammunition is the most effective means.

So 155mm and 105mm are the only two calibers India Army would keep?

105mm is kind of too light, too small to counter armored brigade.
That is the aim. Currently we have over 1700+ 105mm pieces. The future mix will see like maybe 200 mounted 105mm systems and maybe 100 or so towed systems. Maybe few more. But that's it.

Rest all guns will be of 155mm. Barrel lengths will differ.

You see the there is going to be a huge reduction in 105mm numbers even with this. This is to be used only where we cannot get the 155. So not a big problem.
Kalyani Garuda is front runer. It weighs only 900 kg. It can be mounted on LCV. Whole system including vehicle weighs only 5 tons. It is an excellent system which can be used in Himalayas' difficult terrain. A great shoot and scoot system.
The only other 4x4 105mm system I know is M56. But that's a lot heavier.
Reserves or transferred to BSF on LoC?

Because when LoC was hot last time I read news about D30 and even T55/Vijayantha tanks being used to fire..

The problem with 122mm will be that say for a mounted Gun system like say 105mm one, it will lose its advantages of being light weight and easy to transport.

It surely means more power but I think IA just thinks that comprise on that is manageable.
OFB hasn't made 122 mm ammo since last 5 years, not a single 122mm towed or self propelled in service.
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