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1000 MW Qaid-e-Azam Solar farm | Updates & Discussions.

Although creating our own solar panels, wind mills, batteries and other electrical and electronics stuff will going to help us a lot in every way.
2.2 Billion Dollars - > Only 1050 MW

Kala Bagh Dam -> 5 Billion -> 4000 MW -> You get water storage + free savings

Sound like we are wasting 1 Billion dollars
time is the issue..however punjab politics started again..with 2 billion you can get 2000mw coal projects=24hr electrcity, cheaper(8rs vs 18-20rs solar)
as punjab lacks any other sources of energy. i think PML n should invest only in coal and hydro..no other source as they are too expensive..
there is reason why countries produce 70% from coal, 10-20 % from hydro and only very marginal from other sources

we would never learn i guess
I hope that Dam Construction is one more portfolio that gets devolved to the Provinces & a better CM takes hold of Punjab so that we have the right to make 1 or 1000 Dams in 'Our' Province if we're not breaking any laws, contravening any pledges & can arrange for its 'funding' !

I want the rest of the Provinces to have the same right so that if either of our political parties are hell bent on politicizing perfectly suitable plans...the other doesn't suffer a degradation in their 'right to do what they want to do on their own land & with their own people' ! :)

And if Pakistan eik Dam kii maaar hiii ke tooot jaii gaii tou we have to seriously ask ourselves what are we doing being One Country as it is ?

A very loaded post. I believe you lost your cool back there brother. I hope you realize that while the dam's structure would be in Punjab, the reservoir would be in KPK.

We need to negotiate with all interested parties if this dam is ever to see the light of day. In about 15 or so years, this dam would need to be built. ANP's opposition is from the days when they used to receive funds from India (during Abdul Ghaffar's life). Sindhis are paranoid about their share and need to be taken into confidence and assured with credible organizational mechanisms.

Federal and Punjab can negotiate with KPK based on money and benefits to them. They can be swayed like that. Sindhis need reassurance and money. Baluchistan is not directly affected, but Sindhis often with-hold their share of water during shortages. Baluch farmers in the East are concerned about water theft by Sindh in case Kalabagh dam impacts Sindh's water share.

There is not much to it. But while we have gone much farther as a country, much still needs to be done.

Let us not talk about Pakistan being broken. We will suffer, and so will poor India. Personally I or you might not be affected as much because Punjab is after all a productive area. With East Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh joining West Punjab, and having parts of Kashmir and Hazara as interested partners, United Punjab would be on sound footing at par with Pakistan of today. But what about the blood bath that would have been. Unthinkable.

time is the issue..however punjab politics started again..with 2 billion you can get 2000mw coal projects=24hr electrcity, cheaper(8rs vs 18-20rs solar)
as punjab lacks any other sources of energy. i think PML n should invest only in coal and hydro..no other source as they are too expensive..
there is reason why countries produce 70% from coal, 10-20 % from hydro and only very marginal from other sources

we would never learn i guess

The street price for a 150 watt solar panel is around 8000 Rs. You calculations are definitely off.
A very loaded post. I believe you lost your cool back there brother. I hope you realize that while the dam's structure would be in Punjab, the reservoir would be in KPK.

We need to negotiate with all interested parties if this dam is ever to see the light of day. In about 15 or so years, this dam would need to be built. ANP's opposition is from the days when they used to receive funds from India (during Abdul Ghaffar's life). Sindhis are paranoid about their share and need to be taken into confidence and assured with credible organizational mechanisms.

Federal and Punjab can negotiate with KPK based on money and benefits to them. They can be swayed like that. Sindhis need reassurance and money. Baluchistan is not directly affected, but Sindhis often with-hold their share of water during shortages. Baluch farmers in the East are concerned about water theft by Sindh in case Kalabagh dam impacts Sindh's water share.

There is not much to it. But while we have gone much farther as a country, much still needs to be done.

Let us not talk about Pakistan being broken. We will suffer, and so will poor India. Personally I or you might not be affected as much because Punjab is after all a productive area. With East Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh joining West Punjab, and having parts of Kashmir and Hazara as interested partners, United Punjab would be on sound footing at par with Pakistan of today. But what about the blood bath that would have been. Unthinkable.

The street price for a 150 watt solar panel is around 8000 Rs. You calculations are definitely off.
i didnt do any calculation..i simply quoted the price NEPRA will be offering to the chinese company
that is 13 rs for wind
18-20 rs for solar(depending upon pannel type)
5 rs for gas(but we dont have gas)

recently a german company was offered 19 rs for solar projects in punjab

while i know that 1000watts panel only cost 90,000 rs but this doesnt matter as prices are decided by NEPRA

real issue with kalabagh are
1. previous bad experienxce of KPK i.e lack of providing royalties and rehablitation of affected people
2. no usefulness to KPk as ridiculous law states that royality dependds upon power house location. thus while ghazi brotha project affects 70% of KPK they dont receive a penny for it
3. refusal to provide water share of KPK according to 1991 accord and refusal to provide electrcity share according to recent supreme court decision
4.politcal benefits for parties
Calling this project optimistic would be an under statement. From scratch to 1050MW production in one year...I'll believe that when I see it.
Is Punjab and Baluchistan is only part of Pakistan?. When Mr. Sharif went their he said that he is PM of Pakistan. My Question is for My PM that what is his did for the future of Sindh and KP?. by the way Sindh also have desert (Thar). If nothing is for KP and Sindh then he is everything but not PM of Pakistan
Provincial Secretary for Energy, Usman Akhtar Bajwa has said that solar energy farm will be established at 5000 acre area of Cholistan, Bahawalpur district at a cost of 2.2 billion dollars and from this solar farm, 1050 megawatts electricity will be generated and at the end of the 2014, small houses and small business centres can use the electricity generated by solar energy.
So its an initiative of provincial government not federal government
2- "Himat-e-Marda'n, Madad-e-Khuda" what have provincial governments in Sindh and KPK done for themselves? Shahbaz Sharif has been consistently scrambling to lure investors in Punjab right from the day 1 of his second term. Please let me know any efforts made by PTI and PPP led governments? It is just like how zardari said," We helped Baluch, but they didn't help themselves". I was expecting at least from PTI to use IK's links to lure foreign investment in KPK (forget expats, they are only good for remittances) IK has good business relationships in UK, he can ask his ex in laws to arrange meetings with investors in UK and Europe. But it seems as if PTI is paralyzed in KPK on economic front.
So its an initiative of provincial government not federal government
2- "Himat-e-Marda'n, Madad-e-Khuda" what have provincial governments in Sindh and KPK done for themselves? Shahbaz Sharif has been consistently scrambling to lure investors in Punjab right from the day 1 of his second term. Please let me know any efforts made by PTI and PPP led governments? It is just like how zardari said," We helped Baluch, but they didn't help themselves". I was expecting at least from PTI to use IK's links to lure foreign investment in KPK (forget expats, they are only good for remittances) IK has good business relationships in UK, he can ask his ex in laws to arrange meetings with investors in UK and Europe. But it seems as if PTI is paralyzed in KPK on economic front.
only grantees of federal govt can help foreign investment in third world country like pakistan..otherwise punjab would have able to attract all the investent in previous 5 years
i didnt do any calculation..i simply quoted the price NEPRA will be offering to the chinese company
that is 13 rs for wind
18-20 rs for solar(depending upon pannel type)
5 rs for gas(but we dont have gas)

recently a german company was offered 19 rs for solar projects in punjab

while i know that 1000watts panel only cost 90,000 rs but this doesnt matter as prices are decided by NEPRA

real issue with kalabagh are
1. previous bad experienxce of KPK i.e lack of providing royalties and rehablitation of affected people
2. no usefulness to KPk as ridiculous law states that royality dependds upon power house location. thus while ghazi brotha project affects 70% of KPK they dont receive a penny for it
3. refusal to provide water share of KPK according to 1991 accord and refusal to provide electrcity share according to recent supreme court decision
4.politcal benefits for parties

My dear the difference is Solar energy production takes very less time tos etup like one year for 1000MW OTHER ALL OPTION TAKES MANY YEARS TO SETUP.
And if Pakistan eik Dam kii maaar hiii ke tooot jaii gaii tou we have to seriously ask ourselves what are we doing being One Country as it is ?

This is not 'eik dam' nor it is first time. Since 50's Punjab & Federal are dictating & doing what they desire, that was one of the reason East-Pak quit us. Living in a one country you have to respect every one, one cannot & must not consider itself superior to any other ethnic group living inside Pakistan. Pakistani(especially Punjabi & Federal) schools really need to teach about it.
This is not 'eik dam' nor it is first time. Since 50's Punjab & Federal are dictating & doing what they desire, that was one of the reason East-Pak quit us. Living in a one country you have to respect every one, one cannot & must not consider itself superior to any other ethnic group living inside Pakistan. Pakistani(especially Punjabi & Federal) schools really need to teach about it.

On the contrary had Punjab been dictating terms we wouldn't be in the mess we are right now. The brutal truth is that the Politicians of the other 3 Provinces find Punjab an easy excuse to blame their failures on; the opposition to the Kalabagh Dam is one such issue !

Had we - Punjabis - considered ourselves superior to other ethnic group than me - a Kashmiri - wouldn't have lived in Punjab all my life without experiencing an ounce of prejudice whilst Sindh & Baluchistan are ripped apart with ethnic violence. Nor would have tens of millions of non-ethnic Punjabis not lived in Punjab without a single instance of racial or ethnic prejudice or violence against them in the past 65 years.

At any rate if the ethnic card is to be played than have the intellectual honesty of blaming a Sindhi (Bhutto), a Pukhtoon (Ayub), a Kazalbash (Yahya) & a Bengali (Mujib) for the failures of East-Pakistan; we - the Punjabis - didn't do sh*t ! And if somehow its because the bureaucracy was Punjabi dominated than know this that the shots were being called not by the Bureaucracy by the Civilian & Military Dictators & that the Urdu-Speakers, being the most educated of Pakistanis, are an equal party to the conflict owing to their immense representation in the Bureaucracy.

What we need is Federalism so that the Politicians of the other 3 Provinces stop demonizing Punjab & Punjabis to cover up their own colossal failures at Governance; if I can finance it & I'm not breaking any law or covenant then it is my prerogative to build 1 or a 1000 Dams on my own land.

I extend the same right to you ! Build 1 or 1000 Nuclear Power Plants in Karachi if you can get the finance for it & you aren't breaking any laws or covenants !
A very loaded post. I believe you lost your cool back there brother. I hope you realize that while the dam's structure would be in Punjab, the reservoir would be in KPK.

We need to negotiate with all interested parties if this dam is ever to see the light of day. In about 15 or so years, this dam would need to be built. ANP's opposition is from the days when they used to receive funds from India (during Abdul Ghaffar's life). Sindhis are paranoid about their share and need to be taken into confidence and assured with credible organizational mechanisms.

Federal and Punjab can negotiate with KPK based on money and benefits to them. They can be swayed like that. Sindhis need reassurance and money. Baluchistan is not directly affected, but Sindhis often with-hold their share of water during shortages. Baluch farmers in the East are concerned about water theft by Sindh in case Kalabagh dam impacts Sindh's water share.

There is not much to it. But while we have gone much farther as a country, much still needs to be done.

Let us not talk about Pakistan being broken. We will suffer, and so will poor India. Personally I or you might not be affected as much because Punjab is after all a productive area. With East Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh joining West Punjab, and having parts of Kashmir and Hazara as interested partners, United Punjab would be on sound footing at par with Pakistan of today. But what about the blood bath that would have been. Unthinkable.

Janab, I wasn't advocating Pakistan being broken up - Khakum Badhan, if I ever said that ! I'm simply tired of these Politicians from the other 3 Provinces politicizing an Issue simply because it might favor Punjab otherwise there is no reason....none whatsoever why the Kalabagh Dam shouldn't be made !

What is humorous is that they have the temerity of accusing us of being biased in favor of our 'ethnicity' when even an idiot could see that unlike the other 3 Provinces there hasn't been a single instance of ethnic or linguistic violence in Punjab despite us hosting more Non-Ethnic Punjabis (in the tens of millions) than the population of KPK & Baluchistan combined.

Heck, I'm a Punjabi of Kashmiri ethnicity & neither me, nor my father or his father before him have ever been 'differentiated' against never mind actually been 'discriminated' in Punjab ! Punjab is all about inclusivity & putting Pakistan first. We gave up our legitimate rights in the NFC Award for the greater good of Pakistan & have put the Kalabagh Dam on hold despite having the votes to get it done - For what ? For Pakistan...for the other 3 ! While their favorite past-time is to blame everything on 'Punjab' !

What we need is Federalism so that their leaders can't blame their own incompetencies on Punjab & we can get to do on our own land what want to do provided we're not breaking any laws, can finance those Projects & have the consent of Punjab Domicile Holders !

I extend the same right to the other 3 ! Sindh may build 1 or 1000 Nuclear Powerplants provided they've got the funding for it & aren't breaking any laws - They don't need my permission for it ! Likewise I don't need their permission to do what I want to do in my own House.
On the contrary had Punjab been dictating terms we wouldn't be in the mess we are right now. The brutal truth is that the Politicians of the other 3 Provinces find Punjab an easy excuse to blame their failures on; the opposition to the Kalabagh Dam is one such issue !

Had we - Punjabis - considered ourselves superior to other ethnic group than me - a Kashmiri - wouldn't have lived in Punjab all my life without experiencing an ounce of prejudice whilst Sindh & Baluchistan are ripped apart with ethnic violence. Nor would have tens of millions of non-ethnic Punjabis not lived in Punjab without a single instance of racial or ethnic prejudice or violence against them in the past 65 years.

At any rate if the ethnic card is to be played than have the intellectual honesty of blaming a Sindhi (Bhutto), a Pukhtoon (Ayub), a Kazalbash (Yahya) & a Bengali (Mujib) for the failures of East-Pakistan; we - the Punjabis - didn't do sh*t ! And if somehow its because the bureaucracy was Punjabi dominated than know this that the shots were being called not by the Bureaucracy by the Civilian & Military Dictators & that the Urdu-Speakers, being the most educated of Pakistanis, are an equal party to the conflict owing to their immense representation in the Bureaucracy.

What we need is Federalism so that the Politicians of the other 3 Provinces stop demonizing Punjab & Punjabis to cover up their own colossal failures at Governance; if I can finance it & I'm not breaking any law or covenant then it is my prerogative to build 1 or a 1000 Dams on my own land.

I extend the same right to you ! Build 1 or 1000 Nuclear Power Plants in Karachi if you can get the finance for it & you aren't breaking any laws or covenants !

I won't write a whole chapter like you & waste my time but i will write one line. I have nothing against Punjabis at all, they are my brothers from same country but as you are claiming Punjabis look for Pakistan first then how is it that there is no tax imposed on agriculture products yet. As for Kalabagh dam...forget about it, it will be suicidal for any politician, instead look for other dam/s which is not opposed by any other province. 20+ years wasted on useless dam which will not be built in next 20k years too.
I won't write a whole chapter like you & waste my time but i will write one line. I have nothing against Punjabis at all, they are my brothers from same country but as you are claiming Punjabis look for Pakistan first then how is it that there is no tax imposed on agriculture products yet. As for Kalabagh dam...forget about it, it will be suicidal for any politician, instead look for other dam/s which is not opposed by any other province. 20+ years wasted on useless dam which will not be built in next 20k years too.

As if Punjab is the only agricultural province in Pakistan....right ? As if the Sindhi Waderas weren't in power numerous times over ? As if Noora isn't an Industrialist & instead an Agriculturalists ?

We don't need any other Province's permission to do what we want to do in our Province nor do we presume to tell other Provinces to ask our permission to do what they want to do in their provinces - If its legal & you've got the funds for it....by all means go for it !
As if Punjab is the only agricultural province in Pakistan....right ? As if the Sindhi Waderas weren't in power numerous times over ? As if Noora isn't an Industrialist & instead an Agriculturalists ?

We don't need any other Province's permission to do what we want to do in our Province nor do we presume to tell other Provinces to ask our permission to do what they want to do in their provinces - If its legal & you've got the funds for it....by all means go for it !

How about KPK building a dam on the rivers flowing to Punjab & block their waters? Or how about Sindh build a dam on the border of Sind-Punjab & divert the water to Punjab during floods? Sorry but this is the only reply in my mind after your ignorant post.
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