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100% price escalation on Rafale fighter aircraft to Rs 1.75 lakh crore likely to dent IAF's strike c

EUROFIGHTER is the second preferred bidder.. It stands more chance than F18.

So India's going to spend 2 more years negotiating with the Eurofighter Consortium? And at the rate they are delivering (assuming an additional customer in India), you will get all your jets by 2030 at the earliest.

I prefer to buy f 414 whole technology and Israeli 2052 AESA with the least amount, and get the AMCA prototype flying already ..

You will not get either with technology transfers. If India were smart, they would have purchased the EL-2052 blueprints under the table back in 2008 (sort of like China does). By now you could have been building them locally.

Getting the AMCA prototype in air, we can demand a fair deal from both French and Russians...

Stop putting the cart before the horse.

1.) India needs to shore up it's current inventory and bring up the squadron strength asap.
2.) AMCA will only enter the prototype stage in 5-10 years, with 10-15 more years for development after that. Best case scenario, you finish everything by 2025 and start production, which will take 10-12 years to bring up any useful numbers.
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Thsi rafale deal is unacceptable.But we must dont opt F-18 also.Americans is worst than French.May screw us at the time of war.
you finish everything by 2025 and start production, which will take 10-12 years to bring up any useful numbers.
At least it will be generation ahead from what we are getting in rafale deal as for raising the squadrons we can cover it up with more mki + lca,s
At least it will be generation ahead from what we are getting in rafale deal as for raising the squadrons we can cover it up with more mki + lca,s

How many LCA's and MKI's does India manufacture in a year? Answer... not enough.
100% price increase in only 2 years, in dollar terms too?

And the Rupee has been falling against the dollar for the entire past 2 years as well. So how much if an increase is that in Rupee terms?

India should just put the money into indigenous programs instead. This is national security, it can't be held hostage to the whims of foreign countries.
Indian should make billions dollars down payment for f35 within 7 yrs India will have f35 fly in your sky. Forget about learning how to build 4th generation Jet or 5th generation jet, no one will teach you how to build them, pay 18 billions and expect the total Rafael production line. French not fool to incur lost in a business deal and help India build up aerospace industry for future fighter jet sale competition.
1000 lca mk2 :partay:
agreed but
I don't think this deal is going anywhere. It might be just a tactic to push frenchies into the deal that suits India best.
Rafale is good fighter jet, and amount of TOT we demanding does not comes cheap.
Indian should make billions dollars down payment for f35 within 7 yrs India will have f35 fly in your sky. Forget about learning how to build 4th generation Jet or 5th generation jet, no one will teach you how to build them, pay 18 billions and expect the total Rafael production line. French not fool to incur lost in a business deal and help India build up aerospace industry for future fighter jet sale competition.
than we will go for building our own may be it will get us to build 10 -12 years same we done in cryo engine tech
Sounds like BS. The price cannot just go up like this, the quoted price (L1 price) was what was selected and has been set in stone. If the price increases the original bid is no longer valid and it makes the entire L1/L2 process redundant-doesn't it. It's funny that this hasn't come up before because if it was true (which I highly doubt it is) this would be HUGE news. The issues on the Rafale deal as stated by both the Indian and French side have related to the work-share agreements and have NOTHING to do with price.

Stinks of misinformation or just sheer ignorance to me.
Euro fighter is not an option.
Reasons :It is owned by 4 countries consortium.One country opposes at the times of war.Our whole mmrca will hang in hanger.
F-18 is not possible.
Reasons:How the hell we trust US?Even US is going to F-35 instead of F-18.Plus US law will not allow ToT.It also becomea nightmare at the time of War.

we buy this fighter not for show but for war.
Rafale is still an option.Even if price escalate.India may cut down number of fighters wanted.But IAF choose at least 70 rafales.
No string at the time of war.Proven record of Dassault product at the time of Kargil war.

Dassault already loss brazil deal.IF India deal failed .Dassault will sink into the unbearable losses.We can choose any another fighter.But for Dassault it become a liability.They wont let it happen.
If this news true.IAF need to cut down the number from 126 to 70 or 80.Fund rest of money to LCA mk2.
That is the only good option now.
1.) Its rumor nothing official.

2.) We should order 126 sukhois as stop gap measures as HAL already manufactures them while concentrate on Tejas II and 5th gen fighters.
Homer even F 18 is at it's end of its era.., F35 will do.. But it ll come with more strings than avionics..

EFT is fine if it comes at reasonable price..

As for the squadron strength... LCA should be given high dose steroids ,

We can make extra production line or whatever it takes..
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