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100% price escalation on Rafale fighter aircraft to Rs 1.75 lakh crore likely to dent IAF's strike c

India should scrap MMRCA altogether, fast track FOC for Tejas, build them in numbers, force IAF and IN to drploy them. Invest the MMRCA funds in AMCA development.
There is no contradiction there. US sold F-16s to Pakistan, because that's what arms suppliers do. Russia has sold plenty of military ware to China, does that make Russia unreliable? What's good for the goose...

The comparison between US and Russia is not correct .

The F16's were given to Pakistan under pretext to enable it to fight war on terror despite Pressler amendment .... .
At least Russia is not hypocrite to say that it is selling military hardware to China to fight Uighurs militants .

I agree with you that this is what Arms suppliers do ...

Question is are we going to rely on US just because whole world is buying weapons from them , as you suggested ?

and does that make them reliable for us ???

I think answer is - No . ( My perception ....)

what makes you think that we can rely on US on this ?
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But seriously, first Vikramatiya, then PAK/FAkramatiya and now RAFALamatiya. it seems like India is a milk cow for arm dealers and suppliers. I just love how Indians like to mock chinese's cheap copies :lol: at least we can avoid this kind of drama and obsession to be at the mercy of foreign suppliers...or ironically...maybe we Chineses want to thanks of western embargo and let us create our independant cheap copy Aerospace Industries.
Nobody will listen to you today. All these fan boy arse are on fire.
India run by these lunatic and lunatic crowd is bound to be treated like this.

WE won't COPY bloody hypocrites

All They can do is personal attack now;)
Nobody will listen to you today. All these fan boy arse are on fire.
India run by these lunatic and lunatic crowd is bound to be treated like this.

WE won't COPY bloody hypocrites

All They can do is personal attack now;)

There is no proof it price is 120million $..
We even dont know if this news is credible.We know how to create opportunities.What happen when a foreign system copied?
Pakistan just try that,then you know it taste.China is autocratic state ,so it has it own methods.But when we copied a foreign system without their knowledge ,it is not more than cheating .And effected country will keep it revenge in their minds.They show it when time comes.
India should scrap MMRCA altogether, fast track FOC for Tejas, build them in numbers, force IAF and IN to drploy them. Invest the MMRCA funds in AMCA development.

How would defence ministry and top brass make money....There are atleast 3 alternatives but yet they choose to go expensive way....anyway sano ki let it be delayed.
The comparison between US and Russia is not correct .

The F16's were given to Pakistan under pretext to enable it to fight war on terror despite Pressler amendment .... .
At least Russia is not hypocrite to say that it is selling military hardware to China to fight Uighurs militants .

I agree with you that this is what Arms suppliers do ...

Question is are we going to rely on US just because whole world is buying weapons from them , as you suggested ?

and does that make them reliable for us ???

I think answer is - No . ( My perception ....)

what makes you think that we can rely on US on this ?

Does it matter on what pretext it was given? And what makes you think that USA would not otherwise have sold F-16s to Pakistan, if they paid for it? Both Saudi Arabia and Israel fly spanking great American jets. And yet Israel is going to buy F-35s from them, despite them arming their rival. And China has armed Russia to the teeth. Hundreds of Su-27 and 30s, to begin with. Heck, even Pakistan's JF-17s fly with Russian engines. Make no mistake - countries and companies will sell to anybody who pays for it, unless they are a threat to themselves or their interests. So USA selling jets to Pakistan is not a point against them. Russia has made India's situation a lot more precarious by arming the PLA armed forces to the teeth, much more than USA has endangered us by selling to Pak. So let's apply the same logic please. This is a gut feeling of suspicion of the USA that people have, and are rationalizing with spurious arguments.
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Does it matter on what pretext it was given? And what makes you think that USA would not otherwise have sold F-16s to Pakistan, if they paid for it? Both Saudi Arabia and Israel fly spanking great American jets. And yet Israel is going to buy F-35s from them, despite them arming their rival. And China has armed Russia to the teeth. Hundreds of Su-27 and 30s, to begin with. Heck, even Pakistan's JF-17s fly with Russian engines. Make no mistake - countries and companies will sell to anybody who pays for it, unless they are a threat to themselves or their interests. So USA selling jets to Pakistan is not a point against them. Russia has made India's situation a lot more precarious by arming the PLA armed forces to the teeth, much more than USA has endangered us by selling to Pak. So let's apply the same logic please. This is a gut feeling of suspicion of the USA that people have, and are rationalizing with spurious arguments.

No it does not matter on what pretext it was given except that it reveals US hypocrisy .
There was no reason for US to give F16's after the Pressler sanctions imposed in aftermath of Nuclear testing ....it was clearly well known to US that these F16s will be used against India and they were given when US was actually warming up with India. Security scenario had changed considerably after India and Pakistan went nuclear ...US just made sure that nuclear capable F16s will be made available to Pakistan . This was all done to keep Pakistan happy and complies with US requirements in Afghanistan war .

The fact that US posturing can change rather abruptly that worries me than anything else.
I do not doubt Russia's contribution in arming China .

I already said that I agree with you that this is what Arms suppliers do ...they go where money is !

Yes I do have more than gut feeling of suspicion about US and they are quite legitimate .

If you read my posts carefully I have not ruled out any arms purchase from US except that we should be very careful about implications of intrusive US policies and its restrictive regulations ...

Do not take it personally ....I am not making spurious arguments. There are legitimate concerns as to how US will act in event of Indo-Pak conflict ...US policies can change literally overnight in context of their own interests with total disregard to concerns of its allies/partners .

US does neither mind dragging its partners , allies with itself nor does it cares when it tramples interests of its associates .

If our planners had precluded US offers despite the obvious bonhomie , there has to be reasons for that ....

We very well know how MMS staked even his government to pursue Nuclear deal , same MMS refused to indulge in interfering MMRCA selection process despite charm offensive by Obama .

there has to be solid reason for that ....

all I am saying that even if we happen to consider US offer we should be very very careful ...

US attempts to dictate terms towards use of such arms will justifiably be disliked by country like India .

I personally believe that US is quite untrustworthy country in the sense we can never be sure how and when it will change its stance and for what reasons . ...so unless we have guarantee of un-interrupted spares ( which is almost impossible with US) and 'no strings attached' agreement with respect to use of any weapons purchased ... there is no use of such weapons .

what use the weapons can be if they can't be used optimally when they will be needed most ....???

I have a simple question for you ...will US allow the so called F18 superhornets to carry nuclear weapons ???

I really doubt ..that they will . US senate will never allow that since all Foreign military sales have to be cleared by US senate .

Restrictions such as this are the prime reason why India rejected US fighter jets to begin with ....

Purchasing second or third tier weapons /arms/ hardware from US is one thing ...and purchasing something like nuclear capable fighter jets is a totally different ball game altogether....

we know well how US betrayed us in getting 123 agreement passed in the senate( note that we also returned the favor by passing Nuclear liability law ...) .
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Brazil rejects white elephant Rafale for Saab

Brazil rejects white elephant Rafale for Saab
You are quoting a British paper.. they are bound to give such sensational news. Additionally.. anyone who puts this in their article about an aircraft clearly known Jack about aviation

However, there is no demonstrable safety difference between these two types, while the Rafale has the disadvantage of needing two pilots rather than a single aviator at the controls.
You are quoting a British paper.. they are bound to give such sensational news. Additionally.. anyone who puts this in their article about an aircraft clearly known Jack about aviation

i know thats why i shared.......these people are writing whatever they want.......

btw.......rafale went thorugh some test flights with heavy armed configuration

RAFALE Fighter Jet Completes First Test Flight In New Heavily Armed Configuration | Ottawa Citizen

The RAFALE has successfully completed its first test flights in a new heavily-armed configuration, comprising six air-to-ground precision AASM Hammer missiles, four medium and long range air-to-air missiles from the MICA family, two very long range METEOR missiles, as well as three 2,000 liter fuel tanks.
You are quoting a British paper.. they are bound to give such sensational news. Additionally.. anyone who puts this in their article about an aircraft clearly known Jack about aviation

It is true that the journo is an ignoramus, but the title of the article is true. Brazil did ditch the Raffy and decide to go with the cheaper but capable Gripen.

Rafale is no match for J-20. J-20 has DSI, EOTS, AESA, very low RCS.

Does it also include a coffee maker?

@Oscar : Pointless of topic flaming and dick measuring.
i know thats why i shared.......these people are writing whatever they want.......

btw.......rafale went thorugh some test flights with heavy armed configuration

RAFALE Fighter Jet Completes First Test Flight In New Heavily Armed Configuration | Ottawa Citizen

The RAFALE has successfully completed its first test flights in a new heavily-armed configuration, comprising six air-to-ground precision AASM Hammer missiles, four medium and long range air-to-air missiles from the MICA family, two very long range METEOR missiles, as well as three 2,000 liter fuel tanks.
Looking at this configuration anyone would feel it makes better sense to buy this bird for operational purpose and 2 Vs 6 M2K, makes financial sense as well. I am loving this bird.
As much as I hate this rafale deal and want to see it cancelled, I hate desi reporters more because of their primate level intellect in defence matters.They did the same with the 42 Su-30MKI deal quoting artifical prices close to 100 million dollars. Besides this news is quoting some "unnamed" official. I'd say this article is full of BULL!
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