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100 Indian Tanks Now Near China Border In Eastern Ladakh, More To Come

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Yeah we performed just like India in 65. Should have performed better

Indian aim to capture Sialkot and Lahore failed. Lost territory in Rajhastan

Who started the war ?


What was their objective ?

Capture Kashmir

What was India's objective?

Defend it's territory.

What was the outcome?

Pakistan lost more than double the territory it managed to invade.

So didn't Pakistan lose the war ?

No, it didn't. See, the Indians never got to drink tea at the Lahore Gymkhana...so it's Pakistani victory.


That second hand will give you an extreme shock Mr.....
We want to teach you a lesson forever...ComeOn.

We're shivering with fear after seeing your Tariq class destroyer. :lol:

Though we did learn a good lesson in 1971.
Who started the war ?


What was their objective ?

Capture Kashmir

What was India's objective?

Defend it's territory.

What was the outcome?

Pakistan lost more than double the territory it managed to invade.

So didn't Pakistan lose the war ?

No, it didn't. See, the Indians never got to drink tea at the Lahore Gymkhana...so it's Pakistani victory.


We're shivering with fear after seeing your Tariq class destroyer. :lol:

Though we did learn a good lesson in 1971.
Be ready for Chinese stealth submarines and ADA class corvettes. Upcoming SU-35, Block 52 and the mighty Thunder With our advanced missile systems.
Don't worry, my friends ... China have enough terminal sensing ammunition (TSA) in MLRS rockets & 155mm shells that can deal with 10,000x tanks, pls send all India tanks to China ... PLA Army in Tibet welcome tanks ! :coffee:







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Be ready for Chinese stealth submarines and ADA class corvettes. Upcoming SU-35, Block 52 and the mighty Thunder With our advanced missile systems.

What Su 35 ? Russia has never approved it's sale to you.
Block 52 ? You mean more second hand ones from Jordan ?
Mighty thunder, indeed.
Let us see if PN has the required funds for ADA class corvettes.

BTW, get ready for INS Vikrant & Vikramadittya aircraft carriers, Kolkata & Vizag class destroyers, Shivalik class frigates,more Kamorta class corvettes, Arihant & its follow-on class SSBN, More Akulas & indigenous SSNs, Scorpenes, Sukhoi Super 30 upgrade & AESA equipped Tejas Mk1a.

Unlike your list, these are either in service or under construction/development.
Be ready for Chinese stealth submarines and ADA class corvettes.
AESA equipped Tejas Mk1a
:DThe plane which never ever flied...!!!
And by the way Pakistan has 8 Block 52 aircrafts....Still in service..!!

Don't worry, my friends ... China have enough terminal sensing ammunition (TSA) in MLRS rockets & 155mm shells that can deal with 10,000x tanks, pls send all India tanks to China ... PLA Army in Tibet welcome tanks ! :coffee:

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Indians think they can defeat you.....I don't know they are kidding or serious....
The plane which never ever flied...!!!

A plane that has flown since 2001, without a single accident. BTW, we have some 220 Su 30MKIs

The plane which never ever flied...!!!

A plane that has flown since 2001, without a single accident. BTW, we have some 220 Su 30MKIs

Indians think they can defeat you.....I don't know they are kidding or serious....

Says a cheerleader.
A plane that has flown since 2001, without a single accident. BTW, we have some 220 Su 30MKIs
Yup You have 220 SU-30 mki's and half of them are non operational due to lack of maintenance and spare parts from Russia...Am I right sir..?
Yup You have 220 SU-30 mki's and half of them are non operational due to lack of maintenance and spare parts from Russia...Am I right sir..

Half of them ? The availability rate was 60% and should go up to 75% thanks to the new Indo-Russian deal signed last year.
Why you think that you have any threat from China...In such Pleasant conditions in Asia now a days.

THIS was long due as a regular plan. No threats or anything..... Congress just didn't do it for appeasement.
they need to equipped with tank protection system like trophy otherwise it's very easy for Chinese's hj12
they need to equipped with tank protection system like trophy otherwise it's very easy for Chinese's hj12
I think this is the only reasonable post in this thread,rest all irrespective of the flag they are bearing are either chest thumping,hate spread and stupid wet dreams.
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