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100% Chinese Made Su-27 into Service


May 21, 2006
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brand new Su-27 with 100% made in china, engines, weapons, radars, ECM, and etc.

This demonstrates Chinese's effort to integrate their own weapon systems into a classic Russian design in order to further boost its combat capability and survivability. Their effort includes a Chinese multifunction PD radar (Type 1474? search >150km, track 6-8, engage 4 simultaneously) and databus compatible with PL-8, PL-12 AAM & YJ-91 ARM, a Chinese IRST/LR, as well as a redesigned glass cockpit featuring 4 MFDs and a new wide-angle holographic HUD. The aircart also has a new UV band missile approach warning system (MAWS). Two sensors are installed on both sides of the tail sting to provdie the rear coverage. In addition, AL-31F is expected to be replaced by the indigenous WS-10A. One WS-10A (Taihang 13,200kg class) turbofan was successfully tested on a CFTE J-11 engine testbed in June 2002. The first J-11B prototype powered by WS-10A flew in 2003. At least 3 prototypes are being tested at CFTE (#523, 524, 525). The production is expected to start in 2007. A tandem-seat strike version dubbed J-11BS in the same class as Su-30MKK has been under development. The first prototype was built by the end of 2007. The carrier based version (J-11BJ/J-13? based on Su-33 technology) for PLAN is also believed to be under development.
- Last Updated 1/1/08

Type 1474? multifunction PD radar

Re: 100% Chinese Made Su-27 into Service
No score for this post January 14 2008, 3:09 AM

J-11B, from Chinese Military Aviation

This demonstrates Chinese's effort to integrate their own weapon systems into a classic Russian design in order to further boost its combat capability and survivability. Their effort includes a Chinese multifunction PD radar (Type 1474? search >150km, track 6-8, engage 4 simultaneously) and databus compatible with PL-8, PL-12 AAM & YJ-91 ARM, a Chinese IRST/LR, as well as a redesigned glass cockpit featuring 4 MFDs and a new wide-angle holographic HUD. The aircart also has a new UV band missile approach warning system (MAWS). Two sensors are installed on both sides of the tail sting to provdie the rear coverage. In addition, AL-31F is expected to be replaced by the indigenous WS-10A. One WS-10A (Taihang 13,200kg class) turbofan was successfully tested on a CFTE J-11 engine testbed in June 2002. The first J-11B prototype powered by WS-10A flew in 2003. At least 3 prototypes are being tested at CFTE (#523, 524, 525). The production is expected to start in 2007. A tandem-seat strike version dubbed J-11BS in the same class as Su-30MKK has been under development. The first prototype was built by the end of 2007. The carrier based version (J-11BJ/J-13? based on Su-33 technology) for PLAN is also believed to be under development.
- Last Updated 1/1/08

Type 1474? multifunction PD radar

J-11B cockpit
Looking great, does China have an export licence for the type?
Looking great, does China have an export licence for the type?

according to JDW china and russia are beginning to face differences on the chinese decision to go 100% indigenous manufacture of the SU-27. russia feels it is a breach of contract which could impede other collaborations.
so can PAF opt for this jet instead of going for the classic single engine J-10? SU-27 is a proven combact jet and with 100% chinese made stuff, pakistan doesnt really need to negoiate anything with the russians.
so can PAF opt for this jet instead of going for the classic single engine J-10? SU-27 is a proven combact jet and with 100% chinese made stuff, pakistan doesnt really need to negoiate anything with the russians.

The Russians are already ticked off that China blatantly violates IPRs when they either mass produce reverse engineered Russian technology or manufacture it without license; if they start selling this to a third nation and make profit, it's only going to make the matter a lot worse prompting the Russians to stop doing any defense related business with China.
This actually makes China very dangerous.

Whenever the Chinese have a sample product, they have the capability to reproduce it.

Imagine if a F-22 or other advanced systems falls into the hands of the Chinese.
This actually makes China very dangerous.

Whenever the Chinese have a sample product, they have the capability to reproduce it.

Imagine if a F-22 or other advanced systems falls into the hands of the Chinese.

This is actually good because then we will have a balance of power. The U.S. wont be able to do what it wants. We will have two superpowers.
This is actually good because then we will have a balance of power. The U.S. wont be able to do what it wants. We will have two superpowers.

True, but I could understand why you are so pro-China, Having a Superpower as your blood brother does help your country in large scales.

China is decades behind us.
This actually makes China very dangerous.

Whenever the Chinese have a sample product, they have the capability to reproduce it.

Imagine if a F-22 or other advanced systems falls into the hands of the Chinese.

And vice versa.
Tell me which country is not doing this.
Considering US does not have access to Russia products is not true.
It should be expected the day you sell your equipment.
If you hide it people learn it the hard way, if you don't do it from begining than you earn respect.

As far as I know, this is not a reverse engineered copy of a Su-27/30, rather licensed assembly/production of the aircraft by the Chinese. This aircraft has full Russian approval behind it unlike the reverse engineered J(F)-6/J(F)-7 platforms of the past.
The Russians are already ticked off that China blatantly violates IPRs when they either mass produce reverse engineered Russian technology or manufacture it without license; if they start selling this to a third nation and make profit, it's only going to make the matter a lot worse prompting the Russians to stop doing any defense related business with China.

It will surely agitate the russians but it would certainly not stop the russians from doing buisness with the chinese. Afterall china is one of the largest buyers of arms from russia after india and russian economy much depends upon the sales of its military hardware.
It will surely agitate the russians but it would certainly not stop the russians from doing buisness with the chinese. Afterall china is one of the largest buyers of arms from russia after india and russian economy much depends upon the sales of its military hardware.

But if the chinese are reverse engineering without russian permission, then it would definitely put a cap on the amount of technology russia is willing to share with china. If the Russians sense that the chinese are trying to usurp their market, they might not pass on the best products to china. this will limit the amount of technology china has access to.
But if the chinese are reverse engineering without russian permission, then it would definitely put a cap on the amount of technology russia is willing to share with china. If the Russians sense that the chinese are trying to usurp their market, they might not pass on the best products to china. this will limit the amount of technology china has access to.

I think Russian is not bothered by China copying its jets and making them in China 100%... China is a very big market and as long as Russian's keep producing new weapons and keep evolving the technology the chinese will still procure from them. The question that If china sells reproduced Su-27, then what will Russia do?... I think its not in the interest of Russia.
But J-11B is still no match against J-10B in the sky, hell, not even against J-10A.
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