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10 Turks detained for helping terror suspects fleeing China

You always look at what Uighur have done to you, which nobody here tries to justify. You should ask what the Chinese have done to Uighur since they have invaded East-Turkistan in the 40'ies. They took away their state. Their government. They don't have a say in anything. Their language and religion are attacked/banned and now they face state terror and prosecution. Why are these Uighur families running away? You don't even allow Uighur families to flee to neighboring countries. In my eyes, and in the eyes of the world and in China, the only terrorist is the communist terrorist rule of Beijing which I don't think will last very long.
lol. check my post again at #56 before you talk about how Xinjiang works as a Uyghur Autonomous Region.
10 Turks detained for helping terror suspects fleeing China

List of Chairmen of the Xinjiang Government:
  1. 1955–1967 Saifuddin Azizi (赛福鼎•艾则孜)
  2. 1968–1972 Long Shujin (龙书金)
  3. 1972–1978 Saifuddin Azizi
  4. 1978–1979 Wang Feng (汪锋)
  5. 1979–1985 Ismail Amet (司马义•艾买提)
  6. 1985–1993 Tomur Dawamat (铁木尔•达瓦买提)
  7. 1993–2003 Abdul'ahat Abdulrixit (阿不来提•阿不都热西提)
  8. 2003–2007 Ismail Tiliwaldi (司马义•铁力瓦尔地)
  9. 2007–present Nur Bekri (努尔•白克力)
they are all CCP members btw. since you hate CCP so much.




try visit Kashgar Prefecture قەشقەر ۋىلايىتى‎ someday, it's a very nice place. (if CCP does't reject your Visa, which may also be a very good idea.)
How are you stand up for Uighur? Are you a terrorist supporter ready to provide financial and terrorist training to the Uighur terrorist outside of China? Are you planning to carry out terrorism in China? More action less talk, be another terrorist inmate in China jail.
Be another dead terrorist is more like it
Exactly, it is neither China nor Syria but Uighur land.

Uyghur = Terrorist for you... Your Han racism is out of the league....you are worse than Nazis.

it is not your fff landd... feee uygur-free tibet..ffff uu chinese bastard

Look what your countrymen talk about! Are you losing your mind?
You are doing the thing that change this thread to Turks are supporting separatism and terrorism.
You are strenthening the image that people suspect.

Don't be coward and hypocritical. Just speak out, say it directly. OK?
Or stop talking nonsense.
Why resort to cheap ad hominems if you have something tangible to say?
You ain't worth

How do you know how much we know? And how are you so sure what you know is the entire truth?
Your posts are the mirror of your knowledge.

Edit: Why would we necessarily believe in the Turkish regime some of whose citizens have been put in custody in China on charges of recruiting terrorists to fight in Syria?
I don't care what you believe. But you are false accusing us giving support the terrorism while having no proof.

Look what your countrymen talk about! Are you losing your mind?
You are doing the thing that change this thread to Turks are supporting separatism and terrorism.
You are strenthening the image that people suspect.

Don't be coward and hypocritical. Just speak out, say it directly. OK?
Or stop talking nonsense.
The more you oppress people, the more they will show resistance..
You ain't worth

Your posts are the mirror of your knowledge.

I don't care what you believe. But you are false accusing us giving support the terrorism while having no proof.

The more you oppress people, the more they will show resistance..
Like i said,if you losers want to support those separatists,just send your army!
Like i said,if you losers want to support those separatists,just send your army!
You think you are invincible. :D

Nazis fought against whole Europe + US + Soviets...they were much stronger than you but reduced to ashes...I wish the same for your fascist and racist country...


500 Hundred Uighur has been brought to Turkey....they have escaped Chinese oppression and come to Turkey. Most of them are children.

But of course innocent 2 year old children happens to be terrorists for Chinese because that children happens t be Uighur ethnicity.

My Pakistani friends needs to open their eyes and see the evil doings of the Chinese.
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No innocent Uighur would stabbed 100 of innocent Chinese in the train station, no innocent Uighur would use fire bomb and plowed their vehicle onto the innocent bystander on the street, no innocent Uighur would incite the religious extreme to wage jihad against the infidel. Uighur all show signs of the terrorist tendency, how should I label them not as a terrorist but the saint walking among the human?

Only simple minded racists think like that, you can't just put the blame of the doing of some on millions of people just because they share the same ethnicity, ultranationalists done the same thing in Turkey, calling all Kurds terrorist and giving names to them, it didn't solve anything. People are trying to just leave your country on foot with ther women and children but even them are terrorist in your eyes.

And everyone else, Turkey does not support any seperatists, stop being paranoid cowards, just because we have some links with Uyghurs and show sympathy, doesn't means our country gives any support to seperatist movements, comments of some Turkish members in a Pakistani defence forum does not represent the official stance of country.
Only simple minded racists think like that, you can't just put the blame of the doing of some on millions of people just because they share the same ethnicity, ultranationalists done the same thing in Turkey, calling all Kurds terrorist and giving names to them, it didn't solve anything. People are trying to just leave your country on foot with ther women and children but even them are terrorist in your eyes.

And everyone else, Turkey does not support any seperatists, stop being paranoid cowards, just because we have some links with Uyghurs and show sympathy, doesn't means our country gives any support to seperatist movements, comments of some Turkish members in a Pakistani defence forum does not represent the official stance of country.

Don't explain things to these emotionless robot like people... they lack the emotion of empathy, they can't understand you.
Don't explain things to these emotionless robot like people... they lack the emotion of empathy, they can't understand you.

Yeah I observed that, I guess only way to put billions of people in order, is to educate them to be emotionless, unresponsive pricks with no empathy. I guess Chinese government done a good job. Not a single Chinese questioning their actions.
You think you are invincible. :D

Nazis fought against whole Europe + US + Soviets...they were much stronger than you but reduced to ashes...I wish the same for your fascist and racist country...


500 Hundred Uighur has been brought to Turkey....they have escaped Chinese oppression and come to Turkey. Most of them are children.

But of course innocent 2 year old children happens to be terrorists for Chinese because that children happens t be Uighur ethnicity.

My Pakistani friends needs to open their eyes and see the evil doings of the Chinese.
Those people are just stowaways and losers,they thought they can live better if they leave,but there are still many successful Uighurs that don't want to live.If Turkey is so good,why you people want to smuggled into Germany,does Turkey oppress your people now?

You think you are invincible. :D

Nazis fought against whole Europe + US + Soviets...they were much stronger than you but reduced to ashes...I wish the same for your fascist and racist country...


500 Hundred Uighur has been brought to Turkey....they have escaped Chinese oppression and come to Turkey. Most of them are children.

But of course innocent 2 year old children happens to be terrorists for Chinese because that children happens t be Uighur ethnicity.

My Pakistani friends needs to open their eyes and see the evil doings of the Chinese.
Those people are just stowaways and losers,they thought they can live better if they leave,but there are still many successful Uighurs that don't want to live.If Turkey is so good,why you people want to smuggled into Germany,does Turkey oppress your people now?
International community is waking up to the fact that Turkey government has been actively supporting terrorism, including AQ/Nusra and ISIS. To this end, the government is using civilian structures and logistics, including Turkey's national disaster prevention organization.

Turkey Is Supporting ISIS » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

"He notes that Turkey allowed trucks from the Daesh stronghold in Raqqa to cross the “border, through Turkey and then back across the border to attack Syrian Kurds in the city of Serekaniye in northern Syria in February.” He later adds that, not only did they travel “through Turkey in a convoy of trucks,” they even stayed “at safehouses along the way.”

As a communication technician, Omer recalls “connect[ing] ISIS field captains and commanders from Syria with people in Turkey on innumerable occasions,” reporting that he “rarely heard them speak in Arabic, and that was only when they talked to their own recruiters, otherwise, they mostly spoke in Turkish because the people they talked to were Turkish officials.”

“ISIS commanders told us to fear nothing at all because there was full cooperation with the Turks,” Omer says."


I predict after the ISIS is finished, Kurd will rise up with the weapons given to them. It is time the Turk MUST be repaid for being a terrorist supporter.

The Kurd is only waiting for their turn to make the Turk pay a heavy price for decades of torture and occupation.

But before that, Turk has to deal with the terrorists they have been actively supporting over the past three years.
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International community is waking up to the fact that Turkey government has been actively supporting terrorism, including AQ/Nusra and ISIS. To this end, the government is using civilian structures and logistics, including Turkey's national disaster prevention organization.

The Kurd is only waiting for their turn to make the Turk pay a heavy price for decades of torture and occupation.

But before that, Turk has to deal with the terrorists they have been actively supporting over the past three years.

Chinese, Chinese...... :D

I have seen many post of the Chinese here that accuses us by giving support to terrorism....but i have not seen an inch of proof to back their claims. :)

And i say, Terrorist state of China and it's terrorist citizens will pay for oppressing my kin.

The Kurd is only waiting for their turn to make the Turk pay a heavy price for decades of torture and occupation.
Kurds rebelled and we crushed them over 20 times in the history...Unlike you we are undefeatable in our homeland.

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