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10 Turks detained for helping terror suspects fleeing China

So just because some Turks recruit for Syria,you blame the whole nation?
What kind of logic is that?

No. Exactly not the entire nation. That's why I said "some factions," which you quoted above.

And they are COWARDS !!! You were all talking shit about my people and my country while we were not around... why did you stop talking when we came to the thread ??

Are you serious? How does posting on a thread relate to being a coward or valiant? Is this your approach to posting stuff here? To prove that you are not a coward? If so, not really impressive. Your benchmark for being valiant is way too low.

Iranians, Chinese....they all have the same logic ..they are irrational people. You can't come to a conclusion with them.

What do you mean? What sort of rational conclusion are you seeking?
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Positive development.

Turkey to help in foiling suspects from Xinjiang
China Daily, January 15, 2015

China is to strengthen law enforcement cooperation with Turkey to combat terrorist suspects from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region entering the Eurasian country illegally.

From Turkey, the suspects travel to countries in the Middle East to join extreme Islamic forces, Chinese authorities said on Wednesday.

"We will enhance intelligence information exchanges and case investigations with Turkish authorities," said an official source who declined to be identified.

"We will work closely with them to investigate Xinjiang suspects who enter Turkey illegally."

The official also said that police from both countries will consider conducting joint operations to smash cross-border criminal gangs who help Xinjiang terrorists to cross China's borders illegally and assist them in obtaining fake Turkish passports.

In recent years, a number of extremists from Xinjiang have entered Southeast Asian countries illegally, including Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia.

In these countries, they usually buy fake passports, travel to Turkey and then move on to Syria or Pakistan to join extremist forces and receive military training before returning to China to plan more terrorist attacks, the source said.

In a case that occurred in November, 10 Turkish suspects were accused of crossing the border illegally by prosecutors in Shanghai.

Eleven others, including nine terrorist suspects from Xinjiang, were charged with organizing and taking part in terrorist organizations, according to Global Times in Beijing.

The report said the 10 Turkish suspects allegedly offered fake Turkish passports to the Xinjiang terrorist suspects, who planned to leave China illegally for Turkey through Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

Each of them was charged 60,000 yuan ($9,790) for an illegal passport and immigration clearance, the report said.

It also said the terrorist suspects from Xinjiang planned to enter Turkey illegally, from where they would transfer to Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan to join extremist forces.

Police found audio and video materials related to terrorism among the suspects when they tried to leave China. The suspects were detained at the scene, the report said.

Under the Criminal Law, if they are convicted of joining terrorist organizations, suspects face prison terms of three to 10 years. If convicted of organizing and leading terrorist organizations, they face sentences ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment.

The case is still being investigated.

Hong Lei, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told China Daily on Wednesday, "China has been insisting on attacking illegal immigration, and will enhance judicial cooperation with relevant countries to stop such crimes."

Meanwhile, authorities in Xinjiang have announced that people who buy fireworks and firecrackers for Spring Festival must register with their ID cards.

The move is part of efforts to prevent terrorists in Xinjiang from obtaining materials to make explosive devices.

Mei Jianming, director of the Counterterrorism Research Center at People's Public Security University of China, said, "Some practical challenges exist in combating such cases between China and Turkey due to legal obstacles and different legal procedures."

The main task is to "increase mutual trust between the two countries and provide Turkish judicial authorities with solid evidence to prove we are targeting violent terrorists rather than other people," he said.

It is also necessary to enhance judicial cooperation with Interpol and other law enforcement authorities in countries including the United States, Pakistan and Syria to seek their support and assistance, he added.

*** End of article***

But obviously we need to see the words to be supported by concrete action. Turkey government is not particularly famous for respecting other nations' sovereignty.


Turkish Government is Complicit in War Crimes with ISIS


Since the advent of the Syrian Conflict in March 2011, the Turkish Government has played a proactive role in destabilizing Syria with its deregulation of border security and through channels of military intelligence provided to militants fighting in the country. In fact, the large presence of opposition fighters in northern Syria is a direct result of the Turkish Government’s political agenda. Turkish President, Recep Erdogan, was one of the most outspoken critics of Dr. Bashar Al-Assad, going as far as chastising the Syrian President and issuing public statements of condemnation for the Syrian Government. Perhaps, President Erdogan’s role as the Middle East “peacekeeper” has allowed him to form relationships with extremist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda. However, all of these relationships have a strikingly odd and antithetical predicament with one another: Erdogan maintains regular correspondence with the groups and countries that oppose them – except for Syria, Iran, Lebanon, and Iraq.


The belabored claim that the Turkish Government cannot control its border with Syria and Iraq would be easily comprehensible if Turkish civilians were illegally entering the countries; this is the not the case. A wide variety of ethnically diverse ISIS fighters have entered Syria and Iraq through Turkey, likely receiving their visas from the Turkish Government. How can the Turkish Government claim to have proof that war crimes were committed in Syria, but not have any clue that thousands of ISIS fighters are traveling through your border? How did foreign ISIS fighters arrive in the Nineveh Province of Iraq? Why were foreign ISIS fighters that were wounded in Iraq and Syria treated in Turkish hospitals?

ISIS’ biggest supporter is the Turkish Government and they are not afraid to hide their support. The Turkish Government has stated that it will not comply with the request by the U.S. Government to allow NATO airstrikes to be conducted from their airbases. Furthermore, during a meeting in Jeddeh, Saudi Arabia, the Turkish Government refused to sign a joint declaration to combat ISIS inside their territory, stating that they will take a “passive” approach to deal with terrorism. Turkey has not been a victim of ISIS terrorism; however, their neighbors in Syria and Iraq are committed to an all-out war against the ISIS militants that Erdogan supports.

The Turkish Government’s complex relationships with extremist groups and those who oppose them have further complicated matters. In truth, the Turkish Government’s role in supporting ISIS is clear; but, their reasoning is hidden beneath the surface. Many political analysts will offer their opinion on ISIS’ creation, but most refrain from mentioning the state that has given the militants a safe-haven and undoubtedly consistent support. ISIS itself remains a foreign concept to those around the world: how can a group so large, manifest inside countries with the most vigilant and prudent intelligence agencies? This remains inexplicable.
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Iranians, Chinese....they all have the same logic ..they are irrational people. You can't come to a conclusion with them.


And they are COWARDS !!! You were all talking shit about my people and my country while we were not around... why did you stop talking when we came to the thread ??

Oh no! the Turks are comming!

People leave when they see trash posts like yours. You just cant stay out of the gutter my turkey friend.

By the way, your countrymen have little chance against China. A Turkish expedition into Xinjiang will have to deal with the Chinese senior citizens neighborhood watch and we all know who would win.
Turkey is going to offer shelter to 500 Uighur terrorists

Turkey offers shelter to 500 Uighur refugees who fled Chinese crackdown
Published 23 hours ago

The five hundred Uighurs who have been seeking to avail themselves of shelter in Turkey since fleeing persecution by China, are finally breathing easy, after reaching the country which has been eager to host them.

Those Uighurs who have completed the thorny journey to Turkey have been placed in mass houses allocated for them in Kayseri province.

Uighur Turks were forced to seek shelter in other countries after the pressures they faced in China failed to be subdued. Turkey had previously expressed its stance on hosting the runaway Uighurs when they officially requested Thailand to send 367 Uighur refugees to Turkey and not back to China, where they face death if they return.

Dozens of people were spotted at a human smuggling camp in southern Thailand in March, who were proclaimed to be illegal immigrants by Thai officials. The group, who were identified as Uighurs from China's northwestern restive province of Xinjiang, claimed to be Turkish nationals who sought to escape the shadow of fear in China.

Turkey acted sensitively over the issue owing to the fear that the Uighurs could face death if sent back to China, and made a strong case that they should be transferred to Turkey.

Shaking off the rigors they had been coping with back home, some of these refugees were able to reach Turkey without getting caught in Thailand, many of whom were aided by the helping hand of Turkey. Among the five hundred who arrived in Turkey are also reportedly those who broke free from human smuggling camp in Thailand.

"[Some of] those who fled atrocity, were caught in Thailand. 367 Uighurs are being kept there. Some of those who could make it to Turkey without being caught have been brought to Kayseri [a Turkish province]. The number may increase," said Seyit Tümtürk, the deputy head of the World Uighur Congress.

Tümtürk, added that the refugees who were placed in lodgings prepared for them are being taken care of and that all their needs are being met by the officials.

Noting that sensitivity has emerged on the subject in public Tümtürk continued: "The harsh crackdown by Chinese authorities and its policy of a [assimilation] is currently at its peak. The East Turkistan is the only region where fasting is banned. On the first day of the Eid- al-fitr two villages were razed in Kashgar and 3,000 people were killed there, upon what the whole world refused to utter a word of objection. 27 of our brothers from East Turkistan were condemned to death held responsible for the killings."

Tümtürk underscored that the silence of the west encourages China. He also noted that the practices of religion in East Turkistan are labeled as a crime by the constitution.

"The symbolic elements of Islam such as headscarf and prayer rugs are counted among elements of terrorism; so are praying, fasting and receiving religious education."

Noting that there is an influx of Uighur refugees fleeing their homes and risking their lives, Tümtürk said that the number of Uighurs seeking refuge in Turkey may increase.

"Turkey, which has opened its doors to one and a million Syrians and Iraqis, will surely host our brothers from East Turkistan." Tümtürk was also qoted as saying.
Oh no! the Turks are comming!

People leave when they see trash posts like yours. You just cant stay out of the gutter my turkey friend.

By the way, your countrymen have little chance against China. A Turkish expedition into Xinjiang will have to deal with the Chinese senior citizens neighborhood watch and we all know who would win.

LOL that was good
On Topic
Just eliminate the bloody terrorist since when did you guys have to worry about human rights & stuff like us Indians
Don't these terrorist-enablers know that they are shooting themselves in the foot? Their own homeland is straining itself to survive the terrorist assault on their borders. ISIS is ready to rip into the Turkish nation and tear it to pieces. And yet these agitators are still willing to travel to a distant and foreign land, in order to support terrorism. Don't they know that the global terror network is connected, and any assistance they render upon terrorists here will eventually be used against Turkey? The USA had to learn this the hard way. Let's hope Turkey won't have to experience it's own 9/11.

Actually Turkey's situation is much worse than it was for USA. Because Turkey has miscalculated gravely and supported a terrorist movement to overthrow a sovereign government of a neighboring state. Pakistan is a good example of what went terribly wrong when they support the taliban.
I dont know why Turkey did this, but my best guess is clinical insanity.

Your country is internationally excepted as supporting state terrorism...there is not talk much about the subject, nor do i need to talk with a terrorist like yourself.

Keep on dreaming Farsi.... you all keep dreaming since we came to Anatolia yet every time we stood above you.

I really dont know what you are talking about. But delusions of grandeur :lol:
You stand beneath donkey piss.
Xinjiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Demographics • Ethnic composition
Xinjiang is not just about Uyghurs. i don't care whether Turkic members here believe Uyghurs are you 'brothers' or not, but it's a deep insult to other minorities as well as Han living in the area when Turkey support 'East Turkestan independence movement' and those 'repressed freedom fighters' killed civilians of ALL ethnicity. i know some Kazakhs and Tajiks are very pissed off by the situation now.

btw, this was the guy running Xinjiang:
Nur Bekri
نۇر بەكرى

Director of the National Energy Administration
Incumbent Assumed office December 2014

Chairman of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
In office

January 2008 – December 2014
Preceded by Ismail Tiliwaldi
Succeeded by Shohrat Zakir
About the first article........ never mind.

I will explain nothing to you. You (chinese members in PDF) live in the on the other side of the planet yet act like you are some ME think-tank.... although your whole knowledge is formed by some articles in the net.

It's not worth to even argue with you. Condemn Turks and Turkey among yourselves....who cares about China anyways...

Edit: I know you are all ignorant but at least search the name of the author "LEITH FADEL"... why to believe a regime journalist ?? Do you think he will be neutral on these matters.....laughable.

What a illogical and emotional comment. We Chinese members (since you put us altogether) are not willing to admit Turkey as a country that support terrorism. It's all suspect and not the first day, not only our people's view and no reasonable response we got.

Just look over your fellow countrymen's comments in this thread. Did you guys even care for your ten Turks? It seems that you all involved in a fight despite the facts.

Back to the topic and the news and the facts are listed below.

1.Police in Shanghai have detained 10 Turkish nationals
2.The 10 Turks allegedly provided assistance for terror suspects in Xinjiang

So tell me what's your comment directly.
Lol turks and Chinese fighting and Pakistanis are stuck between two stones. Both are allies of Pakistan. :D
Also Iranians and Turks are fighting a lot. Lets note that the world today is everything which has been made by western attacks. It was Britain Russia that tore a larger Safavid Empire and a British and French alliance which broke the power of ottoman turkey. Imperialism of the west caught us muslims offguard.

Regardless of what people argue for we all need secular governments and secular nations. Its the 21st century and the time has passed for mullah republics. However Erdogan despite some of the assertions of turkish members is indeed secular.

Banning the headscarf or people who think about Islam's future is not secularism. France and Netherlands are bad examples of secularism because they clearly oppress their muslim populations.

Personally I believe secularism and Islam are compatible.
Thanks, as Turkey we are fine by ourselves....

You should can't talk but you can dance better than me ???

You should learn walking before trying to fly, darling.
As the US and gives you protection order, yes ;)

Thanks, as Turkey we are fine by ourselves....

You can't talk but you can dance better than me ???

You should learn walking before trying to fly, darling.
I'm not your girl, and stopped troll
Lol turks and Chinese fighting and Pakistanis are stuck between two stones. Both are allies of Pakistan. :D
Also Iranians and Turks are fighting a lot. Lets note that the world today is everything which has been made by western attacks. It was Britain Russia that tore a larger Safavid Empire and a British and French alliance which broke the power of ottoman turkey. Imperialism of the west caught us muslims offguard.


Yeah,because before the Russians,British ,French,the Ottomans and different Iranian dinasties never had a bone to pick...just about 12 wars between them(there wasn't a generation in those 2 states who never witnessed a war between them)...but hey...it's all about the West !

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