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10 Turks detained for helping terror suspects fleeing China

They are repeating the same mistakes, Pakistan made decades ago.

Reminds me of Vaas in Far Cry 3 lol.

Seeing this thread makes me sad. We muslims are so divided.

Both Shia and Sunni can go to heaven so I don't see how this bickering helps us. We should have a pact together. Instead we are busy fighting each other. Give it a break guys. There is something good in each of our countries. Iran has a strong foreign policy and is one of the only country's standing up to western meddling. Turkey has a secular government which has done much to protect muslims and well Pakistan is perhaps the largest muslim state in the world if not after Indonesia.

Lets not fight and try to work together to improve this horrid world we live in where our blood is extremely cheap. Lets all agree that Islamic fundamentalism is as much a threat as western meddling in Islamic states affairs. Finally lets try to build a secular country. In Canada I have never found an Iranian proud of the mullah government there. They might be fine with foreign policy, even Irans nuclear program but they are severely against terrorist mullahs who like Bashar al Asad would kill their own people given the motivation.

I think we need to make major efforts to improve relations rather than being victims of bitter sentiments.
very interesting development from terrorist state of turkey :lol:

although why isn't this a news to me ? o_O

your terror fest will bite you back first turkey , be sure about that ;)

@Serpentine @kollang @SOHEIL @ResurgentIran @Daneshmand @The Last of us @rahi2357

these terrorists are heading to your countries brothers : @Syrian Lion @Malik Alashter
that's not surprising AKP terrorists are supporting terrorists world wide, they will pay back heavily and the Turkish people will be the victims of the terrorists AKP
that's not surprising AKP terrorists are supporting terrorists world wide, they will pay back heavily and the Turkish people will be the victims of the terrorists AKP

I think you and likes of you will pay the price for supporting terrorist assad regime.

Don't worry about the Turkish people...we are sons of Ottomans. Nobody in the region can go against us.

tkt not my brother, he will pay for their betrayal
Why are you still awake ?
Our security forces have arrested Uighur militants who were found (without documentation of any kind) in the FATA region along Afghan border areas; some with Jihadi tendencies.

As for the Turks - it's been a long-standing issue. The Uighurs are ethnically/linguistically Turkic and there are historic links between both sides. There are Turkish Ultra-Nationalist organizations that call for their repatriation. This has been a source of tension between Turkiye & PRC. It's a bilateral issue between these 2 responsible nations.
My personal observation, Chinese members are even worse then Iranians, at least some of Iranian members are actually acting like adults, but not a single Chinese member, I think their minds work differently, not a single way of getting reasonable with them, they are like u all terrorist, this terrorist that terrorist, some Turks caught in China ? cut diplomatic relationships, Uyghurs trying to excape country ? they are terrorists for trying to leave. I'm also observing that Chinese people in overall are extremely prone and accustomed to violence, no wonder we get so much violent public lyinch news without people in the area giving any f.ck.

And @Sinan is right, Iranians are at least openly clashing, Chinese members only thrash talk behind you and run away when you enter the thread.
it is for her that I told you, only the union of all Muslim will make us a powerful nation. and we can releases all the Muslim country and sovereign being, without accountability is nobody
there is no "problem" per se - just some areas of friction regarding the topic of Uighur citizens of China....For China it's a security concern - for Turkiye it's a historical/ethnic one
the Uigur want independence? i dont no?
the Uigur want independence? i dont no?

Well its certainly not a problem of religion since there are non Uighur Muslim groups in China who live normally and are not political at all

I dont know if the Uighurs want independence or not since I've never even met a single one in my life. All I know is that it's more of a law & order problem than anything else. My PERSONAL opinion is that the Chinese should sit down and have a converstation with them and reach a compromise on political issues (like religious attire or holy rituals such as Ramazan etc.). These are issues that can be solved. There's more historical context and narratives which mostly the Chinese and Turkish gentlemen here can outline. I am not too informed on the subject. I can say that it is in the interests of Turkiye and China to cooperate - since they are both very important countries with commercial and other diplomatic ties.

I wanted to know if the Huns was Turkish

ethnically and linguistically speaking - YES they are TURKIC (kind of like the Azeris, Tatars or the Uzbek etc.)

edit: "they" being Uighur Chinese....not HAN Chinese

they are Chinese citizens not Turkish citizens.....the Ultra-nationalist groups in Turkiye are calling for them to migrate to Turkiye; i dont think it's an issue of land or borders
You need to learn some basic genetics and history sis....unfortunately your knowledge of defense industry, history, english ...i mean every other subject is just trash.

Look above, i fixed that your sentence for you.... I say Iranians are a nation that subjects to Zionism... your words against mine.

Why are you in this thread ??? This thread has nothing to do with Iran or Iranians. It's between China and Turkey, it's not your business... So...we can came to conclusion that you are the one who does the trolling here....

I wonder if you are understanding my posts. :)

Fix your disgusting attitude. I might answer your post.
stop coming in the Iranian topic, if you do not want me to come to tell you the truth here. yes i not speak much English so ?, speaks french? not then fall,

the Uigur is nothing to do with the Turkish state, so stop the discution. bye

Well its certainly not a problem of religion since there are non Uighur Muslim groups in China who live normally and are not political at all

I dont know if the Uighurs want independence or not since I've never even met a single one in my life. All I know is that it's more of a law & order problem than anything else. My PERSONAL opinion is that the Chinese should sit down and have a converstation with them and reach a compromise on political issues (like religious attire or holy rituals such as Ramazan etc.). These are issues that can be solved. There's more historical context and narratives which mostly the Chinese and Turkish gentlemen here can outline. I am not too informed on the subject. I can say that it is in the interests of Turkiye and China to cooperate - since they are both very important countries with commercial and other diplomatic ties.

ethnically and linguistically speaking - YES they are TURKIC (kind of like the Azeris, Tatars or the Uzbek etc.)

edit: "they" being Uighur Chinese....not HAN Chinese

they are Chinese citizens not Turkish citizens.....the Ultra-nationalist groups in Turkiye are calling for them to migrate to Turkiye; i dont think it's an issue of land or borders
thank you for the information, I leave this topic, goodbye
If you noticed i'm not coming to Iranian section no more... i'm tried of your countymen's nonsense.

I wouldn't mind if you spoken truth....but all you do is "Turks are slaves of Israel...they are zionists...:blah::blah::blah:"
Typical Farsi non-sense.

If your French is like your English...... :rofl:

Uighurs are Turkic, as well as Azeri, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Turkmen, Uzbek,

We are bound by blood and they are my brothers. I will stand up for them anytime.

I advice you to do the same. These subjects are heavy for you as you have limited knowledge on every issue. Go buy yourself some make-up over the net.

How are you stand up for Uighur? Are you a terrorist supporter ready to provide financial and terrorist training to the Uighur terrorist outside of China? Are you planning to carry out terrorism in China? More action less talk, be another terrorist inmate in China jail.
How are you stand up for Uighur? Are you a terrorist supporter ready to provide financial and terrorist training to the Uighur terrorist outside of China? Are you planning to carry out terrorism in China? More action less talk, be another terrorist inmate in China jail.

Uyghur = Terrorist for you... Your Han racism is out of the league....you are worse than Nazis.
Uyghur = Terrorist for you... Your Han racism is out of the league....you are worse than Nazis.

No innocent Uighur would stabbed 100 of innocent Chinese in the train station, no innocent Uighur would use fire bomb and plowed their vehicle onto the innocent bystander on the street, no innocent Uighur would incite the religious extreme to wage jihad against the infidel. Uighur all show signs of the terrorist tendency, how should I label them not as a terrorist but the saint walking among the human?
No innocent Uighur would stabbed 100 of innocent Chinese in the train station, no innocent Uighur would use fire bomb and plowed their vehicle onto the innocent bystander on the street, no innocent Uighur would incite the religious extreme to wage jihad against the infidel. Uighur all show signs of the terrorist tendency, how should I label them not as a terrorist but the saint walking among the human?
You always look at what Uighur have done to you, which nobody here tries to justify. You should ask what the Chinese have done to Uighur since they have invaded East-Turkistan in the 40'ies. They took away their state. Their government. They don't have a say in anything. Their language and religion are attacked/banned and now they face state terror and prosecution. Why are these Uighur families running away? You don't even allow Uighur families to flee to neighboring countries. In my eyes, and in the eyes of the world and in China, the only terrorist is the communist terrorist rule of Beijing which I don't think will last very long.

Turkey offers shelter to 500 Uighur refugees who fled Chinese crackdown - Daily Sabah
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About the first article........ never mind.

I will explain nothing to you. You (chinese members in PDF) live in the on the other side of the planet yet act like you are some ME think-tank.... although your whole knowledge is formed by some articles in the net.

It's not worth to even argue with you. Condemn Turks and Turkey among yourselves....who cares about China anyways...

Edit: I know you are all ignorant but at least search the name of the author "LEITH FADEL"... why to believe a regime journalist ?? Do you think he will be neutral on these matters.....laughable.

Why resort to cheap ad hominems if you have something tangible to say?

How do you know how much we know? And how are you so sure what you know is the entire truth?

Edit: Why would we necessarily believe in the Turkish regime some of whose citizens have been put in custody in China on charges of recruiting terrorists to fight in Syria?

Actually Turkey's situation is much worse than it was for USA. Because Turkey has miscalculated gravely and supported a terrorist movement to overthrow a sovereign government of a neighboring state. Pakistan is a good example of what went terribly wrong when they support the taliban.
I dont know why Turkey did this, but my best guess is clinical insanity.

It has been argued by known Turkish journalists that Erdogan suffers from chronic epilepsy. That explains part of his irrational attitude. Also take into account the religio/sectarian education he received from high school onwards. Have you seen his recent clown show at the gates of his palace when he met Mr. Abbas. Poor Mr. Abbas; he had to endure the clown show and be part of the history of an insane weirdo. The guy and his government is a serious liability for Turkey.

There has been interesting revelations recently by a former Turkish Intelligence Agency agent -- who is on the run, currently.

Anticipate more dirty laundry of the terrorist-sporting Turkish regime to come out these days.


Turkey's Dirty Secret About Al-Qaeda

Since 2012, political observers has been questioning Turkey's relationship with al-Qaeda and other radical Islamist terrorist organizations.

Three interesting developments related to this took place in last 10 days. First, a suicide bomber attacked the Istanbul police. It was revealed that the suicide attacker came from Russia and is affiliated with an Islamic terrorist organization. Interestingly enough, the Turkish police, for the first time in its history, did not reveal the name of the terrorist organization. Three people were arrested for their connection to the attack, but no one knows who they are and what terrorist organizations they belong to.

Those who know how the police work and how counter-terrorism operations are conducted easily noticed that a suicide attack is not a typical terrorist attack. If it was a typical terrorist attack, police would have revealed the name of the organization, shared further evidence, etc. Instead of revealing the truth behind the attack, the police tried to cover up the real story behind the attack.

More importantly, the Turkish media, too, ignored the attack and acts as if no attack took place in Istanbul. We all know from the Uludere incident in which 34 Kurdish villagers were killed by Turkish warplanes, when the Turkish media ignores a terror-related incident, one needs to know Ankara doesn't want them to investigate the incident.

All in all, the suicide attack in Istanbul seems to be related to the Turkish intelligence community, not to a typical terrorist attack.

Secondly, an anonymous Twitter user claiming to be part of a leftist group shared some documents about Turkey's assistance to al-Qaeda. The documents indicate that Turkey was transferring weapons to al-Qaeda organizations inside Syria. The documents show that the trucks stopped by gendarmes were full of Russian weapons and heading to al-Qaeda militants inside Syria.

Soon after the documents were leaked on Twitter, Turkish authorities stepped up and got court orders to shut down Twitter and other websites that posted the documents. Such attempts indicate that the documents showed the dirty secret of the Turkish government and made it unhappy.

The weapon transfer to al-Qaeda was much-debated by the Turkish public but for the first time documents prove the allegations about these bizarre relations. Turkish authorities, instead of denying the allegations and proving that they did not help al-Qaeda, tried to cover up the story by attempting to shut down Twitter and other websites that published the document.

Third and more importantly, a witness revealing the dirty secrets of Turkey came out this week. Onder Sigirciklioglu, a former National Intelligence Organization (MIT) agent who was assigned to coordinate anti-Assad activities in Hatay, spoke out about his activities. While working for MIT, Sigirciklioglu organized the handing over of the Syrian colonel Huseyin Hormoush to Assad's forces.

Sigirciklioglu claims that he has witnessed many illegal activates, including helping illegal groups, transferring arms from Libya to al-Qaeda and bringing jihadists from abroad to Syria.

It is interesting to note that UN inspectors were investigating allegations that the Turkish state was transferring arms from Libya to al-Qaeda; now a former MIT agent speaks out about it.

The documents that show that the Russian weapon systems being transferred into Syria must be related to those weapons brought from Libya.

Seeing all three incidents in the same week is unusual. It seems that there is a serious battle going on behind the curtain; certainly one side of the battle is Turkish intelligence community, but we don't know the other side.

It could be a sign of rivalry within the state apparatus as well as rivalry between Turkey and other countries.

No matter what the real reason is, revealing Turkey's dirty secret about al-Qaeda the week of the terrorist attacks in Paris shows that Turkey will face a difficult time for its support to al-Qaeda.
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You always look at what Uighur have done to you, which nobody here tries to justify. You should ask what the Chinese have done to Uighur since they have invaded East-Turkistan in the 40'ies. They took away their state. Their government. They don't have a say in anything. Their language and religion are attacked/banned and now they face state terror and prosecution. Why are these Uighur families running away? You don't even allow Uighur families to flee to neighboring countries. In my eyes, and in the eyes of the world and in China, the only terrorist is the communist terrorist rule of Beijing which I don't think will last very long.

Turkey offers shelter to 500 Uighur refugees who fled Chinese crackdown - Daily Sabah

There wasn't a east Turkistan in the history of this planet, there won't be east Turkistan in the future either, the immigrant came from far away to settle in the region then later decide to carve out a independent state within China territory, China crushed the separatist movement by the Uighur ever since Uighur used violence to terrorize the population by any mean accessible to them to maim and kill civilians.

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