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10 Turks detained for helping terror suspects fleeing China

He's neither, that Turk is a terrorist supporter and firmly believes Xinjiang should be separated from China. He enjoys Chinese being killed in Xinjiang. The more our police force kills them the angrier he gets :agree:
That's insane.

They call it East Turkestan or Uyghurstan.
You are good researcher for terrorist groups. Watch out in UK.
No east Turkistan, never will be any east Turkistan in the future.
It already exists, just not as an independent country or officially by that name. Chinese can call it Xinjiang if they want, but this word means nothing in Uyghur language.
It already exists, just not as an independent country or officially by that name. Chinese can call it Xinjiang if they want, but this word means nothing in Uyghur language.

They tried for the independent but Chinese squat them their ambition, now all they did commit knife yielding terrorism on the suicide mission. 9 terrorist were shot on the spot as they yell akar Allah some from of deranged person.
Ok, you have drawn your conclusion. Good to you and it seems that you see the results.

Don't you see that we talk things based on facts that they are really doing evil things!

It's not about like or not. Don't you see the truth? What's your opinion for the news.

My opinion is terrorist is a terrorist, either it's a turk,pakistani or chinese, he should be dealt accordingly.
International community (and not only the Western part of international community, by the way) is increasingly wary of Turkey's active involvement in activities that amount to recruiting, arming, training, offering safe passage and providing health care to the terrorists that are recruited and transferred from all across the world.

The news above also proves Turks are actively involved in overseas recruitment of terrorists to fight in Syria against the legitimate Assad government.

That's despicable. But, it must be kept in mind that a considerable portion of the Turkish society are wary of their country's sectarian and jihadist involvement in the Syrian war over the past three-four years.

But the deranged low-educated and uncivil Islamist president and his government of Turkey seems to have effectively subdued the voice of the moderate and secular Turks and other minorities.

In the wake of the Paris attacks, anticipate more media exposure of Turkey's terrorist government's hideous activities. Also bear in mind that the French, US or British governments (not necessarily the people but certain Western governments have very little public accountability and representation) have been in bed with Turkey in their quest to overthrow Assad.

Remember that the Sarkozy government had sent fighter jets to bomb Libya even before a UN-mandated no-fly zone. In that respect, little difference between Turkey or France or the US governments.

But, those governments are well-versed to pull out such illicit activities with zero accountability (beauty of democracy). In this case, too, Turkey seems to foot the bill entirely while French or UK governments are poised to come out clean. It is because the Turkish government is overly composed of sectarian, Islamist, neo-Ottomanist fanatics fed for eighty years by a bloody, politicized Islamist idea by the Muslim Brotherhood. Turkish government is a natural extension of the terrorist group/ideology. Hence they lack strategic thinking capabilities.

All known Islamist terrorist organizations enjoy safe harbor in Turkey (Istanbul) and supported covertly and overtly by the government.

China will keep eliminating their terrorist brethren in Xinjiang and elsewhere inside the country but it is the responsibility of the West to deal with the monster they created.
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Putin recently told Erdogan to stop supporting Chechen terrorism in Russia. The West together with Turkey has a long history of supporting Chechen separatism in order to destabilize and weaken Russia. Of course, the West never called them "terrorists" because the people killed were Russians, not French. Everyone should get this through their thick skull; terrorism is only terrorism when Westerners and Israelis are killed.
It's what we call “搅屎棒”:no:How to say it in english?:rofl:
Cut Turkey's head, terrorism will cease to exist.

To some degree, yes. Especially terrorism in Syria. But, in the larger context, it is certain countries in the West that provide the required lifeline to their lackeys in the Middle East. Without active US-UK-France support, how far could the Friends of Syria meetings have gone?

With respect to Xinjiang, the US as big a culprit as Turkey.
If the suspects are found guilty, a worrisome development that adds to the growing international concern that some factions in Turkey might be actively involved in illegal activities to recruit terrorist/jihadists in the ranks of the ISIS, Nusra, the FSA and the likes.
So just because some Turks recruit for Syria,you blame the whole nation?
What kind of logic is that?

Well, they are definitely messing with the wrong country.
Who is,they?

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