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10 Turks detained for helping terror suspects fleeing China

Surprisingly, the first mention of turkish origin is found in China historical record and not by Turkic means. Even the name Turkic is properly originated from Chinese in Mandarin "Tujue"

You guys never stop amaze me with your "3 digit" IQs... Before the recorded history is a mystery and nobody knows about it and you claim here that first mention of the word Turk found in chinese sources so the name Turk is given by chinese? :D You can't even realise that old chinese sources could used that name because the name was already exsisted...

Scenario probably happened like that;
Random Turkic tribe chief: -Ok guys come over here I have things to share..
Tribe folks: -Yea what's that about chief?
Random Turkic tribe chief: -Well.. We live together since the time being, we fight, eat, drink together... but how will we call ourselves? We don't even have a name...
Tribe folks: - (Silence... grumbling...) -Right -He is right - Why we didn't think about it? -Hmm...
Random member of the tribe: Chief... Those people who are hiding behind the great wall call us something like Turk...What about it?
Random Turkic tribe chief: Are you sure of that? Go ask again!
(10 min later)
Random member of the tribe: I tried chief! But they don't show themselves... I told them that I want to ask something but they didn't show up, I just saw some hiding heads behind the wall...
Random Turkic tribe chief: Hmmm.. Sounds interesting.. OK. From now on, we call us Turks, tell everyone!!
Tribe Folks: YEEAHHH!

The first known mention of the term Turk applied to a Turkic group was in reference to the Göktürks in the 6th century. A letter by Ishbara Qaghan to Emperor Wen of Sui in 585 described him as "the Great Turk Khan." The Orhun inscriptions use the terms Turk and Turuk.

Old Turkic:
Chinese: 突厥 .... Incredible similarity in fonts ... We probbaly adopted that word and everything from chinese...
You guys never stop amaze me with your "3 digit" IQs... Before the recorded history is a mystery and nobody knows about it and you claim here that first mention of the word Turk found in chinese sources so the name Turk is given by chinese? :D You can't even realise that old chinese sources could used that name because the name was already exsisted...

Scenario probably happened like that;
Random Turkic tribe chief: -Ok guys come over here I have things to share..
Tribe folks: -Yea what's that about chief?
Random Turkic tribe chief: -Well.. We live together since the time being, we fight, eat, drink together... but how will we call ourselves? We don't even have a name...
Tribe folks: - (Silence... grumbling...) -Right -He is right - Why we didn't think about it? -Hmm...
Random member of the tribe: Chief... Those people who are hiding behind the great wall call us something like Turk...What about it?
Random Turkic tribe chief: Are you sure of that? Go ask again!
(10 min later)
Random member of the tribe: I tried chief! But they don't show themselves... I told them that I want to ask something but they didn't show up, I just saw some hiding heads behind the wall...
Random Turkic tribe chief: Hmmm.. Sounds interesting.. OK. From now on, we call us Turks, tell everyone!!
Tribe Folks: YEEAHHH!

The first known mention of the term Turk applied to a Turkic group was in reference to the Göktürks in the 6th century. A letter by Ishbara Qaghan to Emperor Wen of Sui in 585 described him as "the Great Turk Khan." The Orhun inscriptions use the terms Turk and Turuk.

Old Turkic:
Chinese: 突厥 .... Incredible similarity in fonts ... We probbaly adopted that word and everything from chinese...

That scenario was actually pretty funny. :lol:
Any analysis on Turkey's involvement in international terrorism, including active recruitment of foreign nationals to fight in Syria, would better be taken within the context of the greater US/UK plot to overthrow Assad.

Singling out Turkey as somehow a mastermind does not provide the entire picture. The following is from 2013. The FSA the news article is talking about is in fact Nusra/AQ and ISIS effectively packaged as 'moderate rebels.'

US CIA Operatives Training Syrian Rebels On Secret Bases In Jordan, Turkey: LATimes


CIA operatives have been training Syrian rebels since at least last year, long before U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. would be sending guns to the Free Syrian Army. Reuters

CIA operatives have been training Syrian rebels since at least last year, long before U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. would be sending guns to the Free Syrian Army, the Los Angeles Times revealed on Friday.

The U.S. set up covert training bases in Jordan and Turkey to train fighters from the Free Syrian Army and a “loose confederation of rebel groups.” The L.A. Times reported that in Jordan U.S. operatives are training Syrians in groups of 20 to 45 at a time. The “course” takes two weeks and includes training with Russian anti-tank rifles and missiles as well as anti-aircraft weapons. So far, about 100 rebels have been training at a base in Dara, in southwest Jordan, which opened in November 2012, the LA Times noted.

Obama’s decision to arm the rebels was announced earlier in June when the White House said it had conclusively determined that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had used chemical weapons. The Associated Press reported on Friday that the rebels had received their first shipment of arms from “friendly countries,” but a spokesman for the rebels said no shipments have come in from the U.S. yet.

"We believe that the United States will implement its commitments toward us very soon," the spokesman said. "We are strong on the ground. We will regain the territories that were taken by the regime. People will see that all the Free Syrian Army needed was weapons to bring down the regime.” He further said the world will see “changes on the ground.”

It is unclear what kind of weapons the U.S. will send the Syrians, but anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles have reportedly been discussed.
China arrests hundreds of illegal emigrants tied to overseas terrorist groups
CCTV International

Authorities have apprehended 852 alleged illegal emigrants at China's southwest border, mostly traveling from Xinjiang, in an attempt to join overseas terrorist groups. Officials say it is China’s latest effort in the fight against terrorism.

The Ministry of Public Security said on Sunday that police have busted 262 cases and detained 352 people for smuggling illegal emigrants to Southeast Asian countries last year.

Many of the emigrants are ethnic Uyghurs from Xinjiang who try to travel to Syria and Turkey to join terrorist groups, the ministry said in an online statement, adding that “Behind the smuggling is the terrorist group East Turkistan Islamic Movement”.

Wei Hai, the head of one huge smuggling group in Guangxi, told police that his group had helped more than 300 people cross the China-Vietnam border from January to April last year.

“A Uyghur man named A Le living abroad would contact me before smuggling,” Wei said. “I would pick up emigrants and send them to smugglers in Vietnam. A Le then sends these people to Syria or Turkey from Hanoi.”

The Ministry of Public Security said Beijing has enhanced cooperation with Interpol and Southeast Asian countries to fight against illegal immigration and terror.

In April 2014, the Vietnamese army arrested 16 Uyghurs near the China-Vietnam border. They said 10 of them died when trying to conduct a suicide attack at a cross-border checkpoint. Two Vietnamese officers were killed.

Authorities in Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia also arrested hundreds of people believed to be Uyghurs travelling from Xinjiang to the region on fake passports over the past year.

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