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10 Turks detained for helping terror suspects fleeing China


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
10 Turks detained for helping terror suspects fleeing China

Police in Shanghai have detained 10 Turkish nationals who allegedly provided assistance for terror suspects in Xinjiang.

According to the Beijing-based Global Times newspaper, 11 other people, including 9 terror suspects from Xinjiang, were also been taken into custody in November 2014.

The newspaper says the 10 Turkish detainees are accused of providing fake Turkish passports for terror suspects. The alleged terrorists were trying to leave China illegally through Shanghai Pudong Airport. Each of them had paid 60 thousand yuan for an illegal passport.

Audio and video materials related to terrorism were found among the suspects who were trying to leave China, according to the report.

They had been bound for Syria, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

The Global Times report says the 10 Turkish nationals have been officially arrested on charges of making arrangements for others to illegally cross national borders.

According to Chinese law, the crime carries a sentence of 2 to 7 years in prison. If there are aggravating circumstances, those convicted could be sentenced to 7 years to life in prison.

The investigation is ongoing.

Meanwhile, authorities in Xinjiang have announced that people who buy fireworks and firecrackers for Chinese New Year will have to register using their ID cards.

A local official says this is in part to prevent terrorists from obtaining raw materials to make explosive devices.

Firework retail outlets will need to record the type and quantity of products purchased by each customer.

Earlier this week, police in Shule County in Xinjiang shot dead six attackers who attempted to detonate explosive devices attached to their bodies.
Let the terrorists go! Never come back. It's a good thing for us. I don't understand why the government would intervene this. Stupid move.
If this is true, they must be punished by Chinese law. After serving their sentence, kick them back to Turkey and blacklist them. Personally if any Uyghur in Xinjiang doesn't like to live in China they can all migrate to Turkey.
i just read the news, to be honesty , i do not like turks becuase they like to involve relation with other ethnic groups . Uygur and Tajik in china have nothing relation with you . you turks belongs to turky's country .stop interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.
If the suspects are found guilty, a worrisome development that adds to the growing international concern that some factions in Turkey might be actively involved in illegal activities to recruit terrorist/jihadists in the ranks of the ISIS, Nusra, the FSA and the likes.

Let the terrorists go! Never come back. It's a good thing for us. I don't understand why the government would intervene this. Stupid move.

The issue is not that those people leave China, but the prospects of them returning, this time war-hardened and even bloodier. Such networks must be busted and foreign accomplishes must be severely punished along with the domestic ones.
The issue is not that those people leave China, but the prospects of them returning, this time war-hardened and even bloodier. Such networks must be busted and foreign accomplishes must be severely punished along with the domestic ones.
You are probably right. Things will get worse if these jihadists come back to China. Considering that most foreign jihadists in Syria took Turkey as the entreport. Turkey must be playing some ugly role in supporting terrorism.
Don't these terrorist-enablers know that they are shooting themselves in the foot? Their own homeland is straining itself to survive the terrorist assault on their borders. ISIS is ready to rip into the Turkish nation and tear it to pieces. And yet these agitators are still willing to travel to a distant and foreign land, in order to support terrorism. Don't they know that the global terror network is connected, and any assistance they render upon terrorists here will eventually be used against Turkey? The USA had to learn this the hard way. Let's hope Turkey won't have to experience it's own 9/11.
They will get the best terrorism training in Syria and then come back .

Most of them will be eliminated by the Syrian Army and/or the Lebanon Hezbollah and, if in Iraq, by the Iraqi Army. But those who are able to survive and return are a threat to national security. Those must be ruthlessly tracked down and eliminated.
Why the **** do we allow a Turk to enter China is the question I want to know.

Well, at least we got a valid excuse right now to hammer some rebel groups in Syria and Iraq, since they were the one who look for the problems first.
Well, at least we got a valid excuse right now to hammer some rebel groups in Syria and Iraq, since they were the one who look for the problems first.
The Turk is a new sponsor of terrorist. The existence of ISIS is a testament to them supporting terrorism. In fact, I am wary of this country. Hopefully the Kurd can split their country apart.

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