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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

Ever wonder why Niazi is always crying about aghwans but doesn't say anything about these Baloch terrorists?
Well here is your answer

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He is right don't know if airing dirty laundry was the right thing
But yes he is partially right- political engineering by army is an issue in Balochistan and controlling courts

All this builds up- you should kill terrorist but also recognize your f up's
He is right don't know if airing dirty laundry was the right thing
But yes he is partially right- political engineering by army is an issue in Balochistan and controlling courts

All this builds up- you should kill terrorist but also recognize your f up's
If he's right then those people are not terrorists, we are.
Questions need to be asked if the post was engaged in a gunfight for 5 hours where was PAA? PAF? Drones? Cobras? Hinds? QRF? Why are our soldiers left alone to fight for 5 hours and die like they're expendables? What is PAF saving for? IF THEY KNOW it is a hot area why are Drones not operating in that area? Instead vital resources are seen in places which have never seen an attack or threat in the last 70 years..... an entire post overrun in an area where army and security agencies should be keeping a keen eye... unbelievable
Several journalists are reporting of an attack resulting in multiple casualties, exact figures are unknown as of yet. No group has claimed responsibility yet.

Cost of a Jawan's life is not same as that of a Colonel? US forces used to call air strikes. Why can't we? Plus, why we don't have a compulsion of travelling in heavy armoured vehicles? Why check posts don't have under ground bunkers?
Has this been confirmed otherwise? We have everything from several shaheed to 10. The army is everywhere supposedly and we are putting up post after post.
Let’s see mainstream media or the forces come out with something.
It probably did happen as one of their main leaders was taken out but the severity no one knows.
There are also some soldiers missing reportedly.

Has this been confirmed otherwise? We have everything from several shaheed to 10. The army is everywhere supposedly and we are putting up post after post.
Let’s see mainstream media or the forces come out with something.
It probably did happen as one of their main leaders was taken out but the severity no one knows.
It is confirmed that there has been an attack by most reputable journalists, casualties remain unconfirmed however the number being floated around is 10. Hence why i havent put a specific number in the title.
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Going by PMIK's constant advocating, it seems Pakistan has excellent relations with Pakistan. If that is not the case, someone should raise it with incumbent afghan govt.
He is a problem. He sounds like a representative of IEA rather than Pakistan. Perception is everything in narrative wars and he isn't helping, especially with FATF sword hanging over our heads. He continues to do this while IEA members publicly ridicule him. Also, IEA hasn't really made any attempt to stop TTP. Not to mention the fact that they have started border disputes--there have been incidents of cross-border firing and removal of fence. You will also notice that no country has recognized IEA yet. Even China recently made a strong statement saying that IEA needs to make sure that their territory isn't used against others.
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Extremely sad if this has happened. Failure of the whole army
From Musharraf, to Kiyani to Raheel Sharif to Bajwa.. can’t seem to remember a more dysfunctional and utterly disconnected from reality, personality to have occupied the office of COAS. In last 20 years of war, an attack of this sort would still see some response. But no. More photo ops.
Gen Bajwa should resign if he has any shame left right now. This is a disaster.
More such attacks will continue to happen inside Pakistan when, instead of retaliating against the terrorist's handlers, the NSA wants "100 years of peace" with the terrorist's handlers. With such a pacifist mindset, why should the enemy not continue to exploit the opportunity to attack Pakistan through covert means.

New security policy seeks ‘peace’ with India

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