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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

I haven’t commented until now as I was so upset at the deaths of our brothers.
Yes it’s difficult but there are clear things that need to be improved.
Let’s please also give credit to our forces who are taking out their leaders in neighbouring countries.
As for areas to look at. Large numbers of these men are moving from/around the Iranian/Pakistan border into Pakistan uninterrupted. More FOB’s need to be built near the borders to stop these ‘clear runs’.
The bases or in this case outposts need to be built to withstand assaults like this and have overwhelming firepower and numbers to eliminate attacking terrorists.
The forces now has a large and powerful armed drone fleet which should be taking going on round the clock patrols, alongside men in RV’s who act as spotters and intelligence. Preemptive strikes before they reach gathering points is a must.
Finally the disgusting properganda seen against the state in universities by various people should be stamped out.

Finally we will be held responsible for those brothers and sisters we did not care for when they needed our help on the day of Judgement. This isn’t aimed at the military leadership, troops, politicians etc but all Pakistanis in the fatherland and abroad.
I am not going to dwell into the pathetic, and down right ugly response of our gov and military higher ups. For them opening of a Tom and Jerry psl event had more meaning then death of our brothers.

For the area that is the issue, we can have drone coverage 24/7 fair enough.

Why don't we try this method.

I am not going to dwell into the pathetic, and down right ugly response of our gov and military higher ups. For them opening of a Tom and Jerry psl event had more meaning then death of our brothers.

For the area that is the issue, we can have drone coverage 24/7 fair enough.

Why don't we try this method.

There is so much cheap technology out there, but issue isn’t money or technology, issue is about lazy mentality.

Army can provide home build solutions. Erect 40 Or 100 feet poll in every outpost and hook up few IR cameras, now monitor screen.

Cost; few hundred dollars.
Do we have any information about this woman? Does she live in Pakistan or west? If Pakistan then someone from LEA should pay her a visit and personally teach her why terrorists who attack military are not freedom fighters

Fact is, it’s hot and boring out there in desert. Day in day out. If nothing is happening than soldiers get lazy and complacent. They will lower their guard. Enemy is always monitoring and checking patterns. They strike and moment is right.
Not really, see how Iran have subdued their Baloch. People talk about economic disparity between Balochistan and Punjab the reason. But maybe they are comparing some posh areas of Punjab/Islamabad and asking why all of Balochistan isn't like that. See there isn't much difference in rural baloch or punjab population economic prosperity. Now compare Sistan with western Iranian/persians and you will see the reality. Plus its shia extremist regime that hate Sunnis. There is no democracy there and unlike in Pakistan Balochistan, Sistan isn't autonomous.

Despite all that Pakistani baloch separatist sardars do not claim anything from Sistan or even wish to join them. So Iran supporting BLA terrorists will not backfire for Iran.
Poverty of Balochistan should not be downplayed...

This is a village of Punjab, I don't think any village of Balochistan would like this...
Cause men work in cities with factories or go abroad, while some family members farm
There's literally nothing to do in Balochistan except for maybe coal mining or something

Shahid Afridi cricketer during COVID-19 went all over Pakistan from gilgit to Gawdar providing aid, money, food

and according to him and his experience
Balochistan is insanely poor to the point some kids walked barefooted and he feels it is the poorest part of Pakistan

And Shahid Afridi hails from and regularly visits FATA
So if someone from Fata (and also visited every part of Pakistan for his months long journey) gets taken a back at the sheer level of poverty

You can see it's not normal...

I don't know what can we do and how can we help but downplaying poverty won't help the situation...
Your entire post was wrong, riddled with false assumptions but this part is true though and that is because Balouchis are Iranian people/Iranic. Why do they have to leave their own motherland? Like the Persian majority, they belong to the Iranian family. It is their home.

Pakistan is a different story altogether.
Iranian and Iranic is not the same thing.
Iranian denotes to the nationality where you even have african and arab descent people who adapted the iranic culture/language.
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Population of Balochistan in 1951 was 1.1 million 12 million in 2017. More than 1000 percent increase in population in 68 years. Punjab has water resources it can sustain large population comparing interior Sindh or Punjab with Balochistan is stupid
They.cannot match KP, Punjab etc because of water, geography issues, I get it

But there should be enough resources available where they (especially Centeral Balochistan) shouldn't walk barefooted?
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The attack was carried out in the middle of the night when most of them would be sleeping or resting, who probably never had a chance to recover, while the guards on watch duty put up the resistance against the Multi pronged onslaught.
The terrorists had an infrastructure to aim at and target, in pitch darkness what would the soldiers fire at unless they had the likes of NVGs or search lights.
A truly pathetic situation.
Religious parties need to take root here to save Balochistan. Establishment needs to support JI and JUI F. Establish hundred of madrasas in southern Balochistan to fight communism. Baloch religious student group need to be in Balochistan and other part of the group need to be there to counter communist student group in the universities.

These universities in Balochistan are breeding ground for communist terrorism. I was really happy to see JI doing protest in Gawdar, these parties need more support in these areas.

I'm not saying it is the only solution, it is one of many things that state must do
Do you want a Baloch version of TTP? Their recruitment base will grow from a few million Baloch to hundreds of millions of Muslims.

You still think she is really a woman?
My name is mrs. devid neval pundit baloch saar. Pak army is kill 3 gorillion of us saar. PLease mUFT Balochistan saar. lub to endia. kech kerala sem2sem.
I mean you can have motion detection lights near by , or places of interests. Also, install some hidden cameras as these people must had come for recce.

We need China level surveillance system in big cities like smart city project in lahore. These people must have come to city at some point.

Nonetheless, at some posts, there should be drone helicopters which can act as CAS. While HALE/MALE can patrol the border.
I mean you can have motion detection lights near by , or places of interests. Also, install some hidden cameras as these people must had come for recce.

We need China level surveillance system in big cities like smart city project in lahore. These people must have come to city at some point.

Nonetheless, at some posts, there should be drone helicopters which can act as CAS. While HALE/MALE can patrol the border.

It seems to me they are either incapable of providing this sort of equipment or unwilling to.Perhaps the forces on the ground aren't trained on how to use it.

Seems like the armed forces are currently incapable of securing Balochistan from terrorist attacks and aren't willing to outright say it because of the economic impact.

The geography of the region is just mountain after mountain all in arid lands. Have a look on google maps for yourselves, but this is a screenshot of a small section.

Do we have any information about this woman? Does she live in Pakistan or west? If Pakistan then someone from LEA should pay her a visit and personally teach her why terrorists who attack military are not freedom fighters

Pajeet run account. Look at the editing on the pinned video, it's clear propaganda.

We should create a thread here, where we can post these accounts and mass report them.
They.cannot match KP, Punjab etc because of water, geography issues, I get it

But there should be enough resources available where they (especially Centeral Balochistan) shouldn't walk barefooted?

How can someone ignore the most important reason for Balochistan situation as of today? The Sardars. They kept people like their slaves, getting elected without any opposition and keeps the people down the poverty line so they will obey them and serve them. Most of these fighters are loyalists to Sardars with colonial mindset and those who thinks that they have to be paid with royalty for every development.
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