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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

Another sacred cow of Pakistani establishment, i.e. Iran.

Iranian partisans exercise too much disproportionate influence in Pakistani establishment, hence the inaction.
They are in Iran? In which area? Can it be accessible from Afghanistan? Pakistan can hit them from Afghanistan and then just deny any knowledge.
Kiddo?? I am nearing 50, even now I could knock you out and discipline you, you little pr|ck.

Iranian with turkisk? How the fk it even matter? You want terrorists sponsoring Iranian to fight the same terrorist they are hiding among them!

What kind up bringing you got you genocidal sectarian scumbag? Even your thoughts are absolutely fked up. Go and fking shoot yourself your pr|ck, you are nasty stain on our nation, but before you do that, shoot that shia mullah that indoctrinated you to this miserable condition.
Nearing 50 years/half a century* but talking like a teenager full of rage. Geez, get some help.
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Dudes Iranian establishment would be the stupidest intelligence agency in the world if they start supporting "balcoh liberation" a headache that even kills thier soldiers..
Think people, there might be some people within it's Iranian security apparatus

But "Baloch liberation" becoming a policy oof Iranian establishment
Makes little sense
, better ask for more collaboration, work on your strategy etc etc
Ie productive things

Not saying they're not doing thier share of secretion proxies - this is a genuine issue that needs a response!

But Balochistan is not Iran's doing
Why didn’t join all the patriots in 1965 or 1971 ? Or is it a generation Problem?
Wdym 65 cities and villages were joining and helping forces from digging, labor,weapons, food, fighting everything, we in Lahore city with old men living during the war know how everyday people helped in turning the tide
71 razakaars
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This is pretty damning to digest what has happened to these brave Fc jawans left to fend off for themselves. It appears our 6 largest army in world and PAF was unable to must anything to send and help these young boys!
I understand your point. Baloch militants kill our army officers every other month but the armed forces are not able to prevent or even give help to those who were fighting for 5 hours. Some people mentioned it is only a few areas where the militants operate from, but why our forces do not build small base(bases) to monitor their activity and if a terrorist incident takes place then send in reinforcement ASAP and finish them off. We should have the intelligence on their activities, use drone, surveillance. We all know 1000s of attacks took place in Pakistan due to militants who came from North Wazristan and South Waziristan but for 20 years we failed to contain the violence. Army could have easily set up small bases around those areas and used drones etc to monitor and contain the violence. Its easy to blame RAW but what can we do about it? Usa is the biggest enemy of Iran and occupied Afghanistan but how many attacks took place inside Iran or even China? These countries would take attacks inside their territory as very serious and take effective measures to protect themselves. Yes war has casualties but unnecessary deaths and attacks end up hurting the people, economy and investment. We cannot deny that Pakistan has not effectively dealt with terrorism and extremism. The anti terrorism laws were passed decades late, and now they are mainly used against political opponents instead of the terrorists, 20000+ terrorists were released by the courts, the terrorist supporters are freely walking around. Pakistan needs effective counter terrorism laws and propaganda to destroy the ideology of the terrorists, but so far we have not seen anything effective. In Balochistan we have communism terrorism and in tribal areas we have religious terrorism. We must make long term policy to deal with this, thorough military means, education, propaganda.
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A few points;

1- There are going to be losses in wars, no doubt about it, but it is how these losses occur. The death of these 10 brave soldiers clearly appears to be due to negligence of the Superior Officers.
2- No Armour-ed vehicles available to these soldiers.
3- No body Armour available to these soldiers.
4- No Drone or air support available
5- Field Commanders having to go through the command chain to get anything when clearly there were under attack !!
6- And so forth.

All in all, the COAS, his area Corps Commander and his subordinate commanders FAILED to identify and provide adequate weapons, protective gear, adequate means of communication, and air support to these soldiers, and that is why these 10 brave souls and countless others are dead !!
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Kiddo?? I am nearing 50, even now I could knock you out and discipline you, you little pr|ck.

Iranian with turkisk? How the fk it even matter? You want terrorists sponsoring Iranian to fight the same terrorist they are hiding among them!

What kind up bringing you got you genocidal sectarian scumbag? Even your thoughts are absolutely fked up. Go and fking shoot yourself your pr|ck, you are nasty stain on our nation, but before you do that, shoot that shia mullah that indoctrinated you to this miserable condition.

If you're a 50yo then lets wait another 10 years for you to mature.
Why didn’t join all the patriots in 1965 or 1971 ? Or is it a generation Problem?
1947: Mujahideen from tribal areas of Pakistan and Mujahideen from poonch and Mujahideen from all over occupied Jammu and Kashmir fought side by side Pakistan army against Indian occupiers

1956: Nehru laid claim for Chitral so Chitralis wrote a letter to the president Iskander Mirza over permission for 75 000 of them to attack Kashmir in retaliation. This was rejected by the president.

1965: Mujahideen from Kashmir once again help Pakistan. From Sindh Hur Mujahideen protects Sindh with their 50 000 mujahideen. Mujahideen from our tribal areas poured in to help our army even from Balochistan mujahideen came to help army.
Lahore and Sialkot the civilians helped in any way they could.

1971: Many Mujahideen formed in East Pakistan like Al Badr and Al Shams who helped Pakistan army. In West Pakistan once again Mujahideen from all over Pakistan helped Pakistan army in their fight.

1970s-1980s: When Afghan communist regime was supporting anti pak terrorists in Pakistan, that time Naseerullah Khan Babar, Inspector General of the Frontier Constabulary in NWFP working with Bhutto and ISI set up a 5000 strong militia in Afghanistan made up of many Pakistani Pashtuns as well.
When soviets invaded Afghanistan, Mujahideen from Pakistan poured into Afghanistan with the help of ISI like probably a good 50% of the Afghan Mujahideen were Pakistani Pashtuns from Tribal areas.

1990s: Kashmir uprising. Once again it’s Mujahideen from Pakistani Azad Kashmir who go into Kashmir and make it hell for Indians.

1999: Kargil war. Mixed with Pak Army was a large number of Pakistani Mujahideen who went there to fight all while Mujahideen were still making Kashmir Valley hell for Indians as well.

Post 9/11: Pakistani Mujahideen go into Afghanistan once again and make it hell for USA and nato supported by ISI.
Pakistani Mujahideen also been doing raids on LOC alongside Pakistan army.
Even as recently as 2018 Pakistani Mujahideen do raids on LOC alongside SSG and Pak Army.

Pakistan’s War on Terror: Thousands of Mujahideen join laskars made to fight TTP and other terrorists. Zarb E Azb even saw heavy use of patriotic Pakistani Mujahideen fighting TTP.

Balochistan: Patriotic Baloch Mujahideen been fighting terrorists alongside Pakistan army there.

Since 1947 till this day Pakistan heavily relies on patriotic Pakistani Mujahideen to help it. Whenever we were in difficult times our patriotic people stood by the army and helped it.

So next time do your research before making such a ignorant comment!
How many soldiers have we lost in Baluchistan to these attacks? Where are the UCAV Drones and Helos????

And why isn't there any introspect of why our own people have taken up arms against the state?
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