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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

I had a discussion regarding this with a senior military guy as well. The reality is that we cannot use the same tactics that we used in swat and FATA, balochistan is just too large. I think we need a large drones fleet and there should be 8 to 12 armed drones in the air in border areas of balochistan at any given instant. In case of this attack, if there were drones already nearby, they could have helped or atleast followed the terrorists to their den and blow it all. We need to adapt and not use the old tactics.
Pussies the whole bunch of you.

Replacing pussies with patriots, would respectable the situation more, what do you want-expect from pussies- them? Should the pussie-patriots Just shut up or volunteer for the frontline or do business as usual, wait for the next nebulous ISPR statement with 10 photoshopped Biometric shaheeds Fotos? Remember it was a long wake up call against the TTP which were at the gates of Islamabad, may be it's the trauma that plagues the guys here.
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Replacing pussies with patriots, would respectable the situation more, what do you want-expect from pussies- them? Should the pussie-patriots Just shut up or volunteer for the frontline or do business as usual, wait for the next nebulous ISPR statement with 10 photoshopped Biometric shaheeds Fotos? Remember it was a long wake up call against the TTP which were at the gates of Islamabad, may be it's the trauma that plagues the guys here.

Yeah Patriots should join up, all I see is incels laughing at these young mens great sacrifice
Yeah Patriots should join up, all I see is incels laughing at these young mens great sacrifice
What are you talking about brother? Who is laughing? I only see anger and grief being manifested in everyone’s own way.

Let’s not call each other more or less patriotic than ourselves just because we don’t agree with their anger due to this huge tragedy.
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It seems it was FC Balochistan that got hit in the attack and not the army. A great loss, obviously force protection is still a huge problem for the LEA and CI forces.
Some respectable members claim it’s war and casualties are part of it, and I agree. The issue is, we are more protective of the equipment than the soldiers they are supposed to protect in this war. For instance, we have a sizeable number of MRAPs but you’ll find them in Lahore, Karachi and other cantonments catching dust (I have pictures) but not in Balochistan. Our supposed rescuers (QRF) are also sitting ducks if they can be stopped by gunfire and SVDs. And we need to send a QRF to save our QRF. Informed members claim helicopters were told not to venture into that territory due to enemy presence, who should protect our guys if all our assets are so vulnerable? We literally waited for the enemy to leave before we could move in to our own territory. We were supposed to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies but what we see is the opposite with statements like our helicopters are very Nazuk, QRF got ambushed, presence of enemies deterred our aviators etc. Imagine how confident this enemy has gotten by staying there for 5 hours, thanks to how we have handled attacks of very similar nature in the past. I find it hard to believe that we do not have a single asset that can go into our own territory at a time of our choosing to take on 50 AK 47 and RPG equipped terrorists. And if we really don’t, I hope we procure it the earliest possible or else we might keep loosing soldiers as our currents assets are incapable (according to some).
MRAPs help when on the move. Not when you get attacked at your post built with some concrete and sandbags. Our force protection has been weak from ages ago on account of lack of resources. We have a lot of manpower so these losses will be made up but the impact to morale has to be considered.

QRFs could be miles away. Getting them to the post at night runs the risk of being ambushed. The other side knows about troops movement etc. around these posts.

This issue cannot be solved solely through military means. There will be a reaction to this attack but this will continue till talks are held and headway made. The LEA/Military efforts can only go so far as to make the environment feasible for talks by putting pressure on the militants but it cannot wipe out insurgency.
Video of the attack has been prepared with effects added…. BLF has yet to made this public but we were able to get hold of a short clip showcasing dead rat during the attack and previous attacks he has been involved in

Every check post or every 3 check posts should have this drone and drone operator inside the check post. When a terrorist attack happens this can help take out many terrorists.
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