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10 killed as Tugboat capsizes in yard in Turkey

Simple incompezency and low quality spare parts. I think the turkish made. valve did brake and flooded the ship. The rest was incompetency of a wanabe nato power.
Of course russian navy also has accidents but they are testing advanced torpedos with dangerous ignition. Not killing the poor sailors in their own harbour...
Simple incompezency and low quality spare parts. I think the turkish made. valve did brake and flooded the ship. The rest was incompetency of a wanabe nato power.
Of course russian navy also has accidents but they are testing advanced torpedos with dangerous ignition. Not killing the poor sailors in their own harbour...

Ahahah....your history is full of accidents even your famous prostitutes. .from hostage rescue to nuclear disasters..God would have done a favor to humanity if he had kept you out of any kind of tools.

So shameful that a country's famously with just public fails, accidents and her prostitutes...

Are they the Russian sailors you were talking about..zero understanding of respect to uniform, professionalism and safety..ohh sth very unfamiliar to reds...

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Simple incompezency and low quality spare parts. I think the turkish made. valve did brake and flooded the ship. The rest was incompetency of a wanabe nato power.
Of course russian navy also has accidents but they are testing advanced torpedos with dangerous ignition. Not killing the poor sailors in their own harbour...
1st of all , all parts in the ship are specially testes, fullfill requirement of ISO , also receives a permission from classification societies, which is known as elite league " IACS ".

2ndly, turkish navy doesnt take all the parts directly, 1stly tests it , gets all data relevant with parts , also any part to be replaced during maintenance are replaced with permission from classification society,and then navy's permission and test.

I have experienced this by myself, one of the fire sprays in the room havent provided required pressure of water at inlet of nozzle( the value was %3 ,while %5 is accepted in regulation , as engineering accuracy) , army request CFD ,corrected analyze from classification society,and then tested it , to be sure about rest of sprays. And then that spray is changed .

the issue with that ship remains unkown , but there are 3 facts, whoever giving commands wasnt thats high experienced to handle situation,also staff was inexperienced due to lack of training ,they ran into ship while capsize ,also one more thing is mentioned " fire fighting system of ship might be online during inclination at 1st phase, and killed some of staff inside ship and then weight additing triggered 2nd phase , the capsize ; one more thing, unfixed weights resulted a worse shift in center of gravity at 1st inclination phase. The same reason for Korean passenger capsized while maneuver.

To point of these ;
-1st its not about valve leave aside about being turkish produced valve , also its not so easy a ballast tank's valve would be broken (briefly ,almost imposibbile)
-2nd its not about NATO ,those engineers trained in turkey , naval academy,by lecturers which is best in their subjects.
-3rd, i have seen russian shipyards, heard plenty of accidents of them (usually accidents handled in classifed security clearance level), just maybe didnt spread this wide. ( there are even worse accidents in Turkish shipyard , resulted in material loss, no casuality but remains classified )
And whatever u call accidents while torpedo test, i know procedure for tests, and none of them relates a loose , casualty , they all have their own rules, in each step of test to minimalize possibility of accident.

My suggestion for you;
Stop looking down on turkish products, there are valve suppliers to netherland, finland , england and UAE (also some more) to be used in yachts and other platforms. All those are applied by ISO , IACS .(i gave valve as explain, since related to what you say there are other products)
2ndly, stop looking down on NATO, they have a good system of rules and regulations to be applied in navy shipyards, shipbuilding,and quality control.
3rd , stop praising Russia.

@Neptune mate, is this explanation enough for him ?:)
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A water valve did brake and flooded your ship, killing your sailors.

The valve was purchased from turkish supplier. Turkish companies dont care about regular quality control. ISO certification is not a quality proove anymore. Everyone can get that for money.
@isoo well put man. But the problem is, it works the otherwise for him..he's our routine troll. It's like the pet dog shi.ts everywhere when you take it to a walk every time :)
A water valve did brake and flooded your ship, killing your sailors.

The valve was purchased from turkish supplier. Turkish companies dont care about regular quality control. ISO certification is not a quality proove anymore. Everyone can get that for money.

where did you hear that " valve " story ,i really dont know it . But a valve,which is directly connected to outside of ship , its not a usual valve that you use in your home, by taps. The valve story is just mentioned at 1st time, but real cause of 1st inclination , that is caused by weight shift ,added on to filling of a tank ( probably ) , and tank might be filled because valve is left opened ,or a misconnection between staff on ship ,and on dock.

ISO rules does have a mean, i can see you didnt work in none of material acquistion process. Or how hard those acceptance are done . I mentioned classification society acceptance , and this ISO rule is just basis of acquire progress , then those products also accepted by classification society ( probably you know what this mean for a ship ) ,and then finally customer ( turkish navy is careful about which parts they are installing )

it wasnt valve failure,or 1st inclination killed people, it was 2nd phase, happened after weight addition on deck ,to counter side ,and ended up with capsizing.

I can see you didnt give attention what i wrote on above, beside comments on valve,i also showed you something more,but you still speak out same " valve "story. ---Valve broken and ship capsized wow :)--- rare thing you can hear in maritime accident

let me note this, i have directly talked engineer who lived that situation, additionally have talked to professionals who joined investigation, and they reported it,so i am not talking for free with trolling.

@isoo well put man. But the problem is, it works the otherwise for him..he's our routine troll. It's like the pet dog shi.ts everywhere when you take it to a walk every time :)
no need hard thinking to see he is trolling :) keeps talking about " valve,turkish made valve, turkish products sucks ,nato sucks,ISO sucks eveything non -russian is just sucks"
:D :
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Who cares russian navy?

Tell your jokes to the family members of your dead sailors.
Who cares russian navy?

Tell your jokes to the family members of your dead sailors.

we are not joking about incident, and i also accepted there was irresponsibility of someone , at my 1st post in there i mentioned about it..it was you who shifts it on materials.

10 staff , 2 of them civilan,passed away in incident and it was because of someone in there, but it wasnt about valve ,or turkish product ,or not about NATO .

We are joking on your words,how you take it to say. we are not blaming institutes, corporated,and turkish products,but blaming the respobsible person gave order during accident.
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