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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

IF US intelligence that good, why did NOT warn India beforehand? so that India Army could avoid a defeat.

Or maybe US intelligence believe a India Army collapse is in US interest? So that India has no choice but be a cannon fodder for free?
True story, I was there. I am friends with General Zhao. Cool guy. Loves cricket, big fan of Ijaz Ahmed and loved the way he used to wield his bat. Infact that's how he got the idea of beating the crap out of those poor indians. Remember Ijaz Ahmed's batting stance? That's how the Chinese troops wielded their bats in beating the indian BATS into a pulp.

Honestly I have been thinking the Chinese used baseball bats studded with metal like The Walking Dead's Negan character!!

On June 15, 20 Indian soldiers including the Commanding officer of 16 Bihar battalion, were killed in physical fights with Chinese troops in the GV close to the disputed Aksai Chin plateau and injuries to several others as claimed by Indian media. The incident comes days after Army Chief General M M Naravane said about both sides have begun disengaging from the Galwan Valley (GV)

Soldiers brawled with clubs, rocks and their fists in the thin air at elevation of about 4,270 meters (14,000 feet) above sea level, but no shots were fired, Indian officials claimed that the soldiers carry firearms but are not allowed to use them under a previous agreement in the border dispute. Casualties took place on both sides, an Indian Army statement said. However, there are no details on Chinese toll yet. China says the GV where Chinese and Indian troops were engaged in a deadly clash falls entirely within its territory. The Indian casualties include an imprisonment of a Commanding Officer and three other Officers, and about 6 Soldiers who were released by Chinese on June 17.

This GV, which is part of the disputed Ladakh region, is located on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) - the de facto border between the two Asian rivals.

The last time such casualties happened was in Tung La of Arunachal 45 years ago, way back in 1975, when four Assam Rifles men had been killed. The faceoff took place during the de-escalation process underway in the GV. The two armies are engaged in a standoff in Pangong Tso, GV, Demchok and Daulat Beg Oldie in eastern Ladakh. A significant number of Chinese troops have transgressed into the Indian side at several places including Pangong Tso. The border crisis started at Eastern Ladakh when Chinese troops intruded at four locations and set up forces in depth. The ongoing standoff at Ladakh different from earlier episodes like Depsang and Chumar. This is not a clash triggered during patrolling. This is a well-thought out move on China's part to pressure India simultaneously at multiple locations.

In early May, China has mobilized troops and equipment at these locations, including heavy vehicles, tanks, artillery and more than of 6,000 troops, on its side of LAC, and digging defense bunkers there. Meanwhile, India has also set up the intended infra in those locations. The India Army has stationed troops and equipment matching the Chinese numbers. Although high-level efforts are on to defuse the situation, a quick resolution of this standoff at Galwan does not seem likely now. Chances are that it could be prolonged impasse, with India unlikely to budge even as China appears unwilling to pull back.

Indian opposition legislators have also raised the issue of whether intelligence failures which allowed China to build up forces in the area. This encounter opens a Pandora box against an expenditure of an annual defense budget of about dollars 70 billion in recent years. The following questions must be raised by the opposition parties without thinking of any single positive response.

1. Why in the presence of more than 12 Mountain Divisions; the 12 Bihar Battalion; an Indian Army infantry regiment; was deployed at an altitude of 14K feet as a bait.

2. Did the military headquarters are not receiving, on a regular basis, satellite pictures of the GV?

3. Indian external intelligence agencies do not report any unusual activity along the LAC

4. Galwan river is a fast-flowing river and Indian forces crossed in the nighttime without the help of an Engineering Core

5. The numbers of casualties are because of physical fitness and indicating absence of Medical help.

6. The entire Military Forces of India is involved on J&K.
If push comes to shove

india should make galwan Valley a US airbase. Let chinese handle. If we can't have it you can't either and you will be screwed forever

Sure, but only if India is willing to pay for it and it doesn't come out of my tax dollars. This deal is also contingent on India purchasing US arms, no Russian arms allowed.

Furthermore, the entire point of encouraging Indians to poke at China is to use India as a meat shield. Why do you think we'll put our troops in harms way to protect Indians? It's your job to be the cannon fodder, not ours.
But your hiding the dead in your army.
I told you it's policy. Same reason until today India denies captured soldiers. India could not deny deaths because all are sent back in coffins. I believe we have agreement to save Indian face, let them deflect electoral pressure so we can keep the new 'status quo' of not an inch lost in Ladakh. Lolol
PLA failed to capture anything inisde Indian perception of LAC in Galwan
If we didn't capture anything PP14 to PP18, then wht is all the death been about? 20 ppl died for nothing? Hahhaha hahah. India could not cross the Chinese Claim Line now, you use to patrol deep inside upto 20km. That's why the 60sqkm captured claim, its permanent capture now.

Save your tears for pla soldiers who got their neck broken, and their parent who just got to see them in earthen pots.
Where mate? Ha hahhaha. You can create Bollywood stories to boost ego, all I see are 17 Indian iced to death plus 3 instant deaths and 10 captured drinking fantastic tea. Lol
BREAKING NEWS: Sources say the mighty Indian army and their war elephants have just entered Beijing. Xi and his commies are running to Taiwan. Tsai and Trump are deciding whether to grant Xi and his men permanent residency or tourist visa. ENDITEM
India loves to show off videos when they believe that could demonstrate their "strength".

If these are the best they can show, you can imagine the things they don't want to show, and you can understand why they lost 20+ men and their entire regiment-level commander chain in a melee fight with Chinese.
We already took Galwan and Pangong, we are waiting for you to react

You are dreaming...

Inspite your own Govt saying other wise,
in spite of sat pics showing otherwise,

You claiming that makes you look ignorant.

At least get basic facts right when you are looking to debate.
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