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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Another incident in Depsang plains.

Indians are now adopting strategy of hit & keep quiet,
What is emboldening us is that Chinese have decided to keep quiet anyway.

Our strategy from now on is to keep hitting and just stay quiet about it.

This is the trap dictators like CCP fall into when they can escape hiding dead soldiers,
opponent is happy to keep killing...

Welcome to India...we will bury the Chinese story at our border.

everyday Indians Come up with new versions to save their hurt ego even though modi himself surrendered
I dont see Xi having one either.

i dont think it counts much for beating the indian army...

keep in mind Chinese are high achievers.. not like indians where they give medal to shot down pilots.... on a kill no body on this planet believes.
Indian soldiers don’t have enough food, let alone medical care
See how brave Chinese soldiers are.
SISSY WEAK LOW MUSCLE INDIANS can only fight when they are 10:2 like in this video that they are so COWARDLY PROUD OF.
But to the world, they are COWARDS who run or SURRENDER when facing a stronger force.
Low muscle mass makes Indians disease prone

Brave Chinese fight on AGAINST THE ODDS.
Honestly I have been thinking the Chinese used baseball bats studded with metal like The Walking Dead's Negan character!!



indian should have watched walking dead.... may be they would have gotten some ideas....

but seriously the last 2 seasons of TWD have been lame.
See how brave Chinese soldiers are.
SISSY WEAK LOW MUSCLE INDIANS can only fight when they are 10:2 like in this video that they are so COWARDLY PROUD OF.
But to the world, they are COWARDS who run or SURRENDER when facing a stronger force.
Low muscle mass makes Indians disease prone

Brave Chinese fight on AGAINST THE ODDS.
One PLA solider can handle 5 indians. (4 vs 20 here)
Fake news

Only Chinese sources are acceptable.

But other news from Indian sources acknowledging the death of Indian Col. is not totally fake. But this one definitely is.
If you admit 20 of your own death, your death toll will be 20 if your media is honest, if not, then it will be way more than that.
If you claim the 'death' of your enemy by your 'sources', it is no more but B.S. to anyone who has a normal IQ.
You see the difference?
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