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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Aspen, going far head mate, its possible but lets back up thread OP with actual ground movements and manuvaers...so preety early to predict. Nothing as such happening.

I ask you Wisdom says - Patience is the key.

Time heals all things...unless you are India :lol::lol::lol:
US news/US intelligence, i dont believe their figures. Casualty figure is probably much higher than that.

Fact that chinese have stiched their lips with needle and thread for deads figure coz they fear that chinese public might turn the wave for revenge, tells us that casualty figure of chinese is high enough. Enough that CCP cant reveal, and enough that public cant digest.

Remember GT agreed they have casualty, but said they dont want to disclose. Also some sources tell that they are not done yet collecting and searching bodies in river, they need time. Some bodies did washed out to indian side. Being the professional army india will return the bodies with respect so that CCP will come to the proper final tally. So lets not pressure the chinese authorities and give them more time to come to the final figure.
Even if one PLA soldier get wounded by the joke indian army, we will not be satisfied with our performance. Casualty figures from our government will be released when PLA marched to the street of New Delhi, otherwise, we will let your media have much fun as you want..lol...
ha ha..is this China telling INdia not to kill Chinese troops who were actually in indian territory? China cant outmaneuvre INdia in a low to mid level conflict..cuz INdia has enough volume of military troops and equipment. INdia can handle a localized conflict..maybe not great...but it wont be bad if Indian govt doesnt want it to be.
may I ask about your origins? i.e an American of African or European or Bharati descent?
But this time India instigated the incident ... its different than china delibrately ramming boats in the SCS.

It may be true, India may have instigated the incident but the headlines around the world scream 30 Indians clubbed to death by Chinese troops. Not quite, but you get the drift.
like i said earlier, i don't care either way.

Sure you do,
As surely as I care
Or as surely as the Chinese posting here care...

If not, we would not be posting.

Banter is fine, after all we have just lost our soldiers.
But to blatantly disregard the most basic truths when debating matters is myopic.
Thanks for the feedback,
Hmm...can you ask your soldiers who have run away to come back and fight please?
Not before you can provide a picture like this to back your story:

Otherwise please just have fun with your media and your vedic math..LMAO...
Not before you can provide a picture like this to back your story:

Otherwise please just have fun with your media and your vedic math..LMAO...

posting old pics?
Sorry, don't have time for these silly competitions...carry on and keep up that LMAO...
makes you look really cool.
It's understandable India wants to recover their lost dignity. China lose nothing with a fabricated story as it serves to ease pressure and actually help it consolidate its holding. China is not there to collect ego, but territory.
True. And so that they will continue to buy Xiaomi, and Oppo etc. etc.
First IAF bitchslapped by PAF, now PLA thrashing Indian Army, what's next? Nepal booting out the BSF? well that would come later lets first grab some popcorns and enjoy the IA thrashing and Indian members going apeshit crazy on PDF, two joys in one ticket
I wrote this in another thread but I want to make a separate post about it here:

India will be very vulnerable in the winter when their supply lines get cut off but China's supply lines keep running.

I think the clashes right now are kind of a warm up where China and Pakistan are doing a dry run to test India's reaction in preparation for winter. These clashes are basically a way for China and Pakistan to gather valuable information about Indian strategy without risking anything before launching the real operation. China will let it cool down for a few months to lull India into a false sense of security and then set up a trap for the Indians and strike.

When winter comes, China and Pakistan will strike from two fronts in Ladakh and go for the kill.
What is the possibility that India might mount an offensive on GB using this incident as a ploy? They are moving military equipment into Kashmir and Indian deep state knows, it's no match to China.
First IAF bitchslapped by PAF, now PLA thrashing Indian Army, what's next? Nepal booting out the BSF? well that would come later lets first grab some popcorns and enjoy the IA thrashing and Indian members going apeshit crazy on PDF, two joys in one ticket

Situation is this...


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