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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

but you didn't solve the problem- you made it worse. Ramming boats in South China Seas, merciless assault with spiked clubs its all very gangsta .. many are wondering if the CCP is gang of thugs masquerading as the legitimate government of China.

Well, they did solve their problem in hand, which was to fend off Indian attack on their position.

International MSM was never nice to Chinese anyway. In any conflict it involved, China has always been portrayed as The Villain. Despite the fact that they have not fought a war for 40 years, they are still the "evil commie thug" that don't deserve any benefit of doubt. Maybe they don't care anymore, using "spiked club" won't make them any less legitimate.

I just hope the current situation won't escalate to the point that they have to use more legitimate weapons like cruise missiles and ballistic missiles.
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With the XV Corps and the XVI Corps of Northern Command facing Pakistan, and in Ladakh, with XVI Corps facing China, what is the difficulty that you foresee in focussing on both borders simultaneously? What is the equality that you imagine exists? And what are the consequences of opening both fronts?
I think the recent clash showed that it is not a matter of concentration or amassing of forces in a region. Logistics, supplies, weapon depots, medical facilities etc matter in such areas. The Indian Military ORBAT and its deployment can be discussed but coming back to the incident its seen this fight doesnt seem to be a 21st century fight rather a stone age fight. Its not easy to kill soldiers since they are trained to survive in harsh battlefield. The issue is why wounded Indian soldiers died of their wounds and not given proper medical treatment in time to save their lives ?
Well, they did solve their problem in hand, which was to fend off Indian attack on their position.

International MSM was never nice to Chinese anyway. In any conflict it involved, China has always been portrayed as The Villain. Despite the fact that they have not fought a war for 40 years, they are still the "evil commie thug" that don't deserve any benefit of doubt. Maybe they don't care anymore, using "spiked club" won't make them any less legitimate.

I just hope the current situation won't escalate the point that they have to use cruise missiles and ballistic missiles.
It appears that despite Indian efforts to arouse sympathy from the international community of this apparent massacre by the Chinese, none have sided with it. All are calling for restraint on both sides ...
Any news about the 34 missing Indian soldiers that captured or dead according to UK Telegraph?
It appears that despite Indian efforts to arouse sympathy from the international community of this apparent massacre by the Chinese, none have sided with it. All are calling for restraint on both sides ...

The fact that India has territorial disputes with 3 of their 5 neighboring countries did not help their cause.
paan, Biriani, sari wearing? more like half-nekkid trying to survive on vermin. if I were to prove it here, mod that used to be Oscar will issue warning for insulting a nation like he done it last time.

they have a choice join the army or eat rats

There are Sikh, Punjab, Madras , Assam , Bihar Regiments, is there a Brahman or Gujarat Regiment ?

It is the poor Sikhs, South Indians and Bahujans/Dalits who sacrifice their lives for the war mongering, coward jingoistic RSS, high caste Brahmans and Gujarati baniyas

Gujarat more audience of war than participant? State has high nationalistic fervour, but ranks low on army recruitment

The memory of India’s air strike on the militant camps in Balakot, Pakistan, will stir the emotions of Gujaratis as they queue up to cast their votes on 23 April. In their ears will echo the boast of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who said in Jamnagar early March, “Humara siddhant hai, hum ghuske marenge [It is our principle to enter (the enemy's) home and attack.]” It will likely inspire them to back Modi – he is, after all, Gujarat’s son, who dared Pakistan as no other Indian prime minister did previously. Expect Gujaratis to ride the tide of nationalistic fervour to the polling booth, not least because nationalism satisfies the state’s famed mercantile instinct for a homogeneously unified market.

Yet, Gujarat’s nationalistic passion has been ridiculed as pseudo. This is largely because Gujaratis constitute a minuscule percentage of the Indian Army. For instance, in May 2017, Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav taunted, “Jawans from Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, south India and other parts of the country have sacrificed their lives, but tell me whether anyone has been martyred from Gujarat.”


List of 20 Indian Soldiers killed in Gulwan , can any one name one Brahman or Gujarati ?

Translation: Extremely high casualties among Chinese PLA side. Which is why India is transparent on casualties but PLA is desperately trying to hide it using weak excuses:

Where this tweet say that PLA have Extremely high casualties???o_O:what:
and DO your Mighty/vedic IA reveals its actual casualties???:hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy:
Its only said BOTH HAVE CASUALTIES, WHERE THIS TWEET SAID PLA HAVE EXTREMELY HIGH CASUALTIES???:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:are you high on cow cola:crazy::crazy::crazy:
The fact that India has territorial disputes with 3 of their 5 neighboring countries did not help their cause.

Which neighbor does China NOT have territorial disputes?
In fact you have disputes with countries you don't share a border...

There are Sikh, Punjab, Madras , Assam , Bihar Regiments, is there a Brahman or Gujarat Regiment ?

It is the poor Sikhs, South Indians and Bahujans/Dalits who sacrifice their lives for the war mongering, coward jingoistic RSS, high caste Brahmans and Gujarati baniyas

We are soon going to raise a "secular" regiment...
Don't worry, we will take care of all of you lot.



The posters have been saying there are 0 Chinese casualties
And the only injuries are muscle strains due to beating Indian soldiers to death, which was promptly cured by massage..

So, now there are casualties on both sides?
Shh...You are going against the narrative buddy.
300 pages and 4 days later, many Indian members are still obsessed with the number of supposed Chinese causality, and are willing to pick whatever number that comforts them. It's this "bean-counting" bargain-basement Indianess, and the lack of strategic thinking at national level and among populace, that prevent India from becoming a true world class power.
You can see an example of 5th generation warfare with its essence of Information war here on PDF.

Indian members are posting according to how they perceive this clash on LAC. They are revolving around number of causalities of both sides, probably a method that eases their mind if enemy causalities are more in number. This seems analogous to winning votes in an election, number of votes matter ofcourse.

Indian media is also jumping in 5th gen warfare in the same manner that it does with Pakistan. News and updates to escalate situation, talk shows inviting indian and chinese panel members and generating emotions of anger, sympathy, etc with in their agenda of propaganda to show Indian nation and the world that Chinese are savages not humans.

On the other hand, Chinese members in this thread do not seem hyped about this incident neither are they falling victim to the agenda set by indian members to focus towards the number of causalities. Same is with Chinese media, this incident has certain got full attention of PLA command but Chinese media and Chinese public (i talked to some chinese and indians ) are not bothered about it. I know that media coverage in China is not like other countries, still i feel Chinese officials relaxed as compared to emotional Indians. My Indian friends have no other topic than this clash to discuss, while the Chinese friends are not much bothered like they have full faith in their military.

I think its not only that India, its military and its Govt have been thoroughly embarrassed by a bigger powerful country like China but also Indian media, Indian propaganda cells, Indian Military and Indian Govt have been experienced in working against Pakistan and they are handling this issue in the same manner. However, they are realising that China is a different ball game.

I do see that some Pakistani members are continuously arguing with indian members on number of causalities. This shows that through information war of 5th gen warfare, Indian media and Indian members on PDF have made an impact on PDF too, to discuss and repeatedly publish their agenda and revolve around points set by indian members. Thus not being able to look at the bigger picture of analysing and decrypting the impact of this clash based on logical and intellectual reasoning.
It is Indian govt failure rather Army failure. Those solider are not trained to fight with sticks and stones.
We lost 20+ people that is fact. These MoFu s jaishankar and modi suppose to lead the talk if they don't want war. They send army for talk. I don't understand how this arrogant s jaishankar selected as external affair minister. During Napal earthquake this guy was boosting about help in press conf everyday, that no one liked it.
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