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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

ha ha..is this China telling INdia not to kill Chinese troops who were actually in indian territory? China cant outmaneuvre INdia in a low to mid level conflict..cuz INdia has enough volume of military troops and equipment. INdia can handle a localized conflict..maybe not great...but it wont be bad if Indian govt doesnt want it to be.

You are an obsessed anti-Pakistan, anti-Muslim bigot. You will always support any enemy of ours.

What is a shameless person like you doing on our forums?

Go find somewhere else to spew nonsense.

Better yet come to India and join them to fight Pakistan and China. We will see how fast you run off cliffs to escape us.

merciless assault with spiked clubs its all very gangst

So your advice is to lie down and let Indians kill them?

Do you read your own stuff?

You don't give a thought to Kashmiris at all?
It is Indian govt failure rather Army failure. Those solider are not trained to fight with sticks and stones.
We lost 20+ people that is fact. These MoFu s jaishankar and modi suppose to lead the talk if they don't want war. They send army for talk. I don't understand how this arrogant s jaishankar selected as external affair minister. During Napal earthquake this guy was boosting about help in press conf everyday, that no one liked it.

you have been taken for a ride.. you pride is at stake, you up the ante with pakistan and had to backdown, same will happen with china..
u bark a lot and then run away, china doesnt bark and then puts energy for results..

sorry cowardice cant be treated
Well that’s what happens when you pretend to be a superpower but forget that your actually not a superpower and end up attacking a real super power.


Cloud Over India-China Trade Ties: Can India Afford To Boycott China ? | In Depth

I heard somewhere that Arnab said something ridiculous like they should isolate China? Can someone confirm this?

The posters have been saying there are 0 Chinese casualties
And the only injuries are muscle strains due to beating Indian soldiers to death, which was promptly cured by massage..

So, now there are casualties on both sides?
Shh...You are going against the narrative buddy.
Dude you're late comer to the show go back to very first pages of this thread Global times said already this that BOTH HAVE A CASUALTIES, that your countrymen posted as reference to save face, when International media (CNN/BBC/NYT/ABC news etc etc) reporting that only India have casualties at Laddakh but you troll countryman @silent_poison says that PLA has EXTREMELY huge casualties i ladakh, look at the tweet he posted and tell me WHERE ITS SAYS PLA HAS EXTREMELY HUGE CASUALTIES???
They are still missing as per some bharatis

Though I cower in fear of wrath of your posts, may I ask you to open a new front to discuss with Indian members instead of discussing/arguing Indian causalities ?
Arguing and counter arguing on same points set by others shouldn't be your move - bring them on the table to the subject that you want to discuss. Informed people know that the number of killed Indian troops are higher and the wounded could be above 100 or even 150.
USA in Vietnam lost the war even when it lost 58,000 troops while VC lost 10 times more troops (around 500,000).
Thanks buddy,

no, thank you, phrand!
modi turd.jpg
Well I totally disagree with your logic. War is the only option to free Kashmir and we strongly believe in last war with mushrikeen. It's in our blood it's in our teaching that this war is going to happen only Allah knows the timeline. I dont know what religion or cast you belong but we Muslims have strong faith we will live and die with freedom and enjoy the after life InshAllah. You need not to worry.

Thanks for the personal attack.

I pray that the coming generations of Kashmir are strong enough to enjoy the beauty of Kashmir during a nuclear fallout. You believe strongly in a war that will win you nothing. You believe that by becoming, what Quran calls "transgressors", you will get to kill mushriqeen for sawab. I wish it was that easy to earn Jannat. If however, India becomes the transgressor, then it is a duty upon every Muslim to take up arms and shed blood in the name of Allah. But you on the other hand, want to initiate that blood shed by BECOMING the transgressor. Never In the history of Islam, our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) initiated hostilities. Be it Ghazwa e Badar, Ghazwa e Uhad, Ghazwa e Khandaq or the conquest of Makkah (which was carried out due to the failure of Makkans to conform to treaty of Hudaybiyyah)

Me, being a student of International Relations, has to think of tangible and reasonable solutions to conflicts. So my argument is that the war between Pakistan and India cannot be physical in nature and could be one based on proxies, and efforts to weaken the other state through supporting separatist elements. In fact, this type of war is in full swing because both nations know that a conventional war between two nations will destroy each other.

Now if you ask me, I unfortunately know a bit about , what Michael Stevens of Vsauce calls "Cruel Bombs". You will be speaking about taking Kashmir and killing mushriqeen by invading Kashmir for sawab when millions upon millions of human beings in the subcontinent will cease to exist. Maybe that is our destiny, Allah knows. But one thing is for sure, that if that nuclear war comes, people like you will be blamed in history for the damage to the planet and human race. But you know Allah says in the Quran that he can destroy a civilization and replace it with a civilization that he likes. And he has done that multiple times. Maybe its our time also.
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Well I totally disagree with your logic. War is the only option to free Kashmir and we strongly believe in last war with mushrikeen. It's in our blood it's in our teaching that this war is going to happen only Allah knows the timeline. I dont know what religion or cast you belong but we Muslims have strong faith we will live and die with freedom and enjoy the after life InshAllah. You need not to worry.
another clueless illiterate molvi
Dragon Blood fry was tasty, the pepper took the taste to a new level,
Buddy, the Dragon Steak was out of the world, medium rare & just melted in the mouth.

wish I could share bit of it with you. ;)
you looks like living in your delusional world/ fairy tales/fantasy world
You are an obsessed anti-Pakistan, anti-Muslim bigot. You will always support any enemy of ours.

What is a shameless person like you doing on our forums?

Go find somewhere else to spew nonsense.

Better yet come to India and join them to fight Pakistan and China. We will see how fast you run off cliffs to escape us.

Well i dont understand why you're mad at me when Pakistan and China have done a coordinated pincer move on Indian military - so congrats. When Pakistan does well, i will commend Pakistan. I am not anti-Muslim. I come from a half Muslim half Christian country and i'm mixed. Mixed people are the least racist people on earth. thats a fact, incase you didnt know. You just read that my one comment and made so many false assumptions. do you think i am dellusional? you think i think India is so "competent" in handling The PLA? I am an ultra realist, always remember that.
China always call for peace, but that didn't prevent them from kill a whole company of Indians last time, its merely a gesture.

Indians can take any gesture as sign of weakness and make another move, actually given the unusual stern position this time China hold, I suspect China is waiting for them.

Tiger don't shout will they want to kill you, they move quietly and speak softly.
It is quite ironic though, only Chinese understand the true meaning of our diplomatic rhetoric...
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