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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

What I find amusing in all this. Indian establishment is desperate to move its focus to Pakistan despite getting humiliated by PLA occupying Indian claimed territory, and when they though they had weather the storm and now can focus back on Pakistan, then this happened. :D

Received this message from a very senior official in forces. I pray to God that the milieu out there is pacified at the earliest.



All those missing soldiers are already dead. India is not revealing the numbers to avoid panic. More than 200+ are expected to have been killed. Some of the Indian soldiers have died of bullet injuries.

Chinese have raised the bar and challenging India for a fight.
Funny how indians are indirectly defending China on this thread and bad-mouthing Pakistan. Talk about being OFF TOPIC.......:disagree:........:offpost:

because Indian and Chinese know that there is no benefits to anyone if fight will happen between India and china.

No Chinese or Indian support fight, any causalities of Indian or Chinese will not be justified because it is a kind of short tense situation.

Both countries are mature enough to talk and resolve the issue by talk...
Its a sad sad day that this IK and Bajwa duo is not taking advantage of the situation. Such a shame.
super-ultra moron or trying to deflect away from humiliation upon humiliation being piled on mother india? whether or not they are doing something, you think they'll come and announce it here first?:pissed:

@viva_zhao @rott :nono:
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I hope after this mess, Indians can be quiet for a while, afterall southwest has never been China's priority until 2017.

Otherwise the situation would have been far more one-sided when Chinese are not fighting with just fists or clubs, and I think China wont return any land if captured this time around as a good will.
All those missing soldiers are already dead. India is not revealing the numbers to avoid panic. More than 200+ are expected to have been killed. Some of the Indian soldiers have died of bullet injuries.

Chinese have raised the bar and challenging India for a fight.

What if they are hiding for ambush. you can just hide this kind of numbers you know. 10-12 ya maybe but 200+ no man its hard to believe

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