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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

- Pakistan launching missiles at Indian posts on the LOC- Word going around operations on the LOC ongoing. Would be a mild escalation on Pakistans part compared to what's going on at the LAC.
Missiles are high up the escalation ladder. Lots of fake missile firings were reported post Feb 27. Don't think that's true. LoC is definately hot however.
because Indian and Chinese know that there is no benefits to anyone if fight will happen between India and china.

No Chinese or Indian support fight, any causalities of Indian or Chinese will not be justified because it is a kind of short tense situation.

Both countries are mature enough to talk and resolve the issue by talk...
Are bhai bas bi kar. Word's in your unit got clubbed by the Chinese as they went to them "unarmed". If this is true, you should be ready to hold accountable your civilian government.
What if they are hiding for ambush. you can just hide this kind of numbers you know. 10-12 ya maybe but 200+ no man its hard to believe

If they were hiding, India will not claim that the soldiers were missing and did not return to the base camp. They would have said all soldiers are accounted. All the missing soldiers are already dead. India is trying to down play the incident as India is in no position to confront China.
OMG it is getting serious :o:
We will support CHINA :china:
Doesn't really need saying. Pakistan should be completely ready for whatever comes to pass. China will proceed as China sees fit and Pakistan has full faith in them and is always just waiting for the instruction to join the fight against these belligerent Indians.

May Allah (swt) protect our iron brothers and keep them steadfast in their resolve.

#西部战区发言人就中印边防人员在加勒万河谷地区的冲突发表声明#】西部战区新闻发言人张水利大校就中印边防人员在加勒万河谷地区的冲突对外发表声明:6月15日晚,在中印边境加勒万河谷地区,印军违背承诺,再次越过实控线非法活动,蓄意发动挑衅攻击,引发双方激烈肢体冲突,造成人员伤亡。加勒万河谷地区主权历来属我。印边防部队出尔反尔,严重违反两国有关边境问题协定协议,严重违反中印军长级会谈共识,严重损害两军关系和两国人民感情。我们要求印方严格约束一线部队,立即停止一切侵权挑衅行动,与中方相向而行,回到对话会谈解决分歧的正确轨道上来。China's military voiced strong dissatisfaction and opposition on Tuesday to India's provocative actions, which caused severe clashes and casualties, on Monday evening in the Galwan Valley region. It urged India to go back to the right track of resolving disputes via dialogue and negotiation. "The Galwan Valley region has always been a Chinese territory and the Indian border troops have seriously violated the agreements on border issues between the two countries," said Zhang Shuili, spokesperson of the Western Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), in a statement. The provocative actions have harmed the relations between the two militaries and hurt the feelings of the people of both countries, he added.
Doesn't really need saying. Pakistan should be completely ready for whatever comes to pass. China will proceed as China sees fit and Pakistan has full faith in them and is always just waiting for the instruction to join the fight against these belligerent Indians.

recent standoff has something to do with Pakistan VS India on LOC?
Its a sad sad day that this IK and Bajwa duo is not taking advantage of the situation. Such a shame.

What exactly do you want us to do? March over the LOC and just ask the Indians to go back? Do you think its that easy? If it had been, somebody would have done it long ago. This a mere skirmish with sticks and stones. Both sides will ultimately resolve this. You want us to go on a full fledged war in the middle of an pandemic?
How can Indian soldiers drop dead without any bullets being fired??

Are they Indian soldiers dying from fright??

Some Indian soldiers have died of bullet injuries. It is no longer hand to hand fights.

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