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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

No matter who they are when you look at their faces I feel certain respect for them.
They fought and died following the orders and for their country. We don’t know if they agree or disagree with their orders but they are no longer with their families and friends.

Respect for those who die for their country.

Yes, anyone who dies for his country deserves respect. RIP.

But their own compatriots have not given them the ultimate respects they deserve: what they did and how they died. They went to Chinese side to beat up our unarmed workers, and got beat by our real soldiers. They never killed 43 of our men, nor did we use those ugly barbed clubs which were made up by once again, their cowered fellow countrymen. See the Chinese side story thread and make an common sense judgement on your own.
today is the biggest disappointment for me on pdf. members are so much immature and no one can give them sense. quitting this forum for good.
Good luck man, may Allah protects you wherever you are.

This twitter account was the first one to report this clash between Indian and Chinese forces. At least 10 hours before any one else posted about it

Pakistanis are up now.

today is the biggest disappointment for me on pdf. members are so much immature and no one can give them sense. quitting this forum for good.

You don't have to leave brother. You chose a very strange place and a very inopportune time to have a crisis of conscience.

Currently a war is going on and you are concerned with the pain terrorisrs who are occupying our lands feel?

They should bring even more fierce weapons. How about chainsaw, spears, or IEDs. Indian guts should be used to paint all of Kashmir red.

Then they will realize the cost of occupying our lands.
It show the panic in Indian army ...

As family mourns soldier’s death, hours later he calls home to say ‘I am alive’
Sunil’s wife said she was thrilled to hear her husband’s voice on the phone after having mourned his ‘passing’ all night.

Since they have to lie to keep numbers hidden accurate records are probably very difficult to make
Since they have to lie to keep numbers hidden accurate records are probably very difficult to make
There is unconfirmed report, after the this brawl. Chinese moved there forces further inside Indian occupied territory.
I hope this is real. Welcome to the party! Back 1962 we had to retreat after victory, this time we will take everything back forever. Come on Indians, time to put your mouth where the money is!
I am hoping this is real too. Indians think Chinese armies are clowns in a circus. I suggest them to think again.
Pictures always hit home the reality of what happened. These are real people, human beings with families and loved ones now grieving. They gave the ultimate sacrifice for their nation and deserve full respect.

But one side of me does wonder, how many of these troops served on the LoC and fired at Pakistani soldiers?
mind your language you piece of sh*t.

Well deserved ban, religious abuse shouldn't be tolerated on our forum.


Fact Check: Pic of jawans resting passed off as Indian soldiers martyred in Ladakh. TOI

Nailed club to the head to confirm if they are dead. I am sure they will all get up and jump off a cliff.


Don't quit and stay. By the way you are Indian ???
He is Pakistani.

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