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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China


Bro, please translate.
This is barbaric, pure and simple.

I know we support the Chinese and are allied with China, but this act was barbaric. The Indians were ambushed by a much larger party of Chinese armed with these barbaric barbed wire clubs, knowing fully well the Indians would be unarmed and outnumbered. This is just medieval form of barbarism, and quiet frankly very sad.

My conscience does not allow me to support something like this (Although that does not matter at all)

From the account I've read it was the Chinese who were outnumbered and called in reinforcements. It is the fault of Indians for not being able to do the same. I'm inclined to agree with you that the act was barbaric but that does not even begin to describe Indian army acts in Kashmir so I am glad that someone is giving them the treatment they deserve.
Why would BD do that? To cut it's own economic lifeline? Please do look at these export stats. It is the western provision of low economic tariffs that have given the crutch for BD to stand. You think they are going to kncok crutch out?

BD wouldnt really do it but looking at BD Military deployments, BD Army has deployed just one Divisional sized force near Siliguri area, 66th Infantry Division, covering North west from from potentially three sides since its a tricky salient. There are 2 x Divisional sized forces that can be sent towards this area - 7th Infantry Division and/or 9th Infantry Division, without hopefully leaving gap in the defences. It would be interesting to see Nepalese Army deployments against Siliguri corridor.
This is barbaric, pure and simple.

I know we support the Chinese and are allied with China, but this act was barbaric. The Indians were ambushed by a much larger party of Chinese armed with these barbaric barbed wire clubs, knowing fully well the Indians would be unarmed and outnumbered. This is just medieval form of barbarism, and quiet frankly very sad.

My conscience does not allow me to support something like this (Although that does not matter at all)

This reminds me of a similar ambush where Pak arny troops were called for a flag meeting and ambushed.. you might be sensitive but not me.. they rightly deserve it.. if not, I hope you go and visit Kashmir.
This is barbaric, pure and simple.

I know we support the Chinese and are allied with China, but this act was barbaric. The Indians were ambushed by a much larger party of Chinese armed with these barbaric barbed wire clubs, knowing fully well the Indians would be unarmed and outnumbered. This is just medieval form of barbarism, and quiet frankly very sad.

My conscience does not allow me to support something like this (Although that does not matter at all)

Firstly there is no official notification of this being the case. Perhaps it would be prudent to wait for an official body to verify if this was the case.

Again we are not privy in knowing a larger Chinese party attacked a helpless unarmed small platoon of Indians so your assumption with respect is "jumping the gun".
I agree no one with a sane membrane would support something like this.

The problem is an earlier post - we discussed the meaning of "barbaric" - when it comes to a nation that sweeps butchering Muslims for the sake of their religion and a nation that freely fires at civilians in Kashmir "for the fun of it" - ones sympathy becomes diminished.

A nation denying, even when there is unequivocal proof - written, video and witnessed of such activity - one has to then wait for an official source to outline the real activity of what actually happened at this confrontation.
This is barbaric, pure and simple.

I know we support the Chinese and are allied with China, but this act was barbaric. The Indians were ambushed by a much larger party of Chinese armed with these barbaric barbed wire clubs, knowing fully well the Indians would be unarmed and outnumbered. This is just medieval form of barbarism, and quiet frankly very sad.

My conscience does not allow me to support something like this (Although that does not matter at all)

Lucky that Pakistan offers tea after firing a missile at the enemy. Pakistani hospitality is known worldwide.
This is barbaric, pure and simple.

I know we support the Chinese and are allied with China, but this act was barbaric. The Indians were ambushed by a much larger party of Chinese armed with these barbaric barbed wire clubs, knowing fully well the Indians would be unarmed and outnumbered. This is just medieval form of barbarism, and quiet frankly very sad.

My conscience does not allow me to support something like this (Although that does not matter at all)

Where is your disgust when entire villages are gangraped? From 6 year olds to pregnant and even elderly women? When ambulances are shelled? When civilian houses are targeted ? When young boys are paraded naked and shot dead and buried in mass graves? When our boys are beheaded and their heads kept as trophys? When kashmiris are crushed under vehicles or used as human shields?
This is barbaric, pure and simple.

I know we support the Chinese and are allied with China, but this act was barbaric. The Indians were ambushed by a much larger party of Chinese armed with these barbaric barbed wire clubs, knowing fully well the Indians would be unarmed and outnumbered. This is just medieval form of barbarism, and quiet frankly very sad.

My conscience does not allow me to support something like this (Although that does not matter at all)
Also this pic was released by an indian handle.. unless the chinese sent him the pics I wouldnt believe such nonsense.. you are free to believe the indian narrative aka propaganda...

Also who in the right mind goes to an enemy position asking for a withdrawal without any weapons?
The indian story is that indian troops went to chinese posts, beat them by, PLA called reinforcements who efffed them up.

Questions rise here:

How or why did indians have no weapons lol

Why didnt indian reinforcements arrive?

The pic of the dead indian col also auggeat more of a bullet injury rather than a nail studded baton.
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