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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

This is barbaric, pure and simple.

I know we support the Chinese and are allied with China, but this act was barbaric. The Indians were ambushed by a much larger party of Chinese armed with these barbaric barbed wire clubs, knowing fully well the Indians would be unarmed and outnumbered. This is just medieval form of barbarism, and quiet frankly very sad.

My conscience does not allow me to support something like this (Although that does not matter at all)

I reserve your views for non-combatants. For soldiers, psychopaths, and rapists I dont care.

Armies sign a contract that they wont care for their life. In PMA, they make every cadet watch Faces of Death again and again to the extent cadets are desensitized toward death.
Kill or be killed. The battlefield is no place for diplomacy. If people want to avoid the attrocities of war, don't start wars. Once they begin, savagery and death is the only way it goes.
that was my point. soldiers dont start war. the leaders do. soldiers only pay the price with their lives.
Also this pic was released by an indian handle.. unless the chinese sent him the pics I wouldnt believe such nonsense.. you are free to believe the indian narrative aka propaganda...

Also who in the right mind goes to an enemy position asking for a withdrawal without any weapons?
The indian story is that indian troops went to chinese posts, beat them by, PLA called reinforcements who efffed them up.

Questions rise here:

How or why did indians have no weapons lol

Why didnt indian reinforcements arrive?

The pic of the dead indian col also auggeat more of a bullet injury rather than a nail studded baton.
Who said I'm believing the Indian narrative. I'm saying it doesn't make sense, Indians claim that their soldiers drown. How can they drown in shallow water
Can't say i could align with you, however if BD goes in this direction then you are militarily talking about a force of 10 x infantry Divisions standing against India. The only pivotal axis that comes to my mind is Siliguri. Then on north west and west is Nepal with a standing Army of 8 x Infantry Divisions. If BD Army concentrates its military formations from the south and south east while Nepalese Army comes from west and North west towards Siliguri, China will gain a head start coming down south from Tibet.

This way Pakistan and China will open fronts in IOK while BD, Nepal and China will open fronts on eastern side of India, however it looks next to impossible right now, only time will tell. India will look towards USA and NATO to form an alliance against China, Pakistan, BD and Nepal.
Bangladesh Army is going to be soon more than 400000 active guys. There Navy soon with induction of new Submarines will be one hell of a force and only thing left is Air Force. Bangladesh 90 % border is with India.
Who said I'm believing the Indian narrative. I'm saying it doesn't make sense, Indians claim that their soldiers drown. How can they drown in shallow water
It's the indian way of saying they died of natural causes or accident but in truth they were killed by their opponents.
Bangladesh Army is going to be soon more than 400000 active guys. There Navy soon with induction of new Submarines will be one hell of a force and only thing left is Air Force. Bangladesh 90 % border is with India.
You're betting on the wrong horse.
yes indian army tortured kashmiris but my question is why soldiers all over the world lack humanity? why majority of them lack morality?
It was india that released a video of a dozen troops lynching a lone pla soldier. Should have asked than.

And dont ask retarded questions. They went to take chinese positions not pamper them with milk and honey.
Bhartioun ka ziada afsoos ho tou ghar mein saaf bicha k matam manao. Nobodys stopping you.

Where can it be found?
Yaar see my postings in the same thread.
Common sense. Not everyone deserted. Some fought. India is a vast and diverse country. India is a dinosaur.

Be very careful dinosaur now days world keeps these kinda things as a show piece. Watch out many hunters about.
The PLA moving in on IndianOccupied SouthTibet is a Major development... infact, huge development!

It appears the PRC is applying maximum pressure on ModiRegime to mend its expansit ways and resolve issues through dialouge under the New ChineseStatusQuo!

The options for the ModiRegime are deminshing with each passing day!

Well! why would they not? ... and who would not?

Chinese are not meeting any resistance .... it is complete walk over.

This is barbaric, pure and simple.

I know we support the Chinese and are allied with China, but this act was barbaric. The Indians were ambushed by a much larger party of Chinese armed with these barbaric barbed wire clubs, knowing fully well the Indians would be unarmed and outnumbered. This is just medieval form of barbarism, and quiet frankly very sad.

My conscience does not allow me to support something like this (Although that does not matter at all)

My conscience allows this and much more than this ..... these are rapists of muslim girls in Kashmir .... their leaders have openly declared that it is time to kidnap Kashmiri girls.
100% fake.
Cathy Rolanova is a fake Pakistani acocunt run by a guy named Shoaib.

Abay tujh sai ziada fake kaun hoga multiple ID rat :lol:

This is barbaric, pure and simple.

I know we support the Chinese and are allied with China, but this act was barbaric. The Indians were ambushed by a much larger party of Chinese armed with these barbaric barbed wire clubs, knowing fully well the Indians would be unarmed and outnumbered. This is just medieval form of barbarism, and quiet frankly very sad.

My conscience does not allow me to support something like this (Although that does not matter at all)

LoL :lol:
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